
Stern was a workaholic

Zhang Qiang

For more than a decade, a special correspondent for the Global Times has been covering NBA news in the United States, and it is deeply sad to hear the news of Stern's death. The Global Times reporter has interviewed Stern many times and knows more about his personality and work style.

Stern has a strong personality, works vigorously, has a short temper, and has a more authoritarian work style. Employees within the NBA once told the Global Times reporter that Stern advocated an iron-fisted management style, talked and did not do anything, and his subordinates were more afraid of him. But the NBA became one of the best sports business leagues in the world under Stern, which gave him an extremely high reputation in the league.

Stern was a workaholic. He usually works at the NBA headquarters in New York, but whenever there is a major game, he will be there. Despite his age, he still has a strong aura, speaks slowly and confidently. Stern is very friendly to China, and in the impression of the Global Times reporter, Stern "takes good care" of the Chinese media, not only arranging many Chinese media interviews at major events, but also being patient when answering questions. After several interviews, there were still Chinese reporters who came forward to ask questions, and Stern answered them one by one, without putting up any shelves.

Editor-in-charge: Gao Xinge

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