
Hostage Complex – "I seem to be in love with the robber"

author:Don't forget the language

Man can be domesticated.

--- Stockholm Syndrome

Hostage Complex – "I seem to be in love with the robber"

"I seem to be in love with the robbers", this is the "hostage complex", the so-called Stockholm Syndrome. Stockholm Syndrome refers to a complex in which the victim of a crime develops feelings for the offender, such as affection, dependence, and even in turn helping the offender. Hostages develop a psychological sense of dependence on the hijacker. They share the fate of the hijackers, regard the future of the hijackers as their own, and the safety of the hijackers as their own, so they adopt the attitude of "we oppose them" and regard the rescuers as enemies.

Stockholm Syndrome originated on August 23, 1973, when two convicted criminals, Jan Erik Olsson and Clark Olofsson, held four bank employees hostage after attempting to rob one of the largest banks in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, and ended after a 130-hour stalemate between police and gangsters. However, in the months after the incident, the four kidnapped bank clerks still showed pity for their kidnappers, refused to charge the kidnappers in court, and even raised funds for their legal defense, they all showed that they did not hate the gangsters, and expressed their gratitude for the care of the gangsters who did not hurt them, but also adopted a hostile attitude towards the police. What's more, Christian, one of the female clerks in the hostage, fell in love with the robber Olofsson and became engaged to him while he was serving his sentence. The two robbers took hostages for six days, during which time they threatened the lives of the captives, but sometimes showed a benevolent side. Under an unexpected psychological intricate shift, the four hostages resisted the government's efforts to eventually rescue them. This incident has aroused widespread reflection among psychologists and sociologists, defined by research as Stockholm Syndrome.

Hostage Complex – "I seem to be in love with the robber"

On May 19, 1977, Carlo left her hometown to visit friends, and on the way she hitched a ride for a family of three, the man named Carmenon and his wife Janet. Halfway through, she was kidnapped by Carmenosaurus and taken to a cellar in a house. Carlo remembered Carmenon stripping her naked, a whip whipping her on her body, and every day after that Carmenosaurus would beat her badly and then hang naked on the door eaves. Carlo lived entirely in the dark at first, and Carmenron deliberately made a coffin-like box out of metal, in which Carlo could not eat, drink, listen, or see, let alone wear clothes. Carmenron was a sadist who longed for the life of a slave owner in ancient times, he regarded Carlo as a slave, he was a slave owner, and in her he found satisfaction and possessiveness. Carmenon's wife, Janice, suffers from mild epilepsy, and Carmenosaurus is interested in his self-obedience, and the family looks very ordinary in the town. Carmenron came up with a strange idea to carry out his own sadism, he cut a copy of the underground magazine, saying it was a contract for selling souls, and forced Carlo to sign it; he also took nude photos of Carlo and then rinsed it at home. When he was sure that Carlo was not trying to escape, he decided to marry Carlo. Since then, Carlo has gained more freedom, she can go to the bath every day, do housework, even let her go out for a jog, Carlo can also go outside to work, in the three years of kidnapping Carlo has many opportunities to escape, but Carlo did not escape.

Carlo was imprisoned for 7 years, knowing that Janice's sudden conscience was discovered, and jealous of Caro's favor, helped Carlo escape from this hell. However, it is hard to believe that Carlo returned home and called Carmendron, and Carlo assured him that he would never be sued. It wasn't until Janice left Carmenon, found a psychiatrist, and told the story in its entirety, that carmenosaurus was arrested in November 1984.

Hostage Complex – "I seem to be in love with the robber"

Stockholm Syndrome can be seen as a kind of control of the mind, a kind of abstract shackles of the mind. After being abused for a long time, giving the victim some small favors will make it easier for the victim to remember the favor and forget the abuse.

Humans can be domesticated – Stockholm syndrome.

Hostage Complex – "I seem to be in love with the robber"