
The whole table of Man Han went to serve dim sum

author:The rich man is full

Hello foodies, rich children are coming again!

Today, the rich and noble children bring their families to understand the dim sum in the Mongolian kinship feast of the Manchu and Han Dynasties: tea knife cutting, almond bergamot, crispy apples, and sweet cakes.

To tell the truth, the rich and noble children were already hungry at this time, and now the code words are even more hungry, who called us too much Chinese food. So let's see the Bong Si Dim Sum now.

The whole table of Man Han went to serve dim sum

Tea knife cut

To the first course of the dim sum: tea knife cutting.

This dim sum is like a fusion of steamed buns and flower rolls, the finished product is white and fat, so cute!


1. First of all, 7000 grams of flour, 900 grams of oil, 17.5 kg of rice sugar (small sugar) and 2000 ml of warm water need to be prepared.

2. Pour the prepared ingredients into the basin, pour in the milk and knead the dough.

3. Knead several times to form a smooth dough.

4. Sprinkle with flour and roll out the dough into a skin.

5. Roll up the dough.

6. Cut into dough seeds.

7. Place on the steaming drawer.

8. Start fermentation.

9. Ferment to 2 times the size.

10. Steam for 8 minutes, simmer for another 3 minutes and then remove.

The whole table of Man Han went to serve dim sum

Almond bergamot

To the second way to the dim sum: almond bergamot.

Almonds have rich nutritional value and are not only delicious but also very healthy when made into snacks, and the preparation method is also very simple.


1. Prepare flour, almond flour, eggs, rose bean paste, almond slices and cooking oil first.

2. Mix the flour with cooking oil, then divide into two parts and use the cooking oil to make the noodles.

3. Roll out the dough and roll it up and cut into small pieces.

4. Add rose bean paste filling and knead into the special shape of the bergamot.

5. Brush another layer of egg mixture.

6. Finally put it in the oven and bake it so that it is finished and waiting for the oven to smell the fragrant almond bergamot.

The whole table of Man Han went to serve dim sum

Crispy apples

To the third way of serving dim sum: crispy apples.

Rich Gui'er did not find the crispy apple in the full table of Manhan, but the following crispy apple is also very good.

1. Butter + sugar whisk.

2. Add the egg mixture twice and mix evenly.

3. Sift the flour into a mixture.

4. Refrigerate and let loose for 30 minutes.

5. Take out the rolling pieces of scraps and cut the small strips with a knife.

6. Mold the shape with an egg tart and put it into the egg tart mold.

7. Cut the apple into small cubes + water + sugar and cook until the apples are soft, then add corn starch and mix into apple filling.

8. Add the cool apple filling to the egg tart mold.

9. Top with fresh apple slices.

10. Finally, cross the cake base with cut strips.

11. Put in the middle layer of the 190-degree oven for about 15 minutes. Such a sweet and not greasy crispy apple is the most suitable snack for afternoon tea.

The whole table of Man Han went to serve dim sum

Sweet cake

To the fourth way of offering dim sum: the consensual bread

The meaning of the sweet cake is satisfactory, and the harmony is of course very delicious.

1. Prepare 650 grams of beans, 350 grams of pork belly, 1 onion, salt, 1/2 spoon of sugar, 2 spoons of oil consumption, 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 200 grams of flour, 1 spoonful of corn oil, and about 100 grams of water.

2. Put salt in the flour, a spoonful of corn oil, add an appropriate amount of water, stir with chopsticks into a flocculent kneading into a smooth dough, cover with plastic wrap and ferment for an hour.

3. Wash and peel the pork, chop into minced beans and cut into small pieces, put oil in the chopped onion pan, put in the minced meat and fry, then put the onion to fry the aroma and pour it into the beans and stir-fry for two minutes, add salt, sugar, soy sauce, consume oil, stir-fry evenly.

4. Knead and exhaust the dough, divide into small dough and ferment again for 15 minutes, roll out the dough into thin slices, add the filling on one side, then fold the crust in half, compact the edges of the non-stick pan and brush a layer of oil, put the cake in, and fry on low heat until golden brown on both sides.

This time, the Manchu han all-seat rich and noble children are introduced here! If you want to know more about the practice of the full table, pay more attention to us. If you may have insufficient information, you are welcome to point it out. If foodies have better advice, they can also send private messages to rich children.