
The strange stone edge brought by the book edge

author:Confucius Old Books Network

A stone friend said that stones are alive, and the more natural the stone, the more spiritual it is. I said, looking at the strange rocks, everything about nature is wonderful.

Confused by his words, for ten years of searching, not to mention the precious and strange stones such as the Lingbi Stone, even a decent strange stone has asked for hundreds, even thousands, and has more than enough heart and insufficient strength, so it has to be cut away. The world is unpredictable, in the letter of visit, I encountered two strange stones, I loved them very much, and I took them into my pocket, but I had a stone edge in my heart that had not yet been destroyed.

You have to start at the beginning. On a winter morning, the sky was just white, and I met with friends to shop for books. Early birds have worms to eat. A cup of tea time, we both harvested a lot. He came with a stack of books in his arms, and I looked at them one by one, and there were "Idiots" and "Resurrection" produced by the Shanghai Translation Publishing House in the past eight years, Yu Dan's signed copy of "Dreaming of Visiting the Garden", Li Zehou's "Analects Of Reading Now", And Jia Pingwa's "Waste Capital", which were as good as new. For me, García Márquez's two novels, "One Hundred Years of Solitude" and "Love in the Time of Cholera", hardcover and excellent in appearance, published by Hainan Publishing Company, plus a small book "Bean Shed Gossip".

It is interesting to read Small Texts of the Ming and Qing Dynasties in your spare time. It is said that Xi Shi, one of the four beauties, is not a national color Tianxiang, "In fact, it is only ordinary... At first, it was a stagnant goods that a boss in our land (village) could not marry out of the house, and it accidentally became a false name." In today's parlance, it is a leftover woman who is not too old. It surprised me even more, and it was written in the book that after the revival of the Yue Kingdom, Fan Li borrowed the name of Guan Yue and took advantage of its lack of preparation to unexpectedly push Xi Shi out of the lake and drown. Tongzheng Shili records that after Dr. Fan successfully succeeded in his career, he went away with Xi Shi and the two pan lakes, which were very different and very different. Masashi Noshi, which is true or false, who is the truth? We have no way of knowing.

Xiao Chen was a friend I had made at the old books store, and he was also a bookseller, or rather, a rich bibliophile who looked like a Sven. He has many extremely rare editions of books: Ming and Qing Dynasty line bound books, old books of the Republic of China, Hong Kong editions, Taiwan editions, hardcover books of the 50s and 60s, no matter how much money you open, he does not waver, he said that when he was old, he left a thought for himself. I found a lot of good things at his book stall, and the price was relatively appropriate. Therefore, his books are most popular with book lovers, and they are snatched up. In less than two hours, a bag of books sold out, and there was not a single book left.

At his place, I gathered "Harmonic Feng", "Pingshan Lengyan", and "Song yin manga" in the chinese novel historical materials series, all of which were books I dreamed of reading, and the quality was in perfect condition. On the study shelf, there are already "Traces of the Flower Moon" and "The Legend of the Flowers on the Sea". According to netizens, this set of books has been published in thirty-nine volumes. I think it's not easy to get it right overnight. In addition, I also found two volumes of Li Ruzhen's "Mirror Flower Edge", zeng Pu's "Evil Sea Flower", which is of good quality. A friend bought a copy of "The Journey of the Old Crippled", and I had it.

Soon, Xiao Chen sold out a bag of books he had brought and was ready to go home. I offered to go to his house with my friends, and he happily agreed, but repeatedly stressed that the price of books in the family collection was slightly higher, afraid that I would not be able to accept it. I said it doesn't matter, just discuss it.

When I arrived at Xiao Chen's residence, I felt like I stepped into the Republican Scholar Xiang Mendi House, and I was suddenly stunned by the three bookshelves in his room, and I wore a layer of envelope bags. It is said that it was collected from the home of an old professor who had emigrated abroad in several batches at a high price. Next to the walls of the bookshelf, a few large cardboard boxes contained books, and the desks were filled with all kinds of antiques. There are porcelain, there are root carvings, there are strange stones, and there is a good Ming and Qing Dynasty guzheng, which I want to play with a pair of fiber hands in Qinhuai Bayan, and the aftersound of the strings of the kites is around the beam. Under the desk is a whole row of books, and you can barely see the titles of the books on the spine, such as "Zheng Banqiao Collection", "Guangyi Shuangzhou Collection", "Book Selling Dolls" and so on. The walls are covered with landscapes, flowers and birds, which are elegant and elegant.

Just when I was overwhelmed, my friend couldn't wait to take a stool, sit on it, and pick it up one by one. But my eyes were firmly attracted by the natural stone ornaments on both sides. One side is rectangular, the stone is delicate and subtle, and the texture is very similar to the Northern Song Dynasty King Xi Meng's "Ten Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains". Nearby, the peak turns around, lined with lush woods and a few hut village houses. Three or two travelers slowed down the road. In the distance, the mountains stretch out and the mountains are stacked. Everything is shrouded in smoke, and the smoke is huge. The other square is a strange color, five small mountains are connected back and forth, strange rocks are rugged, and the stones are abrupt, much like the five fingered mountains in "Journey to the West" that suppress the sky and the heavens. The majestic and thick mountain stones and the cliffs of thousands of people give people a sense of quiet, deep and magnificent. The two sides of the stone are equipped with a date red pattern base. Xiao Chen asked for two hundred, and I didn't ask for it. A bamboo carved Jigong, wearing a felt hat, a hippie smiley face, punishing evil and promoting good in the world, known as the "Living Buddha". Fifty dollars, I want it too.

Approaching, he took out a piece of wood carving wrapped in cotton cloth from the cabinet, opened it to see, it was a new year painting engraving of the late Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the People's Republic, engraved with a character pattern, good feel, thick paste, asking for a price of one thousand and two, I did not want it.

A few books carefully selected by friends were also put down because the demand price was too high. A set of Hong Kong Tiandi Books Company's footbook "Huijuehui School Golden Bottle Plum", a letter of five volumes, Zhu Mo two-color overprint, the asking price of 1,000, far beyond our imagination.

Wait until you have enough money to buy it later, friends are reluctant to say.

The strange stone edge brought by the book edge
The strange stone edge brought by the book edge
The strange stone edge brought by the book edge
The strange stone edge brought by the book edge
The strange stone edge brought by the book edge
The strange stone edge brought by the book edge
The strange stone edge brought by the book edge

Text: A resident of Ichisui Jai