
In her dusty memory, those hands had always been wandering on her

author:Dandelions that fly with the wind

She curled up, her furrowed brow and sweaty forehead showing that she was not sleeping soundly.

In the haze of consciousness she felt something fall gently on her hair, and it caressed her hair gently, as if admiring a treasure. After a while, it wandered down her hair to her shoulders and neck, lingering reluctantly and then straight down. It was as nimble as a snake, scurrying up and down her body. It slowly slid over her tender skin, provoking goosebumps everywhere it went. She felt a chill all over her body and her body trembled slightly.

It grasped her slender neck, which seemed to break with a little force, and whispered in her ear, "You have to be a good child, you are a good child."

The smoke and bad breath mixed with this hot breath made her sick and sick, and she struggled to break the shackles around her neck with her hands, but it seemed to be provoked by her resistance, and it increased the force little by little. She felt more and more difficult to breathe..........

In her dusty memory, those hands had always been wandering on her

She opened her eyes suddenly, gasped hard, reached out and touched her neck, it was this dream again... She's been having this same nightmare for half a month in a row... Ever since the man reappeared in front of her...

Half a month ago

She pushed open the door as usual, but she was not greeted by an empty room, but by a group of people sitting around the table pushing cups and changing cups, and the atmosphere of laughter and laughter was warm. Dad beckoned her over, "I guess you don't know your uncle anymore, after all, we've been moving out of the old community for years."

"Hello uncles"

"It's really a female eldest eighteen changes, the little radish head has grown so tall"

She inadvertently suddenly saw a person, her heart was like a hammer silently slamming, her breathing was stagnant, and her hands holding the bag trembled slightly. She quickly returned to her room with a shiver and locked the door. That person..... That person..... Why is he here? The kind and easy-going smile was still the same, but in her eyes it was just a mask to hide his hypocrisy, disgusting and despicable smile. She sat weakly down the door, feeling her throat dry, as if choked by something, feeling like she was about to suffocate, and almost out of breath.

The lights outside the door are bright and laughter, the inside of the door is dark and silent, obviously only separated by a door, but it seems to be two worlds....

At the age of eight, she saw the man at home for the first time, a friend of her father's who had become acquainted with him because he lived in the same neighborhood. He showed a clear preference from the first time he met her, and everyone thought that maybe he liked his daughter so much because he had 2 sons. He often came to visit the door, and every time he came, he would always bring her some fruit snacks or the like, and even occasionally quietly stuffed her pocket money. Usually treating her kindly and patiently, she naturally liked this uncle. He always liked to touch her head, pinch her cheeks, and sometimes hug her when he was happy. All the movements happened in front of everyone, and he was so natural that she thought it was all appropriate.

It was a hot afternoon, her parents were not at work, and she and her friends were playing in the doorway of the building. She didn't notice when he appeared, but she was happy when he called her over. He led her to the corner of the deserted staircase, took a lollipop from his pocket, and helped her tear off the plastic wrapping paper outside, and she took it and ate it happily.

Just as she was eating happily, suddenly he hugged her from behind, because he usually hugged her, so she was not surprised, just intently licking the lollipop in his hand. He hugged like this for a moment, and just when she thought he should let go, his hand around her waist slowly probed into the bottom of her skirt.

She didn't understand what his move meant, the feeling of pain and discomfort made her struggle, he let go of her, then he turned her around and turned her towards him, he put his index finger to his mouth and made a booing motion, although he was still laughing, but he didn't know why his eyes were a little fierce. She was so frightened that she just looked at him dumbfounded, and he stood up seemingly satisfied, touched her head, and said in an extremely gentle tone, "You are such a good child.". From that day on she never loved lollipops and skirts anymore........

Fear and ignorance sewed into her mouth, she did not mention it to anyone, but until before moving, when the person came back to visit the door, she subconsciously fled in fear...

At the age of 16, she met him again after eight years, and this encounter opened Pandora's box like a switch.

Although it had been a long time since that incident, every part of that incident had brought with it pain and despair of one kind or another, a non-stop burning in her memory, and they had been deeply nibbling at her, trapping her in a quagmire of trauma, unable to move, and the more she struggled, the deeper she fell.

Trapped in a nightmare from then on and unable to break free.....

In her dusty memory, those hands had always been wandering on her