
Village female teacher

author:Village snow
Village female teacher

Tang Xiaowei noticed that the snow began to drift up from the second half of the last class in the afternoon. At that time he was sitting in the classroom, self-study class, he had finished the exercise, estimated that it was almost over, this was the last class of the week, as soon as the bell rang, everyone could rush out of the classroom, run outside, go crazy and play, waiting for them will be a happy weekend.

Tang Xiaowei sat by the window, he looked out the window from time to time, the gloomy sky, could not see how high and far, but the snow particles in front of him could be seen very clearly, rolling down from mid-air, it seemed to be very heavy, and there was no feeling of lightness at all. They were all jubilant and hurried, which reminded him of the picture of his father throwing down a handful of white urea in the field. Tang Xiaowei saw some small, round snow particles jumping on the edge of the window outside in the process of falling, and then stopped there, not dissolving. Of course, it can't be dissolved, and the temperature has dropped low enough. Soon, a white layer fell on the edge of the outer window.

It seems that it is going to snow heavily, Tang Xiaowei thought excitedly.

When the snow arrives, the earth will be frozen to death, and the feet on the snow will be constantly rubbed, and the snow will be stepped on, and soon it will condense into an ice skate, and if it is long enough, you can skate on it. The students of this rural primary school are particularly keen on skating, one is lively, the other is to warm up to the cold. Tang Xiaowei is a skater in the school, although he is not the highest grade student, but his skiing skills enjoy the highest reputation in the school. As soon as it snows, everyone will skate, and as soon as they skate, they will think of Tang Xiaowei. Tang Xiaowei was always the most stable one from this end to that end on the long ice skate. On the ice skate, he always slightly bends his body, the center of gravity moves down, and at the same time, his whole body leans forward slightly, with a burst of momentum, just like the real skier on TV, skilled and confident, from running, sliding, moving in the middle, to the final brake, he rarely misses his hand.

The ice skates range from two or three meters to more than ten meters, the longer the length, the more excited Tang Xiaowei is, the more everyone looks forward to it, watching him start to run from a distant place, lift the speed, to the ice road, the speed reaches the maximum, he will open his arms, relying on the huge inertia, leaving a dashing figure on the ice track. Every time you play ice skating to the end, you will only leave a longest and strongest and most intimidating ice skate, many people who originally whirred at this time will be discouraged, do not dare to go up, they are afraid of falling, falling may fall and injure, but also cause everyone to laugh. Every time at this time, someone called out to Tang Xiaowei and asked him to show. Tang Xiaowei is a very ordinary boy, ten years old, not tall, not short, not fat or thin, and always likes to sneeze. But as soon as he gets on the ice path, it becomes very different, and he can show a fascinating sense of balance and beauty in the thing that makes everyone's legs and feet tremble and breed fear. Other people always have a slip-up, a time and space point that is out of control, and you can feel it sometimes from their faces, sometimes from their dangling legs and feet, sometimes even from a pretentious and calm smile. But in Tang Xiaowei's place, you can't see that he has completely overcome any psychological burden brought about by skating, and on the ice skate he can spread his arms, or he can insert his hands into his pockets, one moment to move sideways, one moment to the front, like a spring breeze. In the eyes of the students, Tang Xiaowei is the one who has mastered the mystery of skating.

