
Overlord Fold: Who killed Sugar? Peking Opera cat staged the true and false Monkey King, and the process was confusing

author:Diffuse fungus
Introduction: Peking Opera Cat Big Movie Overlord Fold is a work that everyone has been looking forward to, in the trailer we found a very strange scene, that is, Sugar asked someone who killed Sugar? Since Sugar is dead, who is the one who said it?

The animation work "Peking Opera Cat" launched by Brilliant Starry Sky swept the country as soon as it was broadcast, and cat people filled the streets and alleys overnight. The success of peking opera cat is not an accident, it is rich in Chinese culture and complete story structure, the achievement of the current Peking opera cat, but the good times are not long, due to operational errors, Peking opera cat now has no money to continue to shoot sequels, and even the big movie "Peking Opera Cat King Fold" that has long been said to be released has not been released, and even the trailer is only a few minutes. So with just a few minutes of preview, what story can cat people see? Today's article Yuzu uses her long-term research on Peking Opera cats to boldly analyze the story of the overlord compromise.

Overlord Fold: Who killed Sugar? Peking Opera cat staged the true and false Monkey King, and the process was confusing

"Overlord Fold" is the first and only theatrical version of peking opera cat launched by Brilliant Starry Sky, this decision was previewed to everyone as early as the third season, but until the broadcast of the fourth season of this year, the overlord fold has not been released, and what is more tragic is that this fourth season has only been updated for 26 episodes, and the rest of the part is also not heard. So what story did the Overlord fold tell? It is understood that White Sugar traveled through time and space in the Overlord Compromise, to another world, and then an incredible thing happened in that world.

Overlord Fold: Who killed Sugar? Peking Opera cat staged the true and false Monkey King, and the process was confusing

Friends who have watched the promotional video must still remember the words that White Sugar said. He said to a man who didn't know who it was: You killed Sugar! What sugar is dead? So who is this person who is speaking? This can't help but make us feel a burst of horror, what the hell is going on? Why do two white sugars appear in the Overlord Fold? All these questions are chilling, through the existing Peking Opera cat plot, we may wish to try to speculate about the plot of the Overlord Fold, you can also follow Yuzu's article for a sneak peek.

Overlord Fold: Who killed Sugar? Peking Opera cat staged the true and false Monkey King, and the process was confusing

Since there are two white sugars, there must be a common phenomenon of time travel, two bodies in one place. At the point in time when the white sugar crossed, there should be a white sugar, that person is himself, and this point in time is most likely a future time or some space that is completely different from the current world, the latter is the most likely, the white sugar travels to another world, there is also a white sugar in that world, but it is killed by an unknown person, and the real white sugar finds the real culprit and identifies him!

Overlord Fold: Who killed Sugar? Peking Opera cat staged the true and false Monkey King, and the process was confusing

Since there are two white sugars, then there will be a difficult thing to distinguish, who is the real white sugar, and who is the white sugar that is alive now? This question is naturally only after watching the movie to reach a conclusion, but now we can at least be sure that the living sugar must have a significant relationship with the dead one, otherwise the living sugar would not be so excited after the discovery of the murderer. From the two white sugars we should be able to see a very mysterious overlord fold.

Overlord Fold: Who killed Sugar? Peking Opera cat staged the true and false Monkey King, and the process was confusing

Finally, I would like to introduce you to one of the most wonderful ideas, in which there are two real white sugars. Our conclusion above is based on the fact that after the sugar crosses, the second sugar is encountered in another world, and in fact there is another kind that may cause two white sugars to appear in one world, that is, someone disguised as white sugar. What does this possibility bring to mind? That's right, of course, the Phantom Night!

Overlord Fold: Who killed Sugar? Peking Opera cat staged the true and false Monkey King, and the process was confusing

Phantom Night is the survivor of the nine-tailed cat, and the characteristics of the nine-tailed cat family are changes, they can change into whatever they want to be, even animals, so it is very easy to change into sugar. So is the person who turns into white sugar a phantom night? Yuzu thinks that the phantom night may not be big because she has a dark task, and the person who really turns into sugar should be the son of the phantom night, Huan Huan, and whether Huan Huan was really killed Is a question, because we can't tell which of Huan Huan and White Sugar is real in the anime! It is also impossible to know whether the living person is really white sugar, just like the true and false Monkey King of the year, whether it is the real Goku or the fake Sage who died, can you be sure?

Overlord Fold: Who killed Sugar? Peking Opera cat staged the true and false Monkey King, and the process was confusing

The trailer of the Overlord Fold in just a few minutes contains a lot of questions, the more questions there are, the more the cat people are looking forward to it, the Release of the Overlord Fold is far away, I don't know if you cat people are looking forward to this Peking Opera Cat only big movie?