
Psychological test: Choose a courtyard you like and test whether your future children will be filial to you

Psychological test: Choose a courtyard you like and test whether your future children will be filial to you
Psychological test: Choose a courtyard you like and test whether your future children will be filial to you
Psychological test: Choose a courtyard you like and test whether your future children will be filial to you

A: Your future children will be filial to their parents, but perfunctory filial piety, often said well, children are worried, sometimes wanderers leave home to study and work, often do not talk about their own experiences with their parents, so they gradually formed a mantra: all is good.

B: When you are old, your children will be filial to their parents, and they know what is the great truth of crow feeding, thanks to your words and deeds. When they are very young, you will patiently educate them, no matter whether the child has a career in the future is not important, the important thing is that filial piety to the elderly is the basic principle of being a person, you take yourself as an example, bit by bit in life, you will give your children as an example, there is a way to learn, in the future you teach the children, will definitely be very filial to you.

C: Your future children will not be willing to be filial to their parents, they will choose to escape from real-life responsibilities. Pushing back and forth on the matter of filial piety to parents, he is always unwilling to take the initiative to take responsibility for himself. Ciwushan fed back, and the lamb knelt on its feet. People are not filial to their relatives, not as good as grass and wood, such a scene, really chilling.

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