
20 assists in 3 games! Gordon's transformation reduces shots? After checking the score and testing the pass, the Rockets are not in a hurry to trade

After small forward Danuel House was cut by the Rockets, the oldest player on the Houston Rockets was naturally Eric Gordon, who was about to turn 33. Gordon is no longer just a point guard this season, he can make a cameo appearance as the Rockets' starting point guard when Porter Jr. is away, and when there is a lack of manpower in the small forward position, Gordon can also make a cameo appearance as a small forward — as he did under D'Antoni.

20 assists in 3 games! Gordon's transformation reduces shots? After checking the score and testing the pass, the Rockets are not in a hurry to trade

That is to say, the 33-year-old Gordon has no intention of getting old, his current state is still at its peak, in today's Rockets team, Gordon's personal position is very flexible, and which position in the backcourt 1-3 position is missing, Silas will send him to which position. And Gordon has never disappointed Silas, his performance this season is at its peak, although the Rockets' record is not good, but Gordon's performance is almost full score level.

20 assists in 3 games! Gordon's transformation reduces shots? After checking the score and testing the pass, the Rockets are not in a hurry to trade

But there is a noteworthy phenomenon, that is, in the last 3 games, Gordon's number of shots has decreased a lot compared to before, and his personal score has also declined slightly due to the decline in the number of shots, but the good news is that Gordon's assist data in the last 3 games has increased significantly. In three games against the Knicks, Pistons and Bulls, Gordon has only made 8, 11 and 6 shots, which are simply not enough for the Rockets' first scoring point on the outside.

20 assists in 3 games! Gordon's transformation reduces shots? After checking the score and testing the pass, the Rockets are not in a hurry to trade

3 games Gordon scored only 5 points, 18 points and 10 points, and then look at each of Gordon's scores before, in the away game against the Hawks, Gordon bombed 32 points, and in the game with the Nets, Gordon also contributed 21 points, and in the game against the Pelicans and Magic, Gordon's score also reached 23 and 24 points. So why did Gordon suddenly stop cutting high scores? The answer is obvious. We know that Gordon is already the Rockets' most popular and interesting trading chip, not only the Knicks have come to ask Gordon, but some championship teams have also regarded Gordon as a championship puzzle and want to chase him.

The Rockets want to sell Gordon for a high price, so in the previous game, Gordon has been trying to show his scoring ability, and now Gordon's scoring ability has been shown, in the next game, Gordon transformed into a point guard, holding the ball for a long time in the hand to send assists, the last 3 games don't look at Gordon's scoring data decline, but his average assist per game reached nearly 7 times! Gordon delivered 9 assists in a single game against the Knicks, 5 assists against the Pistons, and 6 assists against the Bulls.

20 assists in 3 games! Gordon's transformation reduces shots? After checking the score and testing the pass, the Rockets are not in a hurry to trade

With 20 assists in 3 games, Gordon is clearly taking the initiative to transform and he doesn't need to prove himself in terms of scoring. The next step Gordon needs to show is his consistently underestimated assist ability. In the past, Gordon was around Harden, Paul and Westbrook's 3 passing masters, and his passing ability was not much displayed, and now he has gotten rid of the "shadow" of 3 superstars, and it is obvious that Gordon has officially begun to show his passing ability after scoring.

20 assists in 3 games! Gordon's transformation reduces shots? After checking the score and testing the pass, the Rockets are not in a hurry to trade

In the end, Gordon reduced his shots and took the initiative to become a point guard to pass and assist his teammates, precisely so that he could be traded by the Rockets as soon as possible. The 33-year-old Gordon also knows that he is not in the Rockets' rebuilding plan, and he does not want to stay with the Rockets to continue this meaningless game, the 33-year-old wants to chase the first championship gold cup of his career like Harden, if he wants to leave the Rockets, Gordon will definitely show a variety of different abilities in today's games, fortunately, Gordon has performed very well this season, and I believe that there will be more teams to offer Gordon before the trade deadline.

20 assists in 3 games! Gordon's transformation reduces shots? After checking the score and testing the pass, the Rockets are not in a hurry to trade

The Rockets are not in a hurry to trade for the time being, and by the trade deadline, they only need to find a playoff-level team that can give the best chips and is suitable for Gordon to complete the transaction. That's when the Rockets got their future assets, and Gordon could change the environment to chase more wins and even championship trophies.

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