Tang Xiaowei's skating reputation should be thanked by Teacher Wang Manzhen, his Chinese teacher, and the class teacher of their class. It was Teacher Wang who discovered this skill of his and gave him positive encouragement, and at the same time spread it to everyone. Wang Manzhen came to this rural primary school half a year ago, and after graduating a few years ago, she was a young girl. Wang Manzhen is good at discovering the characteristics of each person, even if the points on the classmate are very strange, in her opinion, they all feel interesting, and think that they can represent many important aspects of that person, and she will tell everyone about the idea. If she finds that a classmate's shoulder blades are very wide, she will say that you will definitely look good in a suit in the future. A classmate did not pronounce his pronunciation correctly, and the problem he got from childhood caused everyone to laugh. Wang Manzhen said that his pronunciation can be tuned well, but his timbre is very thick, this is a talent, in the future may be able to be an announcer or something, everyone thinks that the classmate is different from before. Tang Xiaowei studied so-so and belonged to the most characteristic type of students. Just once Wang Manzhen stood outside the classroom at the end of the class, she inadvertently saw Tang Xiaowei slide on an ice skate, and a light flashed in her eyes, and she thought, what a beautiful slide it was. At that time, Tang Xiaowei did not have any fame, and ice skating was dangerous, and the school did not encourage it. But Wang Manzhen still said to everyone -

Tang Xiaowei's balance ability was the best she had ever seen.

Just this sentence seemed to ignite Tang Xiaowei's nerves, making him believe that he really seemed to have some kind of special ability, and this ability could be used freely in skating. Since then, Tang Xiaowei has seriously pondered skating, studying the skills of each movement, ten times more seriously than doing homework. In the face of an ice skate, how to find an angle to help run, how much speed to go to the ice track, what position is the most stable at the point where the ice is stepped, what is the distance between the two feet, how to do the final finish, etc. These problems often occupy his brain, at this point, no one has more effort than him.

Tang Xiaowei's skating level soon reached a height that others could not reach, this is his own real feeling, everyone also thinks that he is really powerful, a boy who was previously lonely and nameless, now always becomes the focus of everyone at a certain moment, Tang Xiaowei is very enjoyable. I remember that time, a ten-meter-long ice skate was revealed in the corner of the school playground, which was the most magnificent ice track that students had ever seen, and many people gathered around to watch the liveliness. Only a few bold senior students slid on it, and for a moment the two male teachers could not hold back and went up. Every time a person slipped by, everyone cheered and applauded, and talked about who was fast and whose posture was good, and for a while there was an atmosphere of competition. At that moment, some people called out to Tang Xiaowei, Tang Xiaowei. Tang Xiaowei was not at the scene. Someone ran to the classroom and called him, saying that he was revising the test paper that had just been handed out and would not go. The man left, and for a moment he ran to say that Teacher Wang Manzhen also called him. Tang Xiaowei packed up the test papers and followed them to the playground. As soon as he got there, Tang Xiaowei did see Teacher Wang, who was smiling and squinting at him, and his eyes seemed to give him infinite hope. Tang Xiaowei first jumped a few times, which was a warm-up, and then faded the heavy cotton coat on his upper body and rubbed his hands again. He looked at the ice path in front of him, which looked like a huge picture scroll, and quickly found a runway. Then run, accelerate, step on the point, get on the road, the eyes of the big guys follow his figure, afraid of missing any second. Halfway through the slide, Tang Xiaowei's speed had not yet dropped significantly. If you skate over the ice track, it's not a success either. In order to end in a perfect position at the end, he shifted the angle of his advance slightly, and slid towards the side of the ice path, so that part of his foot surface hit the snow, and the snowflakes began to rise under his feet, and when he reached the end, a clump of snowflakes was stirred up in front of him, like a white low-ground firework, which seemed to cheer for him. When he reached the end, Tang Xiaowei turned around and stopped instantly, with a sense of curtain calling. It was a perfect performance, and the crowd gave Tang Xiaowei the loudest applause. He noticed that Teacher Wang was one of the audience members who was most sure of his performance, and her smile was so bright.

