
"Fracture Kai", who originally thought he was going to play a single stick for the rest of his life, actually got married!

{"info":{"title":{"content":"原本以为要一辈子打光棍的“骨折凯”居然结婚了!","en":"\"Fracture Kai\", who originally thought he was going to play a single stick for the rest of his life, actually got married!"},"description":{"content":"这天骨折凯神秘兮兮的把我叫出去,说要跟我说一件事,我当时还在纳闷呢,什么事情这么神秘,等出去了之后,骨折凯从他包里拿出了...","en":"On this day, Fracture Kai mysteriously called me out and said that he wanted to tell me something, I was still wondering, what was so mysterious, and after going out, Fracture Kai took it out of his bag..."}},"items":[]}