
Foreign media commented on the top 10 best gangster films in Hong Kong, and "God of Gamblers" came second, and the first deserved

author:Finger shadow

Since 1986, Wu Yusen's "The True Colors of Heroes" came out, opening the era of Hong Kong film gangster films. Since then, many excellent Hong Kong gangster films have emerged. Each has its own advantages, each has its own brilliance, and trying to choose the best 10 from them is obviously the difficulty of finding a needle in a haystack. Foreign media China Whisper took the side of the sword and selected the "Best 10 Hong Kong Gangster Films" from its own perspective. Maybe you have objections, then you may wish to name the top 10 Hong Kong gangster films in your heart.

10. "The Night in Mong Kok" (2004)

Foreign media commented on the top 10 best gangster films in Hong Kong, and "God of Gamblers" came second, and the first deserved

In 2004, Er Dongsheng directed the police gangster film "Night in Mong Kok", starring Wu Yanzu, Cecilia Cheung and Fang Zhongxin. The film tells the story of a mainland killer who went to Hong Kong to find his missing girlfriend, and a prostitute who accidentally hit and died for 24 hours, in a sharp way, cutting open Mong Kok, a colorful, dragon-snake-mixed area with the highest population density in the world: the complex ecology of underworld, killers, police, and prostitutes.

Foreign media commented on the top 10 best gangster films in Hong Kong, and "God of Gamblers" came second, and the first deserved

By a juvenile event leading to hatred in the jianghu, thus affecting people's restlessness, through Fang Zhongxin's insightful gaze, but powerless to change the situation of the situation, Er Dongsheng not only pursues the dramatic tension of character interaction, but also thinks hard about a human understanding, so the tragedy is about to erupt, at first glance a trace of the fire of human firmness is burning, which is a sublimation of Er Dongsheng's world view. This story of police and bandit violence, the previous article is actually written about the scattered family drunkenness, in the play everyone to try to find another relationship to maintain, but are powerless to return. The film won two awards at the Hong Kong Film Awards, "Best Director" and "Best Screenplay".

09. Infernal Affairs (2002)

Foreign media commented on the top 10 best gangster films in Hong Kong, and "God of Gamblers" came second, and the first deserved

In 2000, Liu Weiqiang and Mak Zhaohui directed the police and gangster suspense crime film "Infernal Affairs", starring The Four Film Emperors Andy Lau, Liang Chaowei, Huang Qiusheng and Zeng Zhiwei, and the supporting roles were also starry, including Zheng Xiuwen, Chen Huilin, Chen Guanxi, Yu Wenle, Du Wenze, Lin Jiadong, Xiao Yaxuan, etc.

Foreign media commented on the top 10 best gangster films in Hong Kong, and "God of Gamblers" came second, and the first deserved

The film tells the story of two men with confused identities, namely the police and the undercover of the underworld, and after a fierce battle, they are determined to find their own story. It is known as a professional demonstration of commercial films, giving new variations to the undercover theme, the color of the image shows the blurred coldness of the world of good and evil, and the use of dark scenes makes the suspense atmosphere unconventional. In that year, both the Academy Awards and the Golden Horse Awards awarded "Best Picture" to "Infernal Affairs", and Liang Chaowei became the "Double Film Emperor" of the Golden Statue and the Golden Horse. In 2005, it was rated as the sixth of the top ten best films in 2004 by Time Magazine. In 2005, the Hong Kong Film Awards selected "Top 100 Best Chinese Films", and "Infernal Affairs" ranked 32nd.

08. "Gunfire" (1999)

Foreign media commented on the top 10 best gangster films in Hong Kong, and "God of Gamblers" came second, and the first deserved

In 1999, Du Qifeng directed the police action film "Gunfire", starring Huang Qiusheng, Wu Zhenyu, Lu Songxian, Zhang Yaoyang, Lin Xue and Ren Dahua. The film tells the story of the gang leader being hunted down and killed, so a group of gangsters is hired to protect, and in the process, a gunfight between the gangster brothers occurs. The director's other new work in the gangster genre film, the atmosphere and style are cold and extraordinary, and the actors are subtle and energetic, metaphorically hong Kong people desperately loyal, the flexible spirit of recovering from extinction, with a brilliant and pleasing gun battle surface, and the contrast between movement and static is excellent.

