
Sun Minghui was expelled, and the referee's show failed to arouse the fighting spirit of the Guangdong team! The whole team was down only because of the cold weather

On December 26, Beijing time, the first round of the second phase of the CBA continued. In the evening, Guangdong and Guangsha were another focus of the round, and the feeling at the beginning of the game amazed the fans. The Guangsha team played very actively, full of state, and wanted to eat the Guangdong team in one bite. The Guangdong team was full of divine travel, only 2 points in the first 4 minutes, only 10 points in a single quarter; only 30 points after half-time, which is such a terrible game.

Sun Minghui was expelled, and the referee's show failed to arouse the fighting spirit of the Guangdong team! The whole team was down only because of the cold weather

More than a month of window, coupled with the Guangdong team's national player 4 and coach Du Feng is not in the training hall, plus Weems has only returned to the team in recent days. The most important key factor is that the weather in Jilin is really too cold, which is still greatly affected by the state of the Players of the Guangdong team. At the beginning of the game, although Du Feng tried hard to adjust the lineup to activate the players, the effect was not too good. Fortunately, in the second quarter of the game, Guangdong team strengthened its defense while slowly regaining its sporting form, which was obviously better than the second quarter.

Sun Minghui was expelled, and the referee's show failed to arouse the fighting spirit of the Guangdong team! The whole team was down only because of the cold weather

In the first quarter, Hu Jinqiu single-handedly overtook the Guangdong team, scoring 10 points for the Guangdong team in the single quarter. In the first quarter, Hu Jinqiu played very delicately, playing well against Xu Xin, and using the foot advantage against Su Wei to help the team score consecutive points. Hu Jinqiu is the core output, and Sun Minghui is a bit cool. In just over half a quarter of the game, Sun Minghui continuously blew penalties for corporal fouls and technical fouls, and was blown off the field. From the slow-motion analysis, the first violation of the body was not large, because Guangdong controlled the player organization to fight back and blow the violation.

Sun Minghui was expelled, and the referee's show failed to arouse the fighting spirit of the Guangdong team! The whole team was down only because of the cold weather

Sun Minghui left, and the Guangsha team also had Feng Xin. The Guangsha team obviously did not panic because of Sun Minghui's departure, And Zhao Yanhao and Feng Xin took over the game to help the team stabilize the situation, and the entire first half was under the control of the Guangsha team. Guangdong's three-point shooting rate is only 7%, although the defense has been strengthened, but the offensive efficiency is slagged to the extreme.

Sun Minghui was expelled, and the referee's show failed to arouse the fighting spirit of the Guangdong team! The whole team was down only because of the cold weather

At the beginning of the second half of the game, the Guangdong team obviously had a lot of changes, and the defensive intensity was always oppressive, hoping to narrow the point difference through defensive counterattack. The effect is still quite good, and the Guangdong team has narrowed the point difference from 17 points to single digits. Although Guangdong has continuously narrowed the point difference to single digits, Guangsha has been able to stabilize double digits through consecutive points scored by individual players. With Zhou Peng's last 3-pointer, Guangdong successfully narrowed the point difference to single digits, and there was still a chance to turn the tables in the fourth quarter. Judging from the game situation in the third quarter, the Guangdong team is trying to find a better state.

Sun Minghui was expelled, and the referee's show failed to arouse the fighting spirit of the Guangdong team! The whole team was down only because of the cold weather

After the third quarter, the Guangdong team made 18 mistakes and the Guangsha team made 15 mistakes. Mistakes converted to score, and the Guangsha team did better.

In the fourth quarter of the decisive victory, the Guangdong team always maintained a high-intensity defense and tried to eat away at the point difference. The score was very anxious, always between 4-5 points, the toughest moments of the game, who can hold the details, stabilize the rebound can win the game. Although the playing time is well controlled, Du Feng dares to use Yi Jianlian and returns to the 19-20 season. When Yi Jianlian was on the court, the Guangdong team's defensive quality and rebounding protection were quite good.

Sun Minghui was expelled, and the referee's show failed to arouse the fighting spirit of the Guangdong team! The whole team was down only because of the cold weather

If Liaoning loses yesterday, it is Yang Ming who protects the main players and allows them to adjust and recover. Then guangdong team loses, that is the state and the players. Zhou Peng and Yi Jianlian both played for more than 20 minutes, and other young players played more fragmented. The Guangdong players did work hard, but their physical state and athletic mood were very low. I would like to ask, on such a cold day in Changchun, how to ensure the logistics of the players and the status of the players? I hope that the players will protect themselves and play the second stage healthily.

Xu Xin came, but unfortunately in the first two minutes, with 2 rebounds, the ball missed and led to the end of zero eggs. The Guangdong team fell into passivity from the beginning, until the last minute, Du Feng sent Xu Xin to the field again. Losing the first game and contributing almost zero on the field may be a blow, but it should stimulate the desire of young people to struggle.

It's normal to lose, it's just a regular season. Adapt to the climate of Changchun as soon as possible, adapt to the stadium, and adjust the state as soon as possible to play a good game.

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