
Recommend a few super sad songs

author:Yi Ge complete film and television anime

Hello everyone I am Xiaobian Yige Film and Television, the song must be known to everyone is not strange, today Xiaobian recommended a few super sad songs to everyone when secretly listening to I am afraid that you can't help it...

1 Tears of Heaven - Eric Clapton

Recommend a few super sad songs

The song is about a father who loses his child, and the real events can touch people's hearts even more. The heavy atmosphere carries blessings and reluctance for the child, and you can even feel how painful it is for him to lose his child, there are tears in heaven and happiness, and I believe that those who go to heaven will live well.

2 Damage - Johnny Cash

Recommend a few super sad songs

The singer's broken voice makes people feel that our feelings are so fragile, and in this twisted society, whether emotions exist can only bring harm to people. No one pays attention to the person in the shadows at the bottom, even if he is dying, his emotions are worthless to others and even feel "dirty". I hope that people who hear this song can cherish the present.

3 Stan - Eminem

Recommend a few super sad songs

Even though I'm not a big fan of Eminem, the song is fantastic. Unlike the sad song above, this song is full of Eminem's sadness and anger, you can feel all his emotions in his rap, and his inner emotions are defenselessly open to you, waiting for you to resonate. What kind of things can make the person in the video commit suicide with his pregnant wife, these need to be quietly listened to, and the song will give you the answer. This song is not recommended when you are in a low mood and may cause you to be mildly depressed at the time.

4 Crazy Worlds - Michael Andrews

Recommend a few super sad songs

The singer's unique voice gives it a unique charm, and closing your eyes, the singer's soft, slow voice drifts past your ears and makes you feel like you are in an alien space. There is its own story, the outsider's you are devoured little by little, and it greedily devours your wholety. It's easy to cry when listening to this song, it's a sad and good song, and at the same time it gives me a feeling that I can't explain in words.

5 Stairways of Heaven - Zeppelin

Recommend a few super sad songs

It was the greatest rock song of all time and was named the first song by radio listeners in San Diego for several years in a row. It's about the nature and preciousness of life, in fact, it should not be summarized as a sad song, but this song is too classic, if you think he should not be ranked here, then please listen to this song and look at its lyrics, you will find that it is only right to be listed here.

The above is the small editor for everyone to recommend super sad 5 songs, have you heard the small partner welcome to leave a message in the comment area.