
The launching ceremony of "Hainan Qiongzhong 2021 National 182 Pilot Areas for Myopia Prevention and Control" was held grandly

author:Hainan information concern

Hainan Province Establishes "Electronic Archive" of Vision Health for Children and Adolescents

The launching ceremony of "Hainan Qiongzhong 2021 National 182 Pilot Areas for Myopia Prevention and Control" was held grandly

The launching ceremony of "Hainan Qiongzhong 2021 National 182 Pilot Areas for Myopia Prevention and Control" was held grandly

On the morning of June 23, 2021, under the guidance of the Hainan Provincial Department of Education and the Provincial Health Commission, jointly sponsored by the Qiongzhong County Education Bureau, the Qiongzhong County Health Commission and the Hainan Provincial Spiritual Civilization Construction Research Association, and co-organized by Hainan Qingcai Education Technology Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Bright Eye Optometry Technology Co., Ltd., the launching ceremony of the "182 Myopia Prevention and Control Pilot Areas and Counties in Hainan Qiongzhong in 2021" was held in Qiongzhong A small area! Chen Haibin, deputy governor of Qiongzhong County People's Government, Fu Yongdong, director of Qiongzhong County Education Bureau, Zhong Xiaohui, director of Qiongzhong County Health Commission, He Binwen, member of the party group of Qiongzhong County Education Bureau, and other leaders attended the launching ceremony on the same day. Deputy County Governor Chen Haibin awarded medals to the first batch of pilot schools.

The launching ceremony of "Hainan Qiongzhong 2021 National 182 Pilot Areas for Myopia Prevention and Control" was held grandly

Professor Liu Yingshun, Chairman of Shenzhen Bright Eye Optometry Technology Co., Ltd., a well-known myopia prevention and control expert in China, a member of the Myopia Prevention and Control Expert Group of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Education, and the inventor of the "Heterodirectional Regulation Method", Liu Wei, a moral model of Hainan Province and secretary general of the Spiritual Civilization Construction Research Association of the Civilization Office of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee, Li Haixing, director of the China Young Entrepreneurs Association and general manager of Hainan Wanning Xinglong Jingxin Theater Performing Arts Culture Communication Co., Ltd., and Liu Keff, chairman of Hainan Eye Color Education Technology Co., Ltd., Cao Wei, chairman of Hainan Jiuhengxin Real Estate Investment Consulting Co., Ltd., and other guests attended the meeting.

The launching ceremony of "Hainan Qiongzhong 2021 National 182 Pilot Areas for Myopia Prevention and Control" was held grandly

"Prevention and control of myopia in adolescents and children is imminent! In the past two decades, the myopia rate of children and adolescents in China has remained high and rising, and myopia has become increasingly young and severe. The epidemic has made myopia prevention and control work face more and more severe challenges! Fu Yongdong, director of the Qiongzhong County Education Bureau, said that in order to promote the "Implementation Plan for the Comprehensive Prevention and Control of Myopia in Children and Adolescents", the National Health Commission organized the pilot work of appropriate technologies for the prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents across the country, and identified 182 districts and counties as the first batch of national pilot areas and counties for the prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents (2020-2021). At present, Qiongzhong County has been identified by the National Health Commission as one of the first batch of 182 children and adolescents myopia prevention and control appropriate technology pilot counties, today's pilot county launch ceremony, is a landmark event in the history of the prevention and control of myopia in adolescents and children in the county, which marks that the myopia prevention and control of adolescents and children in Qiongzhong County has entered a new era. As the education authority, we will go all out to organize this activity and cooperate with the health system to jointly do a good job in the prevention and control of myopia among students in the county.

The launching ceremony of "Hainan Qiongzhong 2021 National 182 Pilot Areas for Myopia Prevention and Control" was held grandly

"The myopia rate of primary and secondary school students in China continues to rise, and this trend has been exacerbated since the epidemic in 2019. According to the Ministry of Education on the changes in the vision of primary, junior high school and high school students in 9 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities during the epidemic period, in the past six months, the incidence of poor vision among the surveyed students has increased from 59.2% to 70.6%, of which the poor vision rate of primary school students is 61.6%, the rate of poor vision of junior high school students is 80.3%, and the rate of poor vision of high school students is 89.3%. The visual health of students in the post-epidemic era is facing a severe test! Professor Liu Yingshun, a well-known myopia prevention and control expert in China, a member of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Education's myopia prevention and control expert group, and the inventor of the "Heterodirectional Regulation Method", told reporters that myopia has a great impact on the health of adolescents and children, and from a large aspect, it will affect the national health quality of our country. From the perspective of the impact of myopia on individuals, in addition to affecting students' learning, it also seriously affects their quality of life. High myopia can even cause blindness! In addition, myopia will also have an impact on students' further education and employment, and many majors and occupations have high vision requirements, which greatly limits the choice of myopic patients. Therefore, it is necessary to follow the spirit of the ministry of education's document instructions "7 points of prevention, 2 points of control, 1 point of treatment", the key to staying away from myopia is prevention! First of all, we must improve the awareness of myopia prevention and develop scientific eye habits from an early age. In the current era of rapid technological development, it is especially necessary to restrain the use of electronic products such as mobile phones, computers, and video games. In addition, participating in outdoor sports to broaden your horizons can also help prevent myopia. Then it is necessary to improve the awareness of myopia prevention from an early age, cultivate good eye habits, actively participate in the ranks of myopia prevention and control, and leave a pair of bright eyes for yourself and the motherland!

The launching ceremony of "Hainan Qiongzhong 2021 National 182 Pilot Areas for Myopia Prevention and Control" was held grandly

"According to the requirements of the pilot work plan of the National Health and Health Commission, the pilot areas should establish and improve the vision screening and referral system for children and adolescents, regularly carry out vision screening for children and primary and secondary school students, establish electronic files on the vision health of children and adolescents, and standardize the diagnosis and correction of refractive errors in children and adolescents, establish and improve the referral system, and strengthen hierarchical management." Liu Keoff, chairman of Hainan Eye Color Education Technology Co., Ltd., said that as the specific implementation unit of the myopia prevention and control pilot, they have signed a contract with the pilot school, and next, they will conduct a comprehensive inspection of the student's eye health, and at the same time establish an eye personal health file for each student, and regularly carry out eye health education, update the big data data of student eye health, etc. Strengthen prevention and avoid myopia in students who do not have myopia. Take effective measures to treat and adjust students who are already myopic to delay the development of myopia.

The launching ceremony of "Hainan Qiongzhong 2021 National 182 Pilot Areas for Myopia Prevention and Control" was held grandly

It is reported that after the completion of the pilot work, the appropriate technology for the prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents will be further popularized and promoted in other cities and counties such as Haikou City and Sanya City in our province!