
Li Jun, | of the 2021 Youth Science Association: Young scientists should give full play to the power of science and technology in their respective research fields

Source: World Wide Web

On the afternoon of November 13, the Global Young Science and Technology Leaders Roundtable & Series of Activities, one of the main forums of the 2021 World Young Scientists Summit, was held. Li Jun, secretary of the School of Environmental Protection of Zhejiang University of Science and Technology and director of the Carbon Neutral Innovation Research Center, attended the event.

Li Jun, | of the 2021 Youth Science Association: Young scientists should give full play to the power of science and technology in their respective research fields

Li Jun said that as young people, we should shoulder the mission and responsibility of young people in promoting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Young scientists should unleash the power of science and technology in their respective fields of study to work together to build an inclusive, sustainable and resilient future for people and the planet.

The following is a partial transcript of the interview:

World Wide Web: This is the first time you have participated in the CYST, how did you feel when you participated in the CYCI?

Li Jun: This is my first time to participate in the Youth Science and Technology Conference, mainly invited to participate in the Global Young Science and Technology Leaders Roundtable and make a speech. This conference reflects the responsibility of young scientists, shows the innovative vitality of young scientists, and has high standards, wide influence and great significance. The opportunity to listen to the world's top scientists and Nobel laureates and talk to young scientists is very rewarding and inspiring.

Global Network: The topic of this year's summit is "Responsibility, Innovation, Cooperation : Youth Action for the Sustainable Development of Mankind", how do you think young people should better practice it?

Li Jun: As young people, we should act and practice for the sustainable development of mankind from the following three aspects: First, establish a sense of responsibility for achieving sustainable development. In the process of study and work, young people should think more about the sustainable development of mankind and achieve coordinated development of economic growth, social inclusion and environmental protection. Second, the power of science and technology should be fully utilized to promote sustainable development. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals covered by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development are all major challenges facing mankind, and only by harnessing the power of science and technology can we properly cope with and solve them. Third, strengthen exchanges and cooperation to jointly promote sustainable development. In the face of these problems, we cannot solve them with individual or local capabilities, but should enhance cooperation and exchanges to meet these challenges through interdisciplinary, cross-field and cross-national cooperation.

Global Network: "The future of science and technology is in youth", how do you think young scientists should exert their strength in the field of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality?

Li Jun: As young scientists, we should give full play to the strength of science and technology in our respective research fields, for example, the team of the Carbon Neutral Innovation Research Center of Zhejiang University of Science and Technology is committed to conducting research in the fields of high-value utilization of biomass and green low-carbon agriculture, green manufacturing technology and carbon reduction in traditional industries, green ecological education and "double carbon" policies, and contributing to carbon neutrality.

Global Network: As a university, what work has been done around the "3060" goal of carbon neutrality?

Li Jun: As a university, you should assume the mission and responsibility to make due contributions to the realization of the "3060" goal of carbon peak carbon neutrality. In Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, led by the College of Environment and Resources, the Zhejiang Green Technology culture promotion association, the School of Economics and Management, the Sino-German Engineer College, etc., jointly established the Carbon Neutral Innovation Research Center. Since its establishment, the center has been actively committed to the research and practice of low-carbon agriculture and industrial carbon reduction, and we also advocate low-carbon, ecological and green education for college students. We hope that through the above, we can give full play to the advantages of universities and help the country achieve the "3060" goal of carbon peak carbon neutrality.

Global Network: Young scientists are a new force in scientific and technological innovation and a pioneering force in promoting international academic exchanges. Can you send a message to young scientists?

Li Jun: Undertake the mission of youth, have the courage to innovate and develop, and contribute to the strength of youth!