
Chen Haonan, the first secretary of the post-90s first secretary who returned to |: Let the unstable poverty alleviation households steadily become well-off

author:The Paper

【Editor's Note】

This year China will eradicate absolute poverty.

On March 6, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the People's Republic of China and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, attended the symposium on decisive victory and poverty alleviation in Beijing and delivered an important speech. He stressed that by 2020, all the rural poor under the current standards will be lifted out of poverty, which is a solemn commitment made by the Party Central Committee to the people of the whole country and must be realized as scheduled. This is an uphill battle, and the more you get to the end, the tighter you have to tighten this string, and you can't pause, you can't be careless, you can't relax.

The first secretary stationed in the village is an important fulcrum for accurate poverty alleviation. Since 2018, The Paper has launched the "Post-90s First Secretary" feature for three consecutive years, focusing on this young group. This year we visited some of them to learn about their changes and the villages over the past two years.

At the same time, we are also looking for more post-90s village first secretaries nationwide, if you are or you have them, welcome to send an email to: [email protected].


Name: Chen Haonan

Date of birth: November 1992

Former position in the village: Confidential officer of the Party and Government Office of Shenyang University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Village position: First Secretary of Xinghua Village, Laodaozi Township, Jianchang County, Huludao City, Liaoning Province

"This year's goal is to enable unstable poverty alleviation households in the village to steadily get rid of poverty and run towards a well-off life." Chen Haonan, first secretary of Xinghua Village in Laodaozi Township, Jianchang County, Huludao City, Liaoning Province, told The Paper (

At the end of 2019, the per capita annual income of 124 poor households in Xinghua Village exceeded 4,000 yuan, achieving poverty alleviation in the whole village. For 7 of them, 7 unstable poverty alleviation households with a per capita annual income of 4,000-5,000 yuan, Chen Haonan plans to "drive the small-tailed cold sheep breeding project at a fixed point".

Over the past two years in the village, Chen Haonan has helped Xinghua Village develop the village's collective economy, organize the construction of roads, and do practical things for the villagers. The villagers also changed his title from "little doll" at the beginning to a kind "little secretary". When life was extremely difficult, a villager received grain, oil and necessities sent by Chen Haonan in time, and they personally made insoles to give to Chen Haonan, and attached a note saying: "A needle and a thread are a little heart of my family, please accept it." The grace of saving lives will never be forgotten. ”

Chen Haonan, the first secretary of the post-90s first secretary who returned to |: Let the unstable poverty alleviation households steadily become well-off

Chen Haonan (middle), the first secretary of Xinghua Village, Laodaozi Township, Jianchang County, Huludao City, Liaoning Province. The images in this article are provided by the interviewees

The exploration of the development of the village collective economy: from the cultivation of salvia to the breeding of small-tailed cold sheep

"When I first came to Xinghua Village in 2018, the village collective economy was almost blank. Villagers plant corn on the hillside, the economic benefits are low, and even some villagers work hard all year, and eventually lose money. Chen Haonan recalled that when he first came, he was eager to improve the agricultural product planting structure of Xinghua Village, and the cultivation of Chinese medicinal materials with higher yields was exactly in line with this direction.

In 2019, under the leadership of Chen Haonan, Xinghua Village successfully transferred 100 acres of land to establish a demonstration area for the ecological planting of Chinese herbal medicine salvia. However, affected by the arid climate, the low yield of danshen in that year, with a total output of 30,000 catties, only half of the expected output, is expected to bring 20,000 yuan of benefits.

What is even more difficult for Chen Haonan is that at the beginning of this year, affected by the epidemic, many pharmaceutical companies shifted their pharmaceutical focus to the manufacture of anti-influenza virus drugs, and danshen, which is mainly used to activate blood and dissolve stasis, is almost "unnoticed".

In order not to let the epidemic "drag the legs" of poverty alleviation, in the past few months, Chen Haonan has taken small samples and test reports of danshen to traditional Chinese medicine manufacturers in Liaoning, Tianjin, Shanghai, Sichuan and other places to sell danshen, and "find a way out" for the sales of agricultural products.

Chen Haonan, the first secretary of the post-90s first secretary who returned to |: Let the unstable poverty alleviation households steadily become well-off

Chen Haonan looked for sales channels for salvia.

After the slow sale of salvia, he shifted the focus of the village's collective economic development to the aquaculture industry. Through field visits and market research in the neighboring areas, he decided to carry out the small-tailed cold sheep breeding project in Xinghua Village.

"The aquaculture industry is suitable for our remote mountainous areas, and there is a party branch member in the village who has many years of experience in breeding and epidemic prevention, and can give you some guidance." Although the salvia is slow to sell, the economic development of our village cannot be stopped. Chen Haonan decided to first mobilize the party members of Xinghua Village to raise funds and build the farm. Subsequently, he and the village party secretary went door to door to mobilize party members in the village, encouraging party members to play an exemplary and leading role and raise a start-up fund for the small-tailed cold sheep breeding project in the form of shares.

In March 2020, 6 party members and a representative of the villagers in Xinghua Village jointly contributed 75,000 yuan, and the party members guaranteed a loan of 30,000 yuan from the Xiaowei Han sheep sales enterprise, and purchased a total of 65 sheep.

According to Chen Haonan, the 7 unstable poverty alleviation households in the village can each get 2 sheep, which are collectively raised by the farm, deducting the feeding costs, and the rest of the income is owned by the poverty alleviation households. It is expected that by the end of this year, this project can bring 15,000 to 20,000 yuan of income to the village collective, "like a snowball, little by little to develop and grow the village collective economy."

