
The "Game of Thrones" prequel "Dragon Family" is officially launched in 2022

author:Nomad starry sky

Today's "Game of Thrones" official tweet announced that the prequel series "Dragon Family" began filming in the United Kingdom, and the series will be launched on HBO Max in 2022. The official push of "Dragon Family" also shared the scene of the script reading meeting and the main actors, let's take a look at it together.

The "Game of Thrones" prequel "Dragon Family" is officially launched in 2022

"The Dragon Family" is based on George W. Bush. R· R. Martin's novel Fire and Blood, set 300 years before the canon of Game of Thrones, tells the story of the rise and fall of the Targaryen family, including the famous bloody civil unrest "Blood Dragon Dance" in the history of the Targaryen family, martin will co-develop with Ryan Condal, HBO has booked a season of 10 episodes.

The "Game of Thrones" prequel "Dragon Family" is officially launched in 2022

The Dance of the Blood Dragons was a bloody civil war in the middle of the Targaryen dynasty, which originated when Veseris I's eldest daughter Renella competed with his second wife, Allison Hightower' eldest son, Egon, for the succession to the Iron Throne, a civil war that led directly to the extinction of the Targaryens' dragons.

The "Game of Thrones" prequel "Dragon Family" is officially launched in 2022

Emma Darcy starred in the TV series Traveller, where she will play Princess Rainera Targaryen in The Dragon Family and the eldest daughter of King Visery Targaryen I in the fantasy novel A Song of Ice and Fire. Her rise to power over the Iron Throne was challenged by her half-brother Egon Targaryen II, sparking a civil war known as the Dance of the Blood Dragons.

The "Game of Thrones" prequel "Dragon Family" is officially launched in 2022

Olivia Cook played the heroine in Ready Player One. She will play Allison Hightower in The Dragon Family, the most beautiful woman after the Seven Kings, the second wife of Viserys I, with three sons and one daughter. His father, Otto Hightower, was the hand of kings of Viserys I and Egon II. Beheaded by Queen Renella Targaryen on charges of treason.

The "Game of Thrones" prequel "Dragon Family" is officially launched in 2022

Matt Smith, who starred in Doctor Who and Terminator: Genesis, plays Prince Damon Targaryen, The Uncle and Second Husband of Rainyla Targaryen. He was a seasoned warrior and the main commander of the Early Black Party army of the Blood Dragon Dance. The dragon he piloted was named Kolakh hugh. He holds the Dark Sisters with the Valyrian Steel Sword. Renella Targaryen gave birth to two kings, the Dragon Scourge, Egon Targaryen III and Viserys Targaryen II.

The "Game of Thrones" prequel "Dragon Family" is officially launched in 2022

Paddy Constance will play King Viserys Targaryen in Family of Dragons. Viserys was the fifth Targaryen king to sit on the Iron Throne, and his grandfather was Jaehalis Targaryen I. After the death of Berlon, the heir of Jaehaeris I, a grand national council was convened to choose the future king, and Viserys won the election overwhelmingly. Viserys was a warm, friendly, and decent man who wanted to continue his grandfather's tradition. But good people don't necessarily make great kings. Paddy Constance has also previously starred in HBO's "The Outsider" and Netflix's "Blood Gang" and other series.

The "Game of Thrones" prequel "Dragon Family" is officially launched in 2022

Reese Evans, who starred as Dr. Connors in The Amazing Spider-Man, will play knight Otto Heto in Dragon Family.

The "Game of Thrones" prequel "Dragon Family" is officially launched in 2022

Steve Tucsont played a role in Prince of Persia: Blade of Time. He will play "Sea Serpent" Corlis Valerian in Family of Dragons, a great navigator.

The "Game of Thrones" prequel "Dragon Family" is officially launched in 2022