
Awesome! 9 movies that are better than the original, how many have you seen?

author:Follow-up notes

1. "One Day"

Starring: Anne Hathaway / Jim Sturges / Tom Mitchon / Judy Whitaker / Tim Kay

Awesome! 9 movies that are better than the original, how many have you seen?
Awesome! 9 movies that are better than the original, how many have you seen?

2. "Book Thief"

Starring: Jeffrey Rush / Emily Watson / Sophie Neillis / Ben Schneider

Awesome! 9 movies that are better than the original, how many have you seen?

3. "Breakup Letter Dear John"

Starring: Amanda Seyfried / Channing Tatum / Richard Jenkins / Scott Potter

Awesome! 9 movies that are better than the original, how many have you seen?
Awesome! 9 movies that are better than the original, how many have you seen?

4. "The Prestige"

Starring: Hugh Jackman / Christian Bell / Michael Kane / Rebecca Hauer / Scarlett Johansson / David Bowie / Andy Serkis / Piper Perabeau / Samanta Mahorin, etc

Awesome! 9 movies that are better than the original, how many have you seen?

5. The Hunger Games

Starring: Jennifer Lawrence / Josh Hutcheson / Liam Hemsworth / Wes Bentley / Elizabeth Banks etc

Awesome! 9 movies that are better than the original, how many have you seen?
Awesome! 9 movies that are better than the original, how many have you seen?

6. "Bones of Winter"

Starring: Jennifer Lawrence / John Hawkes / Kevin Bressnahan / Dale Dickey / Garrett Dillahout.

Awesome! 9 movies that are better than the original, how many have you seen?
Awesome! 9 movies that are better than the original, how many have you seen?

7. "The Pianist at Sea"

Starring: Giuseppe Tornadore / Tim Rose / Pruitt Taylor Vince / Bill Nunn / Crans Williams III / Melanie Thierry / Pete Vaughan

Awesome! 9 movies that are better than the original, how many have you seen?
Awesome! 9 movies that are better than the original, how many have you seen?

8. Revolutionary Road

Starring: Leonardo DiCaprio / Kate Winslet / Michael Shannon / Ryan Simpkins / Christopher Fitzgerald

Awesome! 9 movies that are better than the original, how many have you seen?
Awesome! 9 movies that are better than the original, how many have you seen?

9. "The Reader"

Starring: Kate Winslet / David Klaus / Ralph Fiennes / Janet Hein / Suzanne Lothar.

Awesome! 9 movies that are better than the original, how many have you seen?
Awesome! 9 movies that are better than the original, how many have you seen?

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