Poverty alleviation first helps the intellect, "planting the seeds of hope for children"

"Poverty alleviation precedes wisdom." In July 2019, Chen Haonan contacted Shenyang University of Aeronautics and Astronautics to organize a 21-day summer volunteer teaching activity for Xinghua Village, and the school also brought 100 manual aircraft models to XinghuaCun Shancha Primary School. "The school brought the model airplane in the hope that the dolls in the village could fall in love with science and technology, plant the seeds of hope for the children, and contribute to the country in the future." Chen Haonan told reporters.

Chen Haonan, the first secretary of the post-90s first secretary who returned to |: Let the unstable poverty alleviation households steadily become well-off

Shenyang University of Aeronautics and Astronautics held a 21-day summer volunteer teaching activity in Xinghua Village.

"Rural education is the top priority of poverty alleviation." In Chen Haonan's mind, the idea of allowing children in rural areas to receive a good education had sprouted as early as 8 years ago.

In August 2012, Chen Haonan, then a People's Liberation Army soldier, accompanied his troops on a four-day, three-night field training exercise in Heishui Town, Taonan City, Jilin Province. On the way, Chen Haonan met a local villager in his fifties with his seven-year-old grandson herding sheep. The villager's grandson, wearing a large adult vest and no pants, was drinking from the water in the large pit formed by the rain on the grassland, which was muddy and dirty.

Chen Haonan asked him, why don't you go to school? He shook his head and said, I don't know. Chen Haonan asked him again, do you want to go to school? He nodded and said, thinking.

At that time, Chen Haonan, who grew up in Jinzhou City, saw the poverty of the countryside for the first time, and the child's longing eyes when he nodded to him were also deeply imprinted in Chen Haonan's mind. "That's why I insist on working in the countryside, just so that rural children can study and farmers can completely get rid of poverty."

After coming to Xinghua Village, Chen Haonan learned that the dispatched unit Shenyang University of Aeronautics and Astronautics has been carrying out the education poverty alleviation activity of "big hands and small hands" in recent years, and immediately got in touch with the school. The school sent a volunteer teaching team composed of 35 teachers and students to Xinghua Village, attracting a total of 120 primary and secondary school students from Xinghua Village to participate in summer activities, and villagers who worked outside specially sent their children back to the village to participate in this activity. A total of more than 350 lessons were held, including not only basic subjects such as mathematics, Chinese, and English, but also interest classes such as astronomy, science, and psychology.

"During these 21 days, the children and the teacher developed a deep relationship, and the children's tears could not be stopped when the teacher left." Chen Haonan said that it is precisely because of this friendship that 11 volunteer teachers visited during the winter vacation this year, and all the students who participated in summer activities came.

"We work outside the home, there is no time to teach children in the summer, and the summer volunteer teaching activities have helped us solve the major problems in children's learning, and I hope this activity can continue to be held." Some parents said this to Chen Haonan.

Chen Haonan, the first secretary of the post-90s first secretary who returned to |: Let the unstable poverty alleviation households steadily become well-off

The children of Apricot Blossom Village are learning.

From "Little Doll" to "Little Secretary"

"How come a little doll came to us, not as old as my children, what can they do?"

In March 2018, when Chen Haonan arrived as the first secretary of Xinghua Village, the villagers questioned his young age and ability to do rural work. He was not discouraged, and went to the fields during the day to help the farmers, and went door to door at night.

For more than two years in the village, local villagers have watched this "little doll" help the village develop the collective economy and organize the construction of roads. Chen Haonan also often does practical things for villagers, such as buying medicines for villagers in the provincial capital, helping villagers to register for medical treatment, and the villagers' title for him has changed from "little doll" to "little secretary".

"The little secretary has a lot of affection for our apricot blossom village, has done a lot of things for the village, and is really devoted to it." The villagers' praise made Chen Haonan feel very accomplished. Every time he visited a household, the villagers would leave him to eat, and the villagers would send pennants and agricultural products, but he refused.

When life was extremely difficult, a villager received grain, oil and necessities sent by Chen Haonan in time, and they personally made insoles to give to Chen Haonan, and attached a note saying: "A needle and a thread are a little heart of my family, please accept it." The grace of saving lives will never be forgotten. ”

Chen Haonan, the first secretary of the post-90s first secretary who returned to |: Let the unstable poverty alleviation households steadily become well-off

The insoles and notes given to Chen Haonan by the villagers.

In February 2019, Chen Haonan's wife became pregnant. On October 23, Chen Haonan, who was visiting a poor family, learned that his wife was born prematurely. When he hurried to the hospital, 487 kilometers away from Xinghua Village, the child had already been born. The wife lay wearily in bed and said to him, "Come back."

"She was having a baby, but I couldn't be with me, and I blamed myself on the way to the hospital." Chen Haonan said guiltily that although he and his family had accepted to gather less and leave more when they first chose to stay in the village, they still owed too much to their families.

In the past two years, Chen Haonan has often been busy from seven o'clock in the morning to ten o'clock in the evening, and sometimes he will stay up until three or four o'clock in the morning to do some system entry work, but he will get up early the next morning to work. After the birth of the child, he also had to stay up late when he came home on the weekend to take the child. The double pressure made Chen Haonan a little "unable to eat", he laughed and said that "last year, I began to take traditional Chinese medicine to treat hair loss".

Although the exploration of the collective economy of Xinghua Village Development Village is not smooth, Chen Haonan has always encouraged himself with his favorite words of "what is good in his heart, although he has not regretted it after nine deaths", and strengthened his determination to alleviate poverty.

In July 2021, Chen Haonan will leave the post of first secretary of Xinghua Village. "I want to explore a development path suitable for Xinghua Village in the next year, watch the village slowly develop, and the villagers are steadily running well-off, so that I can leave with confidence."