
Old Beijing famous snack, Su Dongpo once wrote a poem to advertise it, a breakfast is indispensable

author:Master Brother History

What are the famous snacks of old Beijing? When it comes to Beijing, many people immediately think back to Beijing roast duck, in fact, There are many famous flavor snacks in Beijing, in this issue, the senior has sorted out the top ten famous snacks of old Beijing for everyone, let's take a look at it!

An old Beijing fried sauce noodle

Old Beijing fried sauce noodles, is a rich food in Beijing, known as one of the "Top Ten Noodles in China", made of dish codes, fried sauce mixed with noodles. Cut or cook cucumbers, toon, bean sprouts, green beans, soybeans, make a dish yard for later, then make a frying sauce, put the diced meat and onion ginger in the oil and fry, and then add the yellow sauce made of soybeans or sweet noodle sauce to fry, that is, fry, after the noodles are cooked, fish out, burn the fried sauce, mix with the vegetable code, that is, the fried sauce noodles. There are also noodles that are fished out and then soaked in cool water and then added with fried sauce and vegetable codes, called "over the water" or "cold noodles".

Old Beijing famous snack, Su Dongpo once wrote a poem to advertise it, a breakfast is indispensable

The popularity of fried sauce noodles in Beijing is evident from the smooth slip of the old Beijing noodles on fried sauce noodles: "Short-mouthed toon sprouts, torched vegetables cut into segments; Bamboo shoots at the end of the dish, dog teeth and garlic to break two cloves; The sprouts are removed from the roots, and the cucumbers with thorns on the top flowers should be cut into fine strips; Heart beauty, cut a few batches, blanched beans, small water radish with green wisps; Drizzle with chili sesame oil and splash the mustard on the spicy nose and eyes. Although the noodles with fried sauce are only a small bowl, the seven plates and eight bowls are noodles. ”

2. Ai Wo Wo Wo

Aiwowo is a kind of Beijing-style snack with a long history, and it is also one of the thirteen best old Beijing snacks, which is quite popular with the public. The main ingredients are glutinous rice flour (rice), flour to make the outer skin, the filling of the inner bag is rich in variations, there are walnut kernels, sesame seeds, melon seeds, yam puree and other nutrient-rich natural ingredients, the texture is sticky, the taste is sweet, the color is snow white, often decorated with red hawthorn cake, beautiful and festive. In the "Yandu Small Food Miscellaneous Songs", it is said: "White powder rice into the steamer, assorted stuffing powder noodles." It is like a tangyuan that does not wait to be boiled, and it is called a love nest. ”

Old Beijing famous snack, Su Dongpo once wrote a poem to advertise it, a breakfast is indispensable

3. Stir-fried liver

Beijing Fried Liver is a famous traditional snack made from pork intestines, pork liver, etc. According to records, fried liver, as an important part of Beijing's traditional breakfast, has been around for more than a hundred years. Fried liver was invented by Huixianju, which was opened in the first year of Qing Tongzhi (1862 AD), and was based on the original sale of "white soup offal", removing the heart and lungs and hooking the mustard, thus forming the fried liver that has been passed down to this day.

Old Beijing famous snack, Su Dongpo once wrote a poem to advertise it, a breakfast is indispensable

Four bean juices

Bean juice is a unique food in Beijing, which is made by boiling the starch after the starch is removed when the mung beans are ground in water to make vermicelli or dough powder, and the remaining soup water is light green and green, which is fermented and boiled. It is said that as early as the Qianlong period, bean juice has been introduced to the royal family. Because the smell and taste of bean juice is unique, the appearance is witty, if it is not long-term contact, it is difficult to get used to, which is why it is said that those who do not drink bean juice are not authentic Beijingers. Drinking bean juice is exquisite, first of all, it must be hot, occasionally grunting a few bubbles of heat is the best, and then you must be accompanied by a very finely cut mustard knot, drizzled with spicy oil, and at the same time have to take two "scorched circles", eat the main taste sour, sweet aftertaste, mustard salty, red oil spicy, five flavors account for four flavors, plus the crispness and aroma of the scorched circle, perfect!

Old Beijing famous snack, Su Dongpo once wrote a poem to advertise it, a breakfast is indispensable

5. Boil and cook over high heat

Boiled fire is a traditional Beijing snack that originated in Nanheng Street in the south of Beijing. It is said that during the Guangxu period, because the su-made meat cooked with pork belly was expensive, people replaced it with pig head meat and pig sewage, and after the spread of folk cooking masters, over time, it was boiled and boiled. Brine and fire is to put the fire and stewed pork intestines and pig lungs together to cook, supplemented by fried tofu slices, marinade, garlic juice, sauce tofu juice, coriander and other accessories, so that the fire is burned through and not sticky, the meat is rotten but not bad, quite popular with people.

