
17 mobile apps suspected of privacy non-compliance Zhongyuan Bank's APP were named

Beijing, December 21, China Economic Network Yesterday, according to Xinhua News Agency, the National Computer Virus Emergency Treatment Center recently found that 17 mobile applications had privacy irregularities through Internet monitoring, violating the relevant provisions of the Cybersecurity Law and the Personal Information Protection Law, and suspected of collecting personal privacy information beyond the scope.

Among them, Zhongyuan Direct Bank (version 3.0.7, Le Store) was pointed out to have the following problems: App began to collect personal information before obtaining the consent of users, suspected of privacy non-compliance.

In view of the above situation, the National Computer Virus Emergency Treatment Center reminds the majority of mobile phone users to first carefully download and use the above illegal and illegal mobile Apps, and pay attention to carefully reading the App's user agreement and privacy policy description, not arbitrarily opening and agreeing to unnecessary privacy permissions, not entering personal privacy information at will, regularly maintaining and cleaning relevant data, and avoiding personal privacy information being leaked.

Zhongyuan Direct Bank is an Internet banking service platform launched by Zhongyuan Bank. Zhongyuan Bank (01216. HK) was established on 26 December 2014 and is the only provincial-level corporate bank in Henan Province with business outlets covering the whole province. On 19 July 2017, Centaline Bank was listed on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

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