
5 kinds of "good luck flowers", the home can not only bloom and burst pots, suitable for raising in the living room

author:Raising flowers

Chinese flowers pay attention to the appearance of flowers, but also buy flowers according to the meaning of flowers. Always feel that this kind of allegorical flowers can be a good omen at home, flowers recently found that there are many flowers even if there is no light can bloom better, is the good luck flowers in the mouth of many flower friends, let's take a look at the mystery of these "good luck flowers".

5 kinds of "good luck flowers", the home can not only bloom and burst pots, suitable for raising in the living room

1, Oiwagiri

It is an herbaceous plant, its plant appearance is very very small, its leaves are very characteristic, careful observation will find a lot of villi, proper maintenance it can flower all year round, the color of the flowers is also very much, with the hand to touch very soft, like velvet-like touch, looks very advanced.

5 kinds of "good luck flowers", the home can not only bloom and burst pots, suitable for raising in the living room

It belongs to a shade-tolerant plant, a little astigmatism at home can grow very well, even under no light conditions does not affect its growth, so if the lighting conditions at home are not good, it is absolutely no problem to raise it.

5 kinds of "good luck flowers", the home can not only bloom and burst pots, suitable for raising in the living room

2. Long tube flowers

This is a kind of flower native to the Americas, the flower color is very good to see the flowering period is very long, basically from the next spring to the end of the year, generally choose the warm season for planting flowers, proper care can bloom all year round can bloom pop pots.

5 kinds of "good luck flowers", the home can not only bloom and burst pots, suitable for raising in the living room

Its growth only needs astigmatism irradiation, while with some compound fertilizer can make its growth more vigorous, do not need to carry out a long period of light, watering does not need too much, because it is hardy and drought-resistant, but also remember to prune frequently, to avoid nutrient consumption to make it flower faster.

5 kinds of "good luck flowers", the home can not only bloom and burst pots, suitable for raising in the living room

3. African viola

This belongs to a kind of flower with a relatively long flowering period, as long as the temperature is right, it blooms continuously throughout the year, such as when planting in winter, as long as a little astigmatism can also make it blossom better, its varieties have many forms and different, prefer a warm and humid environment, winter should pay attention to keep him warm.

5 kinds of "good luck flowers", the home can not only bloom and burst pots, suitable for raising in the living room

When watering, avoid residual water droplets on the leaves, easy to let it rot, after the flowering of the Viola to be pruned in time, its residual flowers, wilted yellow leaves removed, can prevent diseases and insect pests to a certain extent, can also promote it to flower again.

5 kinds of "good luck flowers", the home can not only bloom and burst pots, suitable for raising in the living room

4. Wen Xinlan

Wenxin orchid this flower is very unique, its color is many, petals atmospheric flower type elegant and beautiful, home placement will also look very advanced, maintenance of Wenxin orchid basically can be planted in autumn, wait until the New Year can appreciate its flowering, Wenxin orchid is particularly drought-resistant, so watering does not need too much, it can store a certain amount of water.

5 kinds of "good luck flowers", the home can not only bloom and burst pots, suitable for raising in the living room

Whenever it blooms, its floral fragrance has a very special taste of milk candy, home maintenance only needs to be placed in a well-lit environment, the light is not required is not too much, home to raise a pot can enjoy its beauty for a long time, it is really a very good choice.

5 kinds of "good luck flowers", the home can not only bloom and burst pots, suitable for raising in the living room

5. Phalaenopsis orchid

Phalaenopsis orchid is also the most favored flower of many flower lovers, properly maintained it can bloom for half a year at a time, very suitable for indoor planting, because it does not have high light requirements, such as some astigmatism in the home is enough to make it grow well, watering does not have to be too frequent, if too much water causes water to accelerate the rot of the roots. Phalaenopsis orchids are also relatively well-groomed and are home flowers not to be missed.

5 kinds of "good luck flowers", the home can not only bloom and burst pots, suitable for raising in the living room

These five kinds of good luck flowers do not need much light to survive better, giving us maintenance to reduce a lot of trouble, starting with a few pots of good luck flowers, looking at the mood every day, the home can also be long-lasting fragrance. Have you ever encountered any of the more tendentious flowers? You can leave a message for Hua Hua in the comments