
They are called stupid bald and ugly grandsons, but they are famous eight monsters of the sky bridge, each with special skills

In the Spring Festival, people should miss the bustle of the Old Beijing New Year, of which the overpass juggling is indispensable. Talking about the sky bridge must talk about the "eight monsters" of the sky bridge, which is familiar to many people of the older generation. A while ago, I went to the Xuannan Culture Museum, saw a group of eight monster sculptures, photographed for everyone to see, this New Year is also lively and lively. The above picture is called "often fool". The common fool has a unique job, which is to smash a stone with his fingers.

They are called stupid bald and ugly grandsons, but they are famous eight monsters of the sky bridge, each with special skills

The upper picture is called "Big Soldier Yellow". Zhang Xun, a former soldier who was a braided marshal, sold medicine candy in the overpass and solicited business in the form of scolding the street, because most of his scolding involved the people's livelihood whiplash and was quite popular.

They are called stupid bald and ugly grandsons, but they are famous eight monsters of the sky bridge, each with special skills

The upper picture is called "flying in a small cloud". The eldest son of Lao YunLifei, who inherited his father's business to perform burlesque, was said to have the unique ability to stuff ear shells into the ears and eyes and lick his nose with his tongue, so he became famous on the flyover.

They are called stupid bald and ugly grandsons, but they are famous eight monsters of the sky bridge, each with special skills

The upper picture is called "pot bald". Bon Bald is the artist's nickname, and his real name and surname are no longer available. It was only because he knocked on the tile basin and sang small songs on the overpass, plus his bald head, so everyone called him a pot bald. The pot bald man himself has two obvious physical characteristics, one is baldness, only the sideburns have some hair. The second is to turn and turn when walking, just like the iron abduction Li in "Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea".

They are called stupid bald and ugly grandsons, but they are famous eight monsters of the sky bridge, each with special skills

The upper picture is cross-talk actor Jiao Dehai. Jiao is a disciple of "poor and not afraid". "Poor and not afraid" real name Zhu Shaowen, is the first generation of Tianqiao "eight monsters" (the eight monsters are also divided into several generations). Zhu Shaowen first sang Peking Opera flower face, pretended to be innovative and suffered jealousy, so he changed his profession to say cross-talk, named "poor is not afraid", which means that although he is poor, he has the backbone of being a person and is not afraid of anyone and things.

They are called stupid bald and ugly grandsons, but they are famous eight monsters of the sky bridge, each with special skills

The upper one is "rubbing oil". He is a soap seller, as long as he sees oil stains on the clothes of passers-by, he takes the initiative to wash them with his own soap, rubbing the oil for free, in order to sell his soap.

They are called stupid bald and ugly grandsons, but they are famous eight monsters of the sky bridge, each with special skills

The upper picture is "Dog Bear Cheng", also called "Cheng Fool", real name is Cheng Fuxian, is a native of Wuqiao, Hebei Province, the hometown of acrobatics, he always plays the dog bear first and then tops the bowl when performing on the overpass.

They are called stupid bald and ugly grandsons, but they are famous eight monsters of the sky bridge, each with special skills

There is also a folk artist called "Racing Live Donkey", which is a folk artist dressed as a donkey, famous for his performance like a live donkey.

As mentioned above, the "Eight Monsters" have different versions because they are divided into several generations. For example, there are Zhao Lame Zi, Han Mazi, Ugly Grandson, Nose Buzzer, etc., in short, they are all skilled, skilled, or strange-looking, strange words and deeds, are the creators of the low-level culture of the old society, and of course, the needs of the livelihood of the old times.

They are called stupid bald and ugly grandsons, but they are famous eight monsters of the sky bridge, each with special skills