
4-2! Serie A staged a goal battle! AC Milan won away from home and locked in the runner-up in the half!

{"info":{"title":{"content":"4-2!意甲上演进球大战!AC米兰客场大胜,锁定半程亚军!","en":"4-2! Serie A staged a goal battle! AC Milan won away from home and locked in the runner-up in the half!"},"description":{"content":"北京时间12月23日凌晨,意甲联赛第19轮比赛展开争夺。在本轮AC米兰队在客场作战,他们的对手是恩波利队。经过了90分钟...","en":"In the early morning of December 23, Beijing time, the 19th round of the Serie A began to compete. In this round AC Milan played away from home, their opponent was Empoli. After 90 minutes..."}},"items":[]}