
Huanggang cadres announced before taking office: Bao Hongzhuan and Li Guo intend to take up the posts of the municipal units

author:China Net Hubei
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A public announcement was made before the cadres of the Organization Department of the Huanggang Municipal CPC Committee took office

In accordance with the provisions of the Regulations on the Work of Selecting and Appointing Party and Government Leading Cadres, the situation of the cadres to be appointed is hereby made public (a total of 2 people).

Bao Hongzhuan, male, Han ethnicity, born in September 1980, college degree, member of the Communist Party of China. He is currently the Deputy Secretary-General of the Municipal Proposed to be the head of the municipal unit.

Li Guo, male, Tujia family, born in September 1982, university degree, member of the Peasants' and Workers' Party. He is currently the vice mayor of Wuxue Municipal People's Government. Proposed to be the head of the municipal unit.

Publicity period: September 6, 2021 to September 10, 2021.

If the vast number of cadres and the masses find that the target of the publicity has problems that affect their appointment, please report them to the Organization Department of the Huanggang Municipal PARTY Committee during the publicity period. Please inform me of my real name and contact information, the content of the report must be true and accurate, and try to provide specific clues. Organize the protection of whistleblowers in strict accordance with law. It is strictly forbidden to take advantage of the opportunity to spread rumors and slander, false accusations and frame-ups.

Address: Huanggang Municipal Party Committee Organization Department Cadre Supervision Section, zip code: 438000.

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Call: 0713- 12380, SMS Report Code: 15171712380.

Organization Department of the HUANGGANG Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China

3 September 2021