
Do you want to tell your child that Santa Claus doesn't exist?

author:MagicPapa Fairy Tale Daddy
Do you want to tell your child that Santa Claus doesn't exist?

In recent years, the festive atmosphere of Christmas Eve and Christmas has become more and more intense. At the beginning, Christmas flowed into China, probably and the promotion of merchants has a very large relationship, borrowing this Western festival, merchants have arranged the storefront with a very Christmas atmosphere, attracting a large wave of customers to come to take photos, participate in activities, and then cooperate with the launch of a series of promotions to stimulate people's consumption.

Nowadays, I find that more and more people around me attach importance to this festival, including some parents of children. Like the parents in foreign films, they will get a Christmas tree to go home early by buying and other ways, and then dress up the Christmas tree with their children, and then secretly select Christmas gifts, so that on the day of the holiday, they can put the carefully selected gifts in the socks hanging at the head of the child's bed, waiting for the child to wake up and cheer.

Do you want to tell your child that Santa Claus doesn't exist?

This kind of picture is always particularly loving, and I often think that the person who created the character of Santa Claus must be a romantic and loving person. Although everyone loves Christmas, the controversy about Christmas has not stopped over the years, and one of the biggest controversies is: Do you want to tell your children that Santa Claus does not exist? The fairytale dad chatted with three friends about the topic and got three completely different answers.

Yuzu's father believes that telling his children that Santa Claus does not exist seems cruel, but it can retain the trust between children and parents. Imagine that we try to create the story of Santa Claus coming, pretending to be Santa Claus to give gifts to children, when he grows up, he gradually knows how to think, and one day he will find that all this is a lie. It will even cause distrust of parents: Mom and Dad actually cheated on me!

Doraemon thinks there's no need to deliberately tell children that Santa Claus doesn't exist. Saying that Santa Claus exists is a "white lie", not even a lie, is like a fairy tale, do you have to tell your child every time you tell him that it is fake? Santa Claus is a necessity for children to grow up, and its existence can stimulate children's imagination, teach him to express love, and even make him interested in actively learning about the relevant culture and history. When he has the ability to correctly recognize the truth of Santa Claus, he will certainly be able to understand the good intentions of his parents.

Do you want to tell your child that Santa Claus doesn't exist?

Mian Mian's mother believes that there is no need to deliberately tell the child whether Santa Claus exists or not, but think about how to answer the child's questions. For example, "How can Santa Claus carry so many gifts alone?" "We don't have a chimney in our house, how did Santa Claus come in?" How do you respond? My approach is to gradually guide him to the truth, to realize that Santa Claus may not exist, which is a natural process that we have all experienced.

Do you want to tell your child that Santa Claus exists or not? Asking different parents with this question will inevitably get different answers, but fairy tale fathers are also more inclined, do not dwell too much on this problem, but enjoy the rare parent-child time that Santa Claus brings to us and our children, experience the joy of discussing with children how to arrange Christmas trees, immerse themselves in the small sweetness of preparing gifts for children, looking forward to the joy of children finding and opening gifts... Christmas, the big meaning does not dare to say, at least for us and the child to add a common good memory, until the child recalls, will not care whether Santa Claus really exists, will only be grateful that they have a unique Santa Claus - dear parents and fathers.

Do you want to tell your child that Santa Claus doesn't exist?

I'm going to get Christmas presents for my kids! I wish you all a Merry Christmas, and I wish you all the best of luck with the gift you want! Merry Christmas!