Wang Manzhen is twenty-two years old this year, did not go to school that year, and was ready to go to work in other places, but by chance, she became a private teacher. Tang Xiaowei heard people say that private teachers do not seem to be formal teachers, public teachers are formal, private teachers are eventually going to leave the school, only when there is a shortage of teachers, let you fill the vacancy. But Tang Xiaowei believes that Teacher Wang is not worse than those public teachers, on the contrary, he is much better. He had a number of Chinese teachers before, but he didn't like them very much. He thought that their lectures were not interesting at all, they would only read according to the book, they could not listen to them at all, and when they were finished, their Chinese grades were very poor. But after Teacher Wang Manzhen came, he changed this. She seemed to love them naturally, often holding a smile, and she did not get angry when she met a child who was mischievous, completely different from other young people who loved to be angry. Wang Manzhen loves to ask questions in class, at the beginning, everyone is not used to her teaching method, because every class, at the beginning of the class, she threw out a bunch of questions, everyone didn't know anything, and then she let everyone take the question to read the book, and then discuss, and did not say who was wrong and who was right. Gradually, everyone was aroused by her interest, and one by one raised their hands high, rushing to answer. The classroom often shouted loudly, I don't know if I thought it was the students studying to herd sheep, but I found that it was in class.

Tang Xiaowei knew an open secret from Teacher Wang Manzhen. That is, since Wang Manzhen came to their school, someone has been telling her that she is at the age of the object of conversation, which is also normal. When Tang Xiaowei went to Teacher Wang's office to hand in his homework, he saw a young man dressed in green sitting on a small stool in front of the door, talking to Teacher Wang who was washing clothes by the flower bed. There was also a green bicycle parked in front of the office, with green canvas bags on both sides of the car, stuffed with letters and the like. Tang Xiaowei knew that this man was a postman. The man's face was packed with pimples, with Aaron Kwok's hairstyle, medium-sized and thin. Tang Xiaowei didn't know who this person was at first, and then learned from several older boys in the class that this was the object that so-and-so introduced to Teacher Wang. Tang Xiaowei's first reaction was a little disgusting, he suddenly thought of the scene of Teacher Wang Manzhen and him becoming husband and wife. This green man was too strange to Tang Xiaowei, too unkind, and as far as his virtue was concerned, with Teacher Wang Manzhen, it was simply a toad who wanted to eat swan meat - wishful thinking. But it was not right, Tang Xiaowei just saw Teacher Wang and the man laughing while talking, very speculative, very happy. Could it be that Teacher Wang already likes this green man?! Why is Teacher Wang so stupid?! Teacher Wang, how good are you, what do you look like, your jet-black hair, sometimes a shiny and neat ponytail, sometimes long hair is draped over your shoulders, and your wheat-colored skin, your big eyes behind your round glasses, your gentle voice... Don't you know all this? And that green man, apart from a good-looking bike, what else can he deserve from you?! Tang Xiaowei couldn't figure it out.

Wang Manzhen and the postman did not negotiate, and the postman only came to the school twice and never appeared again. Tang Xiaowei's dangling heart finally let go. Later, a matchmaker introduced another person to Wang Manzhen, who was from Tang Xiaowei's village. The man was an accountant in a unit in the county town, a cadre, and the family's economic conditions were good, and he was the village's financial owner. When Tang Xiaowei heard the man's name, he remembered that the man had a four-sided, love to wear a light blue Zhongshan suit, and have a palatial name - Tang Manfu. For this object, Tang Xiaowei did not have the previous antipathy, but he did not think how good it was, and he could truly be worthy of Teacher Wang. Listening to the gossip of a certain classmate, Teacher Wang and this man talked very smoothly, as if they were about to get engaged. Tang Xiaowei felt that this development speed was really a bit fast, Teacher Wang was still young, there was no need to rush it. Tang Xiaowei thought. If he marries a family and lives with him, the only thing that satisfies him is that Teacher Wang's living conditions will not be bad when he marries. The man had never been to school, and Tang Xiaowei had always thought of meeting him at school.

