
Seventh Grade Chinese Book Unit 2 Knowledge Combing List. Preview review can be used to understand literary and cultural common sense literary and linguistic knowledge induction

author:Teacher Fifi speaks Chinese

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > glyph</h1>

Lesson 5: Autumn Nostalgia

【Notes under class】

Qiáo cuì (shàn)

【Read, Read, Write and Write】

Paralysis (tān huàn) violent (bào) anger silence (jì) servant (shì) lane

Chuí (chuí) yāng yāng

Tips (jué) don't be elegant, elegant and messy (màn)

FÙ to go to overjoyed

Lesson 6: Walking

Convinced Disagreement (qí) Depends on (jué) shà both

Lín sparkling has its place

Lesson 7 Two prose poems

(nì)Laughing Hua Rui (ruì) 菡萏(hàn dàn) 欹(qī) oblique

Ti (dì) stem (gěng) mu (mù) bath prayer (dǎo) sue

Sister (zǐ) sister ting (tíng) pavilion wandering (pái huái)

Shade(enē bì) Mood(xù) Flow(zhuǎn)

【Supplementary words in this unit】

Implicit (xù) wall Pea (wān) Blood (xuè) contains

Chuǎi (chuǎi) 纘 (chāi) scatter grievances (qū) meaning baggage

Endowed with shade (yīn) knee (xī) cover water tank bored

Lotus (péng) pour (qīng) side Compassion Essence (cuì)

Condensed Rhymes (xié) take delicate brake (chà) that wisdom

Willow asks for advice Shèn groans

Tempering (kē) Breaking Instructions (zhǔ) 咐 Wrestling (jiāo) integration

Inscribed bone inscription (míng) heart lonely (lòu) oligarchy invited outline auxiliary (fǔ) help

Seventh Grade Chinese Book Unit 2 Knowledge Combing List. Preview review can be used to understand literary and cultural common sense literary and linguistic knowledge induction

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="31" > word understanding</h1>

1. Word meaning understanding

(1) Often test two-word words

(1) Gaunt: Describe people as thin and have a bad complexion.

(2) Tips: Separation (mostly referring to parting that is not easy to see again).

(3) Differences: Inconsistencies in ideas, opinions, records, etc.

(4) Sparkling: Describe water, stone and other clear.

(5) Prayer: Pray to God for blessing.

(2) Frequently test four-word words

(1) Flip over and over: turn back and forth; repeat again; repeat many times.

(2) Overjoyed: Especially happy when encountering unexpected happy events.

(3) Each has its own place: Every person or thing is properly settled.

2. Word discrimination

(1) Silence: Very silent; no news.

Silence: No sound; very quiet.

(2) Wandering: walking back and forth in one place; figurative hesitation; figurative things fluctuating and undulating within a certain range.

Wandering: Leisurely; walking in peace.

(3) Shade: (branches and leaves) shade; shade.

Occlusion: An object is in a certain position of another object, so that the latter is not revealed.

Seventh Grade Chinese Book Unit 2 Knowledge Combing List. Preview review can be used to understand literary and cultural common sense literary and linguistic knowledge induction

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="50" > common sense in literature and culture</h1>

1. Writer's works

(1) Shi Tiesheng (1951-2010), born in Beijing, is a writer. His representative works include the novels "My Distant Qingping Bay", "Fate like Strings", "Notes on Retreat", essays "I and the Temple of Earth", "Acacia Tree", "Sick Gap Broken Pen" and so on.

(2) Tagore (1861-1941), Indian writer and poet. He is the author of the poetry collection "New Moon Collection" and "Asuka Collection". Winner of the 1913 Nobel Prize in Literature.

(3) Bing Xin (1900-1999), formerly known as Xie Wanying, writer and poet. His major works include the poetry collection "Stars" and "Spring Water". Her prose is clear, timeless, artistically exquisite, unique, known as the "ice heart body".

(4) Liu Yiqing (403-444), a native of Pengcheng (present-day Xuzhou, Jiangsu). He once served as Zhongshu Ling and Jingzhou Assassin History, loved literature, and was a scribe of Xina, and organized the literati to write a collection of Zhiren novels, "The New Language of the World".

2. Cultural knowledge

"That red lotus, last night was still a lotus" in the "han" is another name for the lotus, which refers to the red lotus with buds. ("Lotus Leaf Mother")

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="58" > induction of literary knowledge</h1>

1. Pass the kanji

Honorable King in No ("No" is the same as "No")

2. Ancient and modern meanings

(1) Lecture on the meaning of the thesis with children (Ancient meaning: children, here refers to juniors, including nephews and nieces. Imami: Sons and daughters. )

(2) Unruly willows rise from the wind (Ancient Meaning: take advantage of, multiply. Imayashi: Because. )

(3) Chen Taiqiu and Youzhi Xing (Guyi: Covenant. Imami: Date. )

(4) Taiqiu She goes (Guyi: Leave. Imami: To... Go, as opposed to "come". )

(5) Renounce (Ancient Meaning: Renunciation. Present meaning: twists and turns; appointment. )

3. The term is ambiguous

(1) And: Russian and snow (with "Russia" constitutes an adverb phrase, the table time is short, soon, a moment)

Away from each other (table followed)

(2) Day: Xie Taifu Hanxue Intraday Set (Noun, Day)

Mid-term (noun, sun)

(3) Is: after going and even (only)

If things don't work out, this is Tenya (The Battle of Chibi) (Yes)

(4) When: Yuan Fang was seven years old (at that time)

Therefore, there is a fun outside of things ("Children's Fun") (often)

Seventh Grade Chinese Book Unit 2 Knowledge Combing List. Preview review can be used to understand literary and cultural common sense literary and linguistic knowledge induction

4. Use of word classes

Yuan Fang was seven years old at the time, and played outside the door (noun as an adjective, outside the door)

5. Key translations

(1) When the snow suddenly broke out, the public gladly knew: "What is the snow like?" ”

Translation: After a while, the snow fell tightly, and Taifu said happily, "What is the snow that is rising like this?" ”

(2) Brother Hu Er said: "Sprinkling salt in the air can be imitated." ”

Translation: His brother's son Hu'er said, "Sprinkling salt in the air is roughly comparable." ”

(3) Chen Taiqiu and friends in the middle of the period. Too much to go, too hilly to go.

Translation: Chen Taiqiu and a friend met together, and the agreed time was noon. It was past noon, and when he didn't see (the friend) coming, Tai qiu left [him] and left.

(4) In the middle of the day, if the king and the family do not arrive in the middle of the day, they are untrustworthy; it is rude to scold the Father to the Son.

Translation: You made an appointment with my father at noon. If you have not come at noon, you are not trustworthy; it is rude to scold his father to your son.