Foreign media commented on the top 10 best gangster films in Hong Kong, and "God of Gamblers" came second, and the first deserved

Du Qifeng concentrated his firepower to concoct a gangster fighting wits and fighting force with a unique and radiant style. In the dark field, the simple style is concise and deep, and several gun battles are classic designs.

07. Dark War (1999)

Foreign media commented on the top 10 best gangster films in Hong Kong, and "God of Gamblers" came second, and the first deserved

In 1999, Du Qifeng directed the gangster gunfight action film "Dark War", starring Andy Lau, Liu Qingyun and Meng Jiahui. Andy Lau plays the thief who has only four weeks left to live with cancer, and Liu Qingyun plays a police negotiator, and the two start a 72-hour game of wit.

Foreign media commented on the top 10 best gangster films in Hong Kong, and "God of Gamblers" came second, and the first deserved

Du Qifeng handles a police gangster type with a very concise approach, with a precise layout and rich details, shooting a rare texture of similar works in Hong Kong, coupled with The unexpected performances of Andy Lau and Liu Qingyun, which is refreshing. Andy Lau won his first Golden Film Emperor Trophy with the film.

06. "Dark Flower" (1998)

Foreign media commented on the top 10 best gangster films in Hong Kong, and "God of Gamblers" came second, and the first deserved

In 1998, You Dazhi directed the police action film "Dark Flower", produced by Du Qifeng and Wei Jiahui, and starred Liang Chaowei and Liu Qingyun. The film narrates the game between the corrupt policeman Liang Chaowei and the killer Liu Qingyun, two incompatible, one black and one white also fell into a duel of jianghu vendetta, but unfortunately they both became pawns of the boss behind the scenes, Mr. Hong, the ending was unexpected, and the devious changes made dahuan.

Foreign media commented on the top 10 best gangster films in Hong Kong, and "God of Gamblers" came second, and the first deserved

One of the masterpieces of galactic images, full of absurdity and pessimistic despair, emphasizes the existence and limitation of time. It is a sad dark flower world without hope and love. This is a parable of the inability of a small character in the whirlpool of fate to return to heaven and kill himself.

05. "Ancient Puzzle Boy" (1996)

Foreign media commented on the top 10 best gangster films in Hong Kong, and "God of Gamblers" came second, and the first deserved

In 1996, Liu Weiqiang directed the gangster action film "Ancient Puzzle Boy", starring Zheng Yijian, Chen Xiaochun, Li Zi, Ren Dahua and Wu Zhenyu. The film narrates the story of Hongxing members Chen Haonan, Pheasant, Da Tian'er and other people born into death, involving brotherhood, friendship years, and carved love, interpreting the youth of a generation that has nowhere to rest. "Ancient Puzzle Boy" was very popular when it was released in Hong Kong, so it continued to shoot many sequels, a total of six films, the overall momentum is also the same, and even some characters have been independently made into movies.

Foreign media commented on the top 10 best gangster films in Hong Kong, and "God of Gamblers" came second, and the first deserved

The difference between "Ancient Puzzle Boy" and previous gangster films is that it is a gangster film in the "postmodern" urban environment, all traditional values are facing deconstruction, its characters no longer have to carry too heavy a moral burden, for the little gangsters of "Ancient Puzzle Boy", people in the jianghu, brotherhood is the greatest.

04. "Across the Sea" (1991)

Foreign media commented on the top 10 best gangster films in Hong Kong, and "God of Gamblers" came second, and the first deserved

In 1991, Wu Yusen directed the gangster gunfight film "Across the Seas", which narrated the adoption of three orphans by the underworld leaders: Zhou Runfa, Zhang Guorong, and Zhong Chuhong, who stole a famous painting under the arrangement of their adoptive father, and then the three were separated by being chased and killed by a trap. One of Wu Yusen's most romantic works, whimsical and brilliant, not only has a strong ornamental view of the picture, but also has a rich sense of layering in the story.