This Friday snowy afternoon, Wang Manzhen was going home. She usually lives in the school dormitory, and returns to her home for two days on weekends. Wang Manzhen's home is in the next village, called Xuecun, less than three kilometers away from Tang Xiaowei's village, Tangjiazhuang. Tang Xiaowei's family was on the outermost side of the west side of the village, leaning against the edge of the field, and there was a west-facing official road in front of the door. Saying that it is an official road, in fact, it is a wider dirt road, and Tang Xiaowei's home is the only place for Wang Manzhen to return to his home. Several times before, Tang Xiaowei had seen Teacher Wang passing in front of his house, and he went to say hello to Teacher Wang. Sometimes, when he was at home, he saw a familiar figure outside the door passing by, and when he came out, Teacher Wang had gone far.

After the school bell rang, Tang Xiaowei and his friends did not stop for a moment at the school. They ran on the road with a slip belt, and soon they arrived home. At this moment, the snow particles have long since turned into snowflakes, as if they are raising flowers. The roads, houses, and trees were all obscured by snow. The sun is short, that is, more than four o'clock, and the sky is dark. After Tang Xiaowei arrived home, he put down his school bag, went to the backyard to soak in urine, and then rushed to the front of the house. There was no one outside the door, the road was even more empty, there were no sparrows in the sky, and all living things were looking for warmth. Tang Xiaowei watched the snow fall, and in a moment he turned white on his body, he patted the snow on his body, and felt that his fingers were hurt by ice. Tang Xiaowei suddenly thought that he could slide out an ice skate, so that it would not be so cold and boring.

An ice skate was quickly created. Tang Xiaowei stood at his door and called out to a few partners to skate with them. Soon the snow stopped falling heavier and remained in a steady rhythm. But the temperature is still dropping, and it's dripping into ice. After playing for a while, a few friends could not hold back, and in the call of their parents, they hurried home, waiting for them to have a happy dinner. Only Tang Xiaowei was left there.

Tang Xiaowei slid absently, glancing from time to time at the east of the main road, he was waiting. There were one or two figures in the past in the middle, neither of whom he was waiting for. Once on the ice track, Tang Xiaowei tilted his head to look in that direction, one careless, his feet were toe,He fell down fiercely, and the hard ground hit his thighs with pain. He hurriedly got up, looked around, saw that no one was seeing, and quickly patted the slush off his body. After a pause, he continued to slide, he slid very slowly, just feeling the extra strength that the ice skating brought.

For a moment, a figure appeared from the east side of the road, slowly came over, gradually became larger, Tang Xiaowei took a serious look, it was the object he was waiting for- Teacher Wang Manzhen. Teacher Wang must have been busy at school for a while, and only then did he walk home. On snowy days, she could only walk home. Tang Xiaowei pondered. Teacher Wang's figure was getting closer and closer to Tang Xiaowei's home. When he was about to arrive, Tang Xiaowei quickly made a natural skiing look, as if he had no intention of playing in front of the door. Wang Manzhen wore a white down coat with the hem of the coat down to the calf, a fiery red scarf around her neck, a pair of black leather gloves, and a leather pocket on one arm. It looked like she should be warm.

Wang Manzhen saw Tang Xiaowei, stood still, and asked him—Xiaowei, what are you still doing?

Tang Xiaowei also seemed to have just seen Teacher Wang, smiled and said- "Playing, Teacher Wang."

As Wang Manzhen walked forward, she said- don't slip anymore, it's dark, hurry back.

Tang Xiaowei sighed in his mouth and asked, Teacher Wang, are you going home?"

Wang Manzhen said- well, go home.

Tang Xiaowei asked again--Why didn't anyone send you?

Wang Manzhen smiled and said--why do you want people to send it, so close to the road.

Tang Xiaowei just wanted to say--Isn't Tang Manfu of the East Village going to get engaged to you? Why doesn't he send you? But he suddenly closed his mouth, and he felt that something was wrong.

Wang Manzhen had already walked to the distance at this time, and Tang Xiaowei ran to the height of a mound in front of the door, standing on it and looking to the west. Wang Manzhen waved his hand and let Tang Xiaowei go home.

