
Acts 3 Undercover Who and Character Relationship Diagram What is the finale of Acts 3

author:Strait Net

The super starring lineup of "Acts 3" can't help but let a group of netizens knock on the bowl to express super expectations! For example, Miao Qiaowei, the elder of the three dynasties of the "Apostle Walker" series, as well as Powerful Actors such as Lin Feng, Ma Guoming, Yuan Weihao, Huang Zhiwen, Huang Cuiru, Cai Sibei, Zhang Zhenlang, Xu Shaoxiong, Hong Yongcheng, Lian Shiya, Lin Xuanyu, Zeng Shunxi, Zheng Zeshi and Jiang Meiyi! Does it feel like so many character relationships are messy? Worried, the following Acts 3 undercover have who and the character relationship diagram full version of the introduction to everyone, let's take a look.

Acts 3 Cast List and Undercover List

1. Zhuo Kai (Miao Qiaowei): Yan Zhenhong's subordinate and friend, Wei Desen's sworn enemy

2. Xue Jiaqiang (Lin Feng): Undercover police officer / owner of a foot shop

3. Zhang Jiwei (Wong Chi Man): Undercover liaison officer/inspector who later becomes a black police officer

4. Le Shaofeng (Zhou Baihao): A fake undercover police officer, Jiyun gang head horse, later Fuhe head horse

5. Tang Peiyu (Cai Sibei): Zhuo Kai's undercover, who later became Wei Desen's assistant

6. Wang Yongxiang (Hong Yongcheng): An undercover police officer and a subordinate of Zhuo Kai

7. Wei Desen / Wei Zuorong (Ma Guoming): Wei Zuorong, the head of the dragon / boss in the early stage, and the police officer in the later stage, the young son of Wei Songshan

8. Qin Huanxi (Xu Shaoxiong): Four years ago, he was a CIB inspector, and then he was dismissed from his post and became an undercover agent

9. Zheng Shumei (Wong Cui Ru): Undercover police officer/sheriff

10. Xu Tiantian (Yuan Weihao): An undercover police officer and Zhuo Kai's subordinate

11. Wei Songshan (Cai Guoqing): Former dragon head, father of Wei Dexin and Wei Desen

12. Lei Yanhuo (Zhang Zhenlang): Formerly a peripheral gambling boat boy, later a triad intellectual, Xue Jiaqiang's rival, and Tang Peiyu have an emotional line

13. Mo Xianqing (Jiang Meiyi): Prosecutor/Senior Barrister, Zhuo Kai's wife

14. Lan Nan (Lin Xuanyu): An employee of The Foot Shop and a subordinate of Xue Jiaqiang

15. Zhang Yuxuan (Lian Shiya): An undercover police officer and a subordinate of Zhuo Kai

Acts 3 characters and relationship diagrams explained in detail

1. Zhuo Kai (played by Miao Qiaowei) and Mo Xianqing (played by Jiang Meiyi) have a husband and wife relationship

The background of Zhuo Kai's role in "Acts 3" is that three years ago, in order to explode the future of seed, he convicted him and shot Qian Ryan, and was finally sentenced to three years in prison by the court. After Zhuo Kai was released from prison three years later, although he was dismissed from the police force, he was also able to live a peaceful life with his wife Mo Xianqing as he wished.

2. Zhang Jizi MadamG (Huang Zhiwen) Wei Zuorong (Ma Guoming) emotional line

Huang Zhiwen, as a new role in "Acts", this time she will play a chief inspector and undercover liaison in the play, who is the boss of Explosive Seed, Xu Tiantian, Zheng Shumei and Dou Yaxi, and will also be pursued by Wei Zuorong, played by Ma Guoming, and develop a relationship line with him.

3. Exploded (Lin Feng) Lan Nan (Lin Xuanyu) has a crush relationship

Earlier, Lin Xuanyu had already revealed that she would develop a relationship line with Lin Feng in "Acts 3", and now her role has finally appeared - Lan Nank, an employee of the Good Foot Bath Shop. Lan Nan, played by her, in addition to being a subordinate of Burst Seed, has also been silently caring for him and secretly loving him, but unfortunately, Burst Seed has always been obsessed with avenging Ding Xiaojia and unable to respond to Lan Nan's feelings, which makes people sigh.

4. Wang Yongxiang (Hong Yongcheng) and Ah Shu (Lian Shiya) only appear in everyone's memories

I believe that everyone who has watched the plot before "Acts of the Apostles" will not forget that Hong Yongcheng and Lian Shiya played by Wing Xiang and Ah Yu, who are both undercover agents of Zhuo Kai, but they were killed by Tan Zhaolong because of a conspiracy. Although both of their characters in the play have passed away, this time they will also return to Acts 3 and will reappear in everyone's memories!

5. Explosive Seed (Lin Feng) Yin Tianjun (Zeng Shunxi) hostile relationship

In "Acts 3", Ding Xiaojia's role is set to be killed by Madman, played by Zeng Shunxi, and the explosive seed who learned the truth therefore regarded the other party as his own mortal enemy and vowed to kill the other party to avenge the death of his girlfriend.

6. Pang Haoyang (Zhang Zhenlang) Dou Yaxi (Cai Sibei) emotional line

Zhang Zhenlang and Cai Sibei are going to cooperate again in "Acts 3"! Pang Haoyang is a member of the Underworld Association, known as Haoyang Brother, and Cai Sibei plays the undercover Adou who is installed by the police in the gangster, and the gangsters and the undercover opposite - people are very much looking forward to the emotional line between the two!

7. Wei Zuorong / Wei Deli (Ma Guoming) The ultimate BigBoss

I believe that one of the most anticipated points of "Acts 3" is definitely Ma Guoming playing a remake role again! Although everyone still likes to watch Ma Guoming play the role of Dumb Mengmu and a little bit of ground-sticking, he is still very much looking forward to his performance as the ultimate devil behind the scenes of this drama to the end!

Source: Internet