
Shumpert claims James ruined basketball! Accuse the Heat of being too commercial and lacking loyalty!

On December 22, Beijing time, the 2021-22 NBA regular season continued. Earlier today, Lakers star James was met with some controversy, and while on a podcast, his former teammate Shumpert said he broke basketball when he joined the Heat that year.

Shumpert claims James ruined basketball! Accuse the Heat of being too commercial and lacking loyalty!

"When LeBron first went to Miami, he ruined basketball, As Shumpert said. He thinks he's making basketball better, and I can see what he thinks. But I personally think part of the NBA's appeal is that loyalty exists here. He pushed down the fourth wall and he thought we players could do what we wanted to do and it was a great business decision. ”

Shumpert claims James ruined basketball! Accuse the Heat of being too commercial and lacking loyalty!

In addition, Shumpert also said james lacked loyalty to the Cavaliers in this move, saying he slammed the Cavaliers owner when he left. However, Shumpert's remarks are not entirely critical, he also pointed out the significance of James's departure from the Cavaliers, that is, to make the players responsible for their own future, to be able to rely more on themselves to control the future fate.

Shumpert claims James ruined basketball! Accuse the Heat of being too commercial and lacking loyalty!

In the 2003 draft, the Cavaliers selected James with a top pick. In the following 7 years, James led the Cavaliers to the championship several times, but unfortunately failed. After switching to the Heat in 2010, James formed a big three with Wade and Bosh, who reached the Finals for four consecutive years and won two championships.

Shumpert claims James ruined basketball! Accuse the Heat of being too commercial and lacking loyalty!

In the summer of 2014, James returned to the Cavaliers. It was also during his time with the Cavaliers again that James and Shumpert worked as teammates for nearly three years and together won the NBA championship in the summer of 2016.

Shumpert claims James ruined basketball! Accuse the Heat of being too commercial and lacking loyalty!

Interestingly, James and Shumpert have always had a good personal relationship. Not long ago, Shumpert won the title of "Dancing with the Stars", and James has been cheering him on social media, helping him promote it to increase his popularity, and there is no lack of interaction after winning the championship. Because of this, Shumpert's evaluation of James is very surprising.

Shumpert claims James ruined basketball! Accuse the Heat of being too commercial and lacking loyalty!

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