
Mother and child safety: She bent down to lift for 32 minutes, just to prevent the fetus from prolapsing off the umbilical cord

At about 9:00 a.m. on December 24, the tense scene that occurred in Liuyang People's Hospital - female doctor Jiang Qiaolin was lying on the hospital bed, supporting the head of the fetus in the birth canal of the pregnant woman, and maintaining the bending and lifting action for 32 minutes, winning valuable time for surgical rescue.

December 24 at 9:17 a.m

Midwife Zhang Yan

When examining the mother Liu Mou (pseudonym).

It was found that there was a cord in Liu's body

Jiang Qiaolin, who was beside him, quickly stepped forward to check

Can be touched to the beat

Her heart suddenly tightened: the umbilical cord was prolapsing!

She immediately notified director Ouyang Xinyu

"Sure it's umbilical cord prolapse

fast! Sent to the operating room"


Ouyang Xinyu trotted along

While calling the operation center and anesthesia department, we will inform the department

Prepare for surgery

Initiation of emergency caesarean section procedures

The umbilical cord is the lifeblood of the fetus

It is also the only energy supply

Once the umbilical cord circulation is blocked, it can lead to stillbirth in a short time

To reduce umbilical cord compression

Dr. Jiang Qiaolin immediately used his hand to support the fetal head in the birth canal

To ensure the strength of the hand

She could only curl up and half kneel on the delivery bed

As the flat cart is passed

Under no shadow lights

Director Ouyang Xinyu, the chief knife, calmly coped

The operating room, anesthesiology department, and neonatology team on the side are waiting


With a cry of "Wow"

Liu successfully gave birth to a baby boy

The maternal family outside the operating room also cried with joy

Within 32 minutes from the discovery of umbilical cord prolapse to the time the fetus lands

Dr. Jiang Qiaolin's hands and legs remain in one position for a long time

I was trembling involuntarily

Numb to the point of almost losing consciousness

"The moment I heard the baby crying, I was relieved."

"Umbilical cord prolapse is the period of childbirth

Serious complications that threaten your baby's life

The umbilical cord is compressed and the blood flow is obstructed

The fetus may present with intrauterine distress or death

The situation is critical

Only hold the baby's head

Leave the umbilical cord uncompressed

to buy time for your baby."


Ouyang Xinyu said

Lift up life with your life

Meet the new students together

Source 丨hong network forum netizen @ Liuyang People's Hospital Liu Yaling

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