Foreign media commented on the top 10 best gangster films in Hong Kong, and "God of Gamblers" came second, and the first deserved

In addition to the wonderful gunfights and confrontation scenes, the depiction of the feelings of men and women is also very delicate. The star charms of Zhou Runfa, Zhang Guorong and Zhong Chuhong are freely displayed in the film, which is unforgettable. Whether it is stealing treasure paintings, or waltzes in Zhou Runfa's wheelchair, or all the confrontation scenes, they are full of unique beauty.

03. "The Two Heroes of Blood" (1989)

Foreign media commented on the top 10 best gangster films in Hong Kong, and "God of Gamblers" came second, and the first deserved

In 1989, Wu Yusen directed the police action film "Blood Two Heroes", starring Chow Yun Fat, Lee Xiu Xian, Ye Qianwen and Zhu Jiang. The film narrates the professional killer Xiao Zhuang and detective Li Ying from enemy to friend, a series of battles of wits and courage. Director Wu Yusen became popular in North America because of this film, laying the foundation for his later entry into Hollywood. The film is regarded as the most perfect work of Wu Yusen's life, and he may not be able to surpass the achievements of this film in his lifetime.

Foreign media commented on the top 10 best gangster films in Hong Kong, and "God of Gamblers" came second, and the first deserved

Wu Yusen used the candle-lit church in the dark night as a hall of killer haunting and a killing battlefield for the final battle, full of candlelight, onlookers of the Virgin, white doves flying in the rain of bullets and bullets, and a quarrel was decorated like a sacred religious festival. In 1999, Time magazine listed it as one of the top ten Asian films of the 20th century.

02. God of Gamblers (1989)

Foreign media commented on the top 10 best gangster films in Hong Kong, and "God of Gamblers" came second, and the first deserved

In 1989, Wang Jing directed the gangster gunfight gambling film "God of Gamblers", starring Chow Yun-fat, Andy Lau, Zhang Min and Wang Zuxian. The whole film narrates Gao Jin, the god of gambling known in the world for his exquisite gambling skills. Due to an accident, Gao Jin mistakenly fell into the trap set by the knife and suffered a serious head injury and lost his memory. Gao Jin's men colluded with foreign enemies in an attempt to replace Gao Jin and seize his family property, and a world-renowned gambling king war began on the high seas.

Foreign media commented on the top 10 best gangster films in Hong Kong, and "God of Gamblers" came second, and the first deserved

The success of this film has led to a boom in gambling films: such as Andy Lau's "Gambler" and "Gambler" by Stephen Chow.

Foreign media commented on the top 10 best gangster films in Hong Kong, and "God of Gamblers" came second, and the first deserved

"God of Gamblers" Zhou Runfa played his acting skills to the fullest, and he made us see the shock, surprise and pain of a god who has ascended from god to man again.

01. The True Colors of Heroes (1986)

Foreign media commented on the top 10 best gangster films in Hong Kong, and "God of Gamblers" came second, and the first deserved

In 1986, Wu Yusen directed the gangster action film "The True Colors of Heroes", which narrated the jianghu love between Dillon, Chow Yun-fat and Zhang Guorong, as well as the frustrations, failures, repentances and revenge of the three protagonists. The film broke the box office record for Hong Kong films that year and set a precedent for Hong Kong-made gangster heroes in the 1980s.

Foreign media commented on the top 10 best gangster films in Hong Kong, and "God of Gamblers" came second, and the first deserved

The film also allowed the depressed Wu Yusen to establish his position in the Hong Kong film industry and lay the foundation for his unique aesthetic style of violence. Chow Yun Fat's "Little Ma Ge" became one of the most classic characters in the Chinese film industry, which also allowed him to get rid of the notoriety of "box office poison" from then on. That year, the Academy Awards for Best Director and Best Picture were given to "The True Colors of Heroes", and Chow Yun Fat and Dillon also fulfilled the dream of the film emperor.