
The clouds are in the blue sky and the water is in the bottle, and Li Ao teaches us how to be ourselves

author:Tang poems, Song poems, ancient poems
The clouds are in the blue sky and the water is in the bottle, and Li Ao teaches us how to be ourselves

Above the medicine mountain, there are clouds outside the sky, there are bottles in front of people, the clouds are invisible with the wind, and the bottles of water live and clarify.

The Zen master held the rosary beads in his hand and bowed his head in silence. Standing on top of the Medicine Mountain, like Huang Zhong Da Lu, it is like not moving. Li Aocheng asked, "What is the Tao?" ”

The Zen master looked up at the ethereal clouds outside the sky, looked down at the silent and soft water in front of him, and said slowly: "The clouds are in the bottle of blue sky water." ”

The flow of time is not as good as the sand of the fingertips, and the years are mottled to a thousand years. Li Ao's figure has long since faded away with the rotation of the annual rings of time. But the verses he left behind in Yaoshan Qingdao have been recited by people with hearts for thousands of years. "The clouds are in the blue sky and the water is in the bottle" is talking about the Tao, talking about sentient beings, and talking about oneself.

"The clouds are in the blue sky and the water is in the bottle", the clouds are the sentient beings who are stained with red dust, and the water is the sorrow and joy that flow with the waves. Clouds are impermanent and hang above the nine heavens; water is impermanent, confined to size.

In the vicissitudes of the world, we are like water in a bottle, allowing the bottle to knead us into various shapes. We who go with the flow have long been accustomed to the fiddling of fate, step by step, three points and one line. So silent, so soft.

Such a life is bland and a little boring. It is cosy but nothing new; it is idyllic but lifeless. When you wake up in the morning by an alarm clock and open your eyes to see the ceiling—the hollow white seems to be able to foresee yourself twenty years from now. You don't want to get out of bed, but an inexplicable force forces you to pull you up. It seems that there are many choices, but for the sake of life, we can only choose the only answer. Numb like a marionette, sluggishly doing various movements.

The clouds are in the blue sky and the water is in the bottle, and Li Ao teaches us how to be ourselves

People are not grass and trees, after all, there are sentient beings. Although the bottle gives the water shelter, it also traps the water. The existing life gives us the basis for settling down, but it also isolates us from the possibility of infinite flight. We force a smile, behind the mask of human sophistication is the inner yearning for a better future; the curved and tired shell is the collision of blood and passionate dreams. But life, fate makes us suppress our hearts, cold blood. In the middle of the night, in the dream, the teenager who once had light in his eyes had already turned into dead cold water in the bottle.

Some give in, some are unwilling, some rise up to fight. It is said that water is good for all things, but why should I not argue? Why should I be at your mercy, and why should you knead me into what I am? My destiny is in my own hands.

So the submission became more and more silent, the unwilling left and right wandered, and the rise of resistance turned into water vapor and gathered into clouds.

It's all about meeting a better version of yourself.

When I woke up from the dream, I thought back to the teenager in the dream who had light in his eyes. Someone got up and opened a long-sealed drawer with a paintbrush in it. When I was young, I dreamed of becoming a cartoonist, but now that I am running around for three meals, can I still draw the cicadas on the camphor tree in my hometown?

Someone pinched the extra flesh on his stomach, looked at himself bloated in the mirror, and shook his head with a bitter smile. Having a child, grinding sex, the worries of chai rice oil and salt are almost forgotten, and I have also walked lightly and butterflies. Brilliant charm, am I still entitled to have?

Some people look at the delicate and expensive suspender lace skirts in the roadside windows under the dazzling neon lights, and their eyes are full of love. I like a lot, but I am shy. Life is so hard, can I still expect to pursue a more beautiful self?

someone...... someone......

Countless bottles of water, clouds outside the sky. Life is a long way, you can become a better version of yourself!

The clouds are in the blue sky and the water is in the bottle, and Li Ao teaches us how to be ourselves

Fate has long since written a lifelong script for everyone before we are born, either sad or happy. How to interpret the wonderful lies in the superb acting skills of the male and female protagonists. A better self, even if the script is bland, this life will show a magnificent shore in the calm and waveless. A better version of yourself, even if the script is full of sorrow, the sun and rain will always accompany you when suffering comes.

Only by becoming better can we have the ability to delete the script of fate and add drama to ourselves. On the long road of life, write more wonderful and gorgeous dramas.

I like to draw, and I pick up a dusty brush when I am frustrated and tired. Even if the brushwork is young, the painting is still his own happiness.

If you want to become more beautiful, you can find ways to sculpt yourself in your leisure time. Fitness or yoga to create the perfect body shape. Add points to your charm, even if no one appreciates it, at least you can please yourself.

If you want to buy a favorite dress, the price on the label will make you prohibitive. Then redouble your efforts at work and strive for better pay. Or take a career-related certificate to prepare for a more suitable job opportunity.

If you have a dream, you will pursue it, and if you have ambition, you will realize it, and even if you fail, it is just a return to the original point. But once you succeed, you break free from the shackles of the bottle and add more choices to your life.

In order to get rid of the fate of the water in the bottle, in order to be a better self, continue to learn, continue to explore, and constantly try unfamiliar fields.

Fitness, running, being a healthier version of yourself, a more disciplined self.

Music, reading, being a more literary self, a more fulfilling self.


The clouds are in the blue sky and the water is in the bottle, and Li Ao teaches us how to be ourselves

Various hobbies gave us labels other than the water in the bottle. Fitness experts, outdoor masters, musical prodigals, game kings, literary youth.... The water vapor gradually gathered into a flowing cloud above the blue sky. It is unrestrained, free and floating freely.

Fate doesn't easily break off its trajectory, it does its best to stop you from breaking the bottle. If you want to make yourself better, you must first overcome yourself. Enemies of themselves, but also enemies of the world.

Just like the water vapor rises, in addition to the obstruction of fate itself, there is also an endless stream of wind oppression. If you can't stand the wear and tear of the world, how can you soar for nine days and travel freely?

There are always people who laugh and laugh when we are trying: "What's the use, tossing half a day is not like that?" Or with disdain behind his back, he coldly stabbed: "What to wear." Can a sparrow still turn into a phoenix? ”

Not willing to be mediocre is the enemy of mediocrity, and mediocre people will naturally stand up to stop us. It is precisely because mediocrity is our enemy that we know more clearly that we are not mediocre.

The water in the bottle is the answer given to us by fate, and the clouds outside the sky are our own dreams to chase. We want to be better, happier, we want to break the fate of the water in the bottle.

We have ambitions, so we work hard, and we deserve to be better ourselves.

Trained to resemble a crane shape, a thousand pine trees under the two letters. I came to ask Wu Yu said that the clouds were in the blue sky and the water was in the bottle.

Author: He Feng, loves poetry and poetry.