Old Beijing famous snack, Su Dongpo once wrote a poem to advertise it, a breakfast is indispensable

Six Old Beijing donkeys rolling

Donkey rolling is one of the traditional snacks of old Beijing and Tianjin Wei, also known as bean noodle cake, which originated in the northeast region and is called donkey rolling in Beijing. The finished product is yellow, white and red, and the brakes are good-looking. Because the soybean noodles sprinkled in the final production process are like the gusts of loess that are raised when the wild donkeys in the suburbs of old Beijing are rolling and rolling, it is named "donkey rolling". The outer layer of the "donkey rolling" is full of bean noodles, golden yellow, sweet bean filling, soft entrance, unique flavor, bean filling is melted in the mouth, sweet into the heart, soybean noodles can not be chewed after entering the mouth, fine tasting, is a traditional flavor snack suitable for all ages.

Old Beijing famous snack, Su Dongpo once wrote a poem to advertise it, a breakfast is indispensable

Seven pea yellows

Pea yellow, also known as pea yellow, is one of the thirteen best snacks in old Beijing and is a good product in Beijing in spring. Peas are usually ground, peeled, washed, boiled, sugar-fried, coagulated, and cut into pieces. The finished product has a light yellow appearance, a sweet taste, and a cool mouth. The pea yellow of the Qing Palace, made of fine white peas as raw material, is famous for its Cixi love of food; folk rough pea yellow is a typical spring food, commonly found at spring temple fairs.

Old Beijing famous snack, Su Dongpo once wrote a poem to advertise it, a breakfast is indispensable

Eight ginger sauce steak forks

Ginger sauce steak fork is one of the thirteen best old Beijing snacks, from its name can be known, it has fresh ginger in the raw material, so it has a clear fresh ginger flavor when eating and got its name. The fried steak fork over honey, the way to pass the honey is to use fresh ginger peeled and cut into thin wires, use water to boil the ginger shreds after fishing out the ginger shreds, put in the sugar, open the pot after putting caramel, osmanthus flowers, continue to boil and then move to the low heat, the fried row fork into the ginger shredded osmanthus caramel honey, after the honey of the row fork into light yellow, there are crisp, sweet, fragrant characteristics, there is a ginger flavor when eating.

Old Beijing famous snack, Su Dongpo once wrote a poem to advertise it, a breakfast is indispensable

Nine noodle teas

Noodle tea is not a tea soup, but a paste made of millet noodles or millet noodles, drizzled with tahini on the surface, and the tahini should be lifted up and pulled into a silky shape and poured on the noodle tea in a circle. Old Beijingers drink noodle tea, pay attention to not using spoons or chopsticks, but to take the bowl in one hand, first put their mouths together, stick to the edge of the bowl, and drink in circles. The noodle tea is very hot, and its practical suction is more appropriate. The noodle tea and sesame sauce in the bowl flow together to the edge of the bowl and then into the mouth, and each bite is both sesame sauce and noodle tea, which is what you want, this feeling, this taste.

Old Beijing famous snack, Su Dongpo once wrote a poem to advertise it, a breakfast is indispensable

Ten focal coils

Jiaoquan is a kind of traditional specialty snack of old Beijing, one of the thirteen best snacks of old Beijing, with a dark yellow color, shaped like a bracelet, caramelized and crispy, and unique flavor. In old Beijing, men and women, young and old, love to eat scorched circles, eat burnt cakes and love to sandwich scorching circles, and love to focus circles when drinking bean juice. Su Dongpo of the Song Dynasty once wrote a poem about the focal circle, which is said to be the first product advertising poem in China: "Kneading hands into jade numbers, frying tender yellow depths in green oil, sleeping in the spring at night without weight, pressing the beautiful people wrapped around the arms of gold." Li Shizhen's "Compendium of Materia Medica And Gubu" of the Ming Dynasty also records: "Enter less salt, twist the rope into the shape of a ring, and fry it in oil." "The coke ring can be stored for ten and a half days, the quality is unchanged, crisp as ever, crisp and crustless, and it is a favorite food for thousands of years."

Old Beijing famous snack, Su Dongpo once wrote a poem to advertise it, a breakfast is indispensable