
Rare: Australia's two major water kings meet, and the 675-pound giant crocodile easily swallows the 45-pound bull shark

author:Magical foreigner
Rare: Australia's two major water kings meet, and the 675-pound giant crocodile easily swallows the 45-pound bull shark

According to the British "Daily Star" reported on March 25, mark Ziembicki, a 46-year-old scientist and photographer in northern Queensland, Australia, recently captured an extraordinary scene, a 1500-pound (about 675 pounds) giant crocodile on the local east coast easily swallowed a 100-pound (about 45-pound) baby bull shark.

Rare: Australia's two major water kings meet, and the 675-pound giant crocodile easily swallows the 45-pound bull shark

Mark explained that the two water kings were able to meet because the recent opening of the Santa Lucia estuary combined with excessive rainfall inland caused freshwater species to be washed downstream and into coastal saltwater waters.

Mark captured these extraordinary moments from a distance of 60 feet (about 18 meters) from the crocodile. They were busy taking pictures of another crocodile on the riverbank when they suddenly heard a commotion 100 feet (about 30 meters) away.

Rare: Australia's two major water kings meet, and the 675-pound giant crocodile easily swallows the 45-pound bull shark

A local resident shouted "there's a crocodile eating a shark" and then they turned around and saw the shark struggling in the crocodile's mouth.

The giant crocodile opened its mouth and bit the bull shark tightly, then threw it around. After about 10 minutes of stalemate, the shark slowly lost its strength and was finally swallowed up by the crocodile head down.

Rare: Australia's two major water kings meet, and the 675-pound giant crocodile easily swallows the 45-pound bull shark

Mark recalled that they had been observing crocodiles and sharks in the area for hours, always trying to see what would happen when the two beasts met, only to be completely stunned by the scene.

The scientist also said that the most powerful bite force in the animal kingdom is the crocodile, which is eight times that of the great white shark, and it is obvious that the crocodile is much larger than the shark this time.

Rare: Australia's two major water kings meet, and the 675-pound giant crocodile easily swallows the 45-pound bull shark

Previously, Photographer Geoff Trutwein of Kununurra in Western Australia also filmed crocodiles eating sharks.

Jeff and local fisherman Nat Barnes were catching a small blacktip shark near Windham when a 2.5-meter-long saltwater crocodile suddenly appeared.

The saltwater crocodile bit the blacktip shark and finally snatched the blacktip shark from the fishermen.

Jeff said he had never seen crocodiles interact with sharks in 30 years of photographing wildlife, so he was shocked when he saw the predators up close.

Rare: Australia's two major water kings meet, and the 675-pound giant crocodile easily swallows the 45-pound bull shark

Image source: Daily Star, Bing