
Why do Chinese like to drink hot water? Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Winter Health Lecture into Ukraine

author:Anhui net

Xin'an Evening News Anhui Network Dawan News "Teacher Zhao, what is the difference between Traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine", "Teacher Zhao, why do Chinese like to drink hot water?" "Teacher, what do you think we Ukrainians eat more healthy?" "Teacher, do you think I can learn acupuncture through self-study?" ”...... On the other end of the screen, Ukrainian students at the Confucius Institute of Kharkiv State University in Ukraine asked questions with Chinese who were not yet proficient, and Zhao Jun, a teacher from the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, patiently and meticulously answered them one by one.

Why do Chinese like to drink hot water? Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Winter Health Lecture into Ukraine

At 18:00 on the evening of December 18, Beijing time, the series of activities jointly organized by Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Anhui University and Confucius Institute of Kharkiv National University in Ukraine were held online as scheduled. Teacher Zhao Jun of the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine brought a wonderful lecture with the theme of "Winter North Wind is Cold to the Bone, Chinese Medicine Health care is safe" to nearly 100 Chinese learners of the Confucius Institute of Harbin University.

Zhao Jun used easy-to-understand language to talk about the four seasons of health care, and introduced the knowledge of winter health care in traditional Chinese medicine, such as winter nursing and living and nursing, emotional regulation, winter kidney maintenance, winter supplementation, and traditional Health Care Therapy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which was rich and novel. Zhao Jun focused on the unique advantages and important roles played by traditional Chinese medicine in the fight against the new crown pneumonia epidemic and the Chinese model of "applying traditional Chinese medicine prevention and control treatment plan for the first time, having a team of traditional Chinese medicine experts at the first time, and using traditional Chinese medicine at the first time" to combat the new crown epidemic. Zhao Jun also recommended the aerobic exercise prescription that will help with the recovery of the new crown - the traditional exercise method "Eight Duan Jin", encouraging everyone to learn the Eight Duan Jin, enhance their physique, and use Chinese wisdom to fight the virus.

Why do Chinese like to drink hot water? Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Winter Health Lecture into Ukraine

Natasha, who participated in the lecture, said that Teacher Zhao is not only very beautiful, but also speaks Mandarin very well, this lecture and the culture of Chinese medicine health are very interesting, I hope that there will be more opportunities to understand Chinese medicine in the future, and when the epidemic situation becomes better, I want to go to China to personally experience the Chinese style of "killing chicken".

Why do Chinese like to drink hot water? Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Winter Health Lecture into Ukraine

In order to make the culture of Traditional Chinese medicine better go to the world and make Chinese medicine better serve the health of people around the world, Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Anhui University and Kharkiv State University of Ukraine opened the first of this series of activities after a month of careful planning. It is reported that the project will also hold a number of activities such as "online visit to the Anhui Museum of Traditional Chinese Medicine" and "online teaching of traditional gongfa such as Baduanjin".

Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Anhui University, and the Confucius Institute of Kharkiv National University in Ukraine select different contents and angles around the theme of disseminating Chinese medicine culture, and are committed to making this activity a new brand for the overseas dissemination of Chinese medicine culture, focusing on opening up a new channel for the overseas dissemination of Chinese medicine culture, continuously expanding the influence and coverage of Chinese medicine culture overseas, telling the story of Chinese medicine to the world, and showing a more comprehensive, true and three-dimensional image of China.

You Zhicheng Xin'an Evening News Anhui Network Dawan News reporter Chen Mu

Edited by Xu Dapeng