
"100% Juice" Survey: Pure juice is not necessarily freshly squeezed Freshly squeezed may not be healthier

author:Litchi News

05/26/2021 18:40:14 | Author: Qian Jin | Source: Litchi Network | Click: Getting...

With the emphasis on healthy eating, in recent years, 100% pure fruit juice drinks have become increasingly popular. So, these so-called "100%" are really 100% "freshly squeezed juices"? How high are their nutritional value, and are they the same as fresh fruit? To this end, recently, the reporter conducted a visit.

"100% Juice" Survey: Pure juice is not necessarily freshly squeezed Freshly squeezed may not be healthier

  On the refrigerated shelves of a supermarket in Nanjing, there are many juices mixed with low-temperature milk products. For example, the most diverse flavors of Flavor Whole Foods' "Flavor All Daily" juice include apple juice, orange juice and other flavors, and the four juices other than coconut juice are marked with the words "Juice Content: 100%" on the outer packaging. However, the reporter saw from its ingredient list that the main ingredients are water and concentrated juice, and the shelf life is 21 days.

  A customer said: "It is said to be one hundred percent, we can believe to ninety percent, which is understandable, it is impossible to have one hundred percent." So is this freshly squeezed? This certainly can't be freshly squeezed, because how can a freshly squeezed one have such a long shelf life. ”

"100% Juice" Survey: Pure juice is not necessarily freshly squeezed Freshly squeezed may not be healthier

  On the room temperature shelves, the reporter noticed that the juice varieties here are more abundant, and there are many brands marked with 100% juice, but the vast majority are also processed with water and concentrated juice. And its shelf life is longer, 12 months. Sales experts explained that although these juices are called 100% juices, the difference is still relatively large compared with freshly squeezed juices.

  Zhang Yue, deputy director of nutrition at Nanjing Maternal and Child Health Hospital, said: "It is a kind of restored juice, we commonly call it FC juice, then this juice it will have nutrient losses during processing, because when we collect these fruits from the orchard, after squeezing it, it becomes a concentrated juice, after concentration we have to carry out a sterilization treatment of it, after a series of treatments such as high temperature and sterilization, its nutrient loss will be more." There may be some juices that add some vitamin C to the final process, but there is no way to compensate for the loss of other nutrients. ”

"100% Juice" Survey: Pure juice is not necessarily freshly squeezed Freshly squeezed may not be healthier

  The "General Principles of Beverages" implemented by the State Standardization Administration in 2016 stipulates that direct fruit juice or concentrated fruit juice with water to reduce to the original concentration can be called "100% juice", so there is no problem with the identification of juice enterprises, but as consumers, they should pay attention to the distinction. In order to retain as many nutrients as possible, there is now an NFC juice on the market, such as Nongfu Spring, which is clearly stated as a fresh fruit cold pressed, non-concentrated reduced juice, and its shelf life is 120 days. Experts explain that this is less than the traditional 100% reduced juice juice process of juice concentration and blending, direct sterilization and canning after juicing, reducing nutrient loss, and its price is relatively higher.

"100% Juice" Survey: Pure juice is not necessarily freshly squeezed Freshly squeezed may not be healthier

  Zhang Yue said: "NFC juice, then this non-concentrated reduced juice, this is relatively better, but then again, it is still not as good as these fruits in our hands, it is this whole fruit, because the whole fruit when we eat, we will eat the dietary fiber, but the juice you must not have, the juice inside it will remove the dietary fiber, people did not eat." Dietary fiber is very important for us to maintain the health of the human intestine. ”

"100% Juice" Survey: Pure juice is not necessarily freshly squeezed Freshly squeezed may not be healthier

  In addition to buying ready-made juice in the supermarket, many people may like to go to the juice shop, or freshly squeezed juice at home, its taste is obviously better than the restored juice or NFC juice, and the nutritional value is higher, but even so, experts still emphasize that freshly squeezed juice still can not replace the fruit, and sometimes try to drink as little as possible.

  "If we want to pursue a glass of juice, we may have to squeeze four or five apples, then you are invisible, it is equivalent to eating four or five apples of sugar, it will also be very easy to lead to the rise of our blood sugar, for some of us women want to manage weight, want to manage blood sugar, it is not very good, easy to cause high blood sugar, the incidence of obesity will be relatively high, and then for children we are also recommended to eat the whole fruit, because he can exercise his ability to chew, want good teeth, want a beautiful tooth, It is still recommended that he eat this whole fruit is better. ”

  (Source: Jiangsu Radio and Television Finance Media News Center/Qian Jin Editor/Wang Ze)

Source: Litchi Network