Tang Xiaowei returned home. For a moment, he thought of what he had just seen on Teacher Wang's head, a layer of snowflakes, a thick layer. Although there are scarves around the head, it is only half-circumferential, not all, and some of the head will be soaked with snow. Tang Xiaowei took three steps and two steps to find his father and asked him where the umbrella at home was. His father, who was sweeping snow in the backyard, told him that the umbrella was hanging in the corner of the wardrobe in the house, and his father asked him what he was doing, and Tang Xiaowei ran to the house to get the umbrella before he could say anything, and ran out in a hurry.

He ran west along the road in front of the door, thinking that he would soon be able to catch up with Teacher Wang, but he poked at the bottom of the sky, but the snowflakes were flying randomly, and nothing could be seen in front of him. After chasing for a long time, Tang Xiaowei saw a figure moving in the dim light, it was Teacher Wang. Teacher Wang's footsteps were brisk, as if he was still humming a song. By this time they were in the wild, and all the crops planted in the fields had disappeared and were in a daze. There was only the faint sound of snow falling in your ears. Tang Xiaowei was running, and when he was about to reach Teacher Wang, he shouted--Teacher Wang! Wang Manzhen heard someone call her, turned around, and found Tang Xiaowei standing five or six steps away from him, holding a black umbrella in his hand.

Tang Xiaowei gasped a little and said, "Teacher Wang, you should wear this umbrella."

Looking at Tang Xiaowei's appearance, Wang Manzhen had a strange feeling in her heart, and she smiled.

Wang Manzhen walked over to Tang Xiaowei, took Tang Xiaowei's umbrella, slammed it, and propped it open. Near the tip of the umbrella, a small hole was revealed, the size of a human eye. She didn't know what to say for a moment, and her nose was a little sour. She knew that this was the only umbrella in Tang Xiaowei's family, because every time it rained, his family went to school to give him an umbrella, and they all took this one. Wang Manzhen put away the umbrella, touched Tang Xiaowei's head, and said, Thank you so much, Xiaowei. Then, she continued to laugh and said- you see, when it snows heavily, it is generally impossible to use an umbrella, and the snow falls on the umbrella, more and more, and the umbrella is heavy and tired. Why not take a picture of it from time to time. Then, she returned the umbrella to Tang Xiaowei.

Tang Xiaowei looked down at the umbrella in his hand, not knowing what to say. At this moment, he thought of Tang Manfu in the east of the village, this snowy evening, as his soon-to-be engaged lover, why couldn't he send Teacher Wang?! He should know that Teacher Wang has to go home every weekend, even if he Tang Manfu is not at home, still in the county, but he has an older brother, his father is not old, he can also help... From this point of view, he Tang Manfu is not a sentient and righteous person, he is not a qualified object.

Wang Manzhen looked at the child in front of him, touched his head again, smiled and said, take the umbrella well, hurry back!

Tang Xiaowei looked at Wang Manzhen at this time, because Wang Manzhen was already ready to go forward. He said, "Teacher Wang, if you walk slowly, this road is slippery." The voice stopped for a moment and said, "Teacher Wang, don't go too slowly, it will be dark at one o'clock."

At this time, there were several dog barks faintly from afar.

Wang Manzhen turned around, held out the familiar smile of Tang Xiaowei on his face, and said- The teacher knows, you hurry back!

Tang Xiaowei did not move. He watched as Teacher Wang's figure became smaller and smaller, the white down jacket quickly merged with the space of heaven and earth, only the red scarf, which had gone far away, was still glowing red.

After arriving home, Tang Xiaowei was delighted to find that his sister, Tang Xiaoling, had returned. The sister loves Tang Xiaowei the most, and the sister has been married for half a year, and she can't often come back to see him. But he knew that as soon as his sister had the right time, she would definitely come home to see him and see their common parents. When my sister returned, the home was really different, and even the dark-looking light bulb hanging from the center of the roof emitted a brighter light.