
Good things always happen on the next turn, or this summer


Huangmei rained all night

Awakened the tiredness of summer

Cicadas and birds chirp softly in the shade

A wisp of wind that alarmed the distance

Roll over the thin pages of the four seasons

Good things always happen on the next turn, or this summer

Unconsciously, the day is getting longer, the night is getting shorter, and 2020 is quietly half gone.

Goodbye in June. Hello July!

Good things always happen on the next turn, or this summer

In the first half of the past year, there were also soldiers and horses, and they also couldn't sleep at night. Those who have lost and missed, we must remember to remember, but also to learn to be relieved, Zhang Ailing said: "There are two ways to forget old love, one is new joy, and the other is time." Bury regret in yesterday's soil, and tomorrow will surely blossom into gentle flowers.

Good things always happen on the next turn, or this summer

You see ~ the evening breeze is cool, the stars are twinkling, and the outside is open. Buy a bouquet of flowers when you're happy, eat a candy when you're tired, and the evening wind will take away all the unpleasantness. Look forward to it, the long-awaited good news will come with the good weather in July!

Being yourself is probably the hardest and easiest thing in the world.

From small cloth

After the outbreak began, time seemed to fly by. Fast forward to 2021 and halfway through.

In the first half of 2021, 3/1 of the time is in isolation, and 3/2 of the time is in self-healing. All ideas, people and things are forced to break down and reorganize. In addition to the work schedule, the most time is spent on self-correction. With a few different cognitions than before, like the young shoots growing in dry and dry land, it is a struggle, it is also a firmness, it is repression, and it is also a rebirth.

Good things always happen on the next turn, or this summer

01 No response is also a response

Beginning to understand that accepting that there is no response is also a kind of response. Not everyone in the world responds to everything as we think, and everything is clear. Some people just like to use avoidance to solve the problem, and since you can't change him, you can only accept it, or stay away.

02 "All things under the heavens come and go, and there is his time" - Sanmao

Everything is in order. All that happens is the best thing to do, all the arrangements are the best arrangements.

At the moment, you may not be able to understand, you can't see clearly, and then look back after a while, and then you know that everything has a reason for its existence and occurrence. We just have to go along.

03 "Deliberately looking for things, often can't be found"

This sentence is also said by Sanmao.

My own understanding is to "let go of self-grasping" in order to see clearly and be at ease. I know it's hard, but I can only try to do it.

Good things always happen on the next turn, or this summer

Flag for the second half of the👇 year

01 Learn to play the guitar well

I have always wanted to learn musical instruments, and although I participated in the guitar club for a year in high school, I have long forgotten about it for more than twenty years. Recently, I have picked up the guitar again, and I look forward to practicing in the second half of the year.

Good things always happen on the next turn, or this summer

02 Develop exercise habits

Yoga and dance are two currently under consideration. When the move is ready, it will be executed.

03 Learn to break away

I have always been a person with a heavy obsession and nostalgia for the past, and I have been in Shanghai for 14 years, and many belongings in my family have followed me all the way. Breaking away from this matter is a fantasy for me.

This time the move tried to discard many idle and unused items and give yourself a clean. Change the environment, but also change the mood, there is a feeling of starting again!

Good things always happen on the next turn, or this summer

04 Enjoy the slow time

In the past ten years, because of the working relationship, the pace of life has been quite tense. Until the outbreak of the epidemic and the world slowed down, I had a lot more time to talk to myself, and I understood that people, throughout their lives, the most important thing to learn is to get along with themselves.

05 Work as hard as you can

Next year will be in the industry for 20 years. I wanted to do something new for myself, but I couldn't think of it for a while.

The wind sign is very fateful. The market has changed too much, do not forget the original intention, adjust the pace with the change, probably the only thing we can do. Those deliberate eyeballs and sensationalism, I really can't do it. Being yourself is probably the hardest and easiest thing in the world. Share.

Good things always happen on the next turn, or this summer

I was young when I entered the industry

Where did it begin, the joy of the adult world became difficult to take.

From Shine

Soon, for the past six months, they would laugh and joke that there is no half-year ending in the adult world, only Q3 is about to start.

Maybe I'm not the first to bear the brunt of Q3, but looking at my family and friends around me, I can feel their cloudy mood ~ from where to start, the happiness in the adult world becomes difficult to take.

Good things always happen on the next turn, or this summer

Everyone's happiness comes from different sources and gets it differently, but what about your happiness? Are you always with you?

Through the first half of 2021, I always feel that I can summarize something, but I can't summarize it, think about it, treat everything very seriously, and I am very happy to live every day, be in good health, and everything goes smoothly. Overall, it should be a very lucky first half. So I got the joy, thank you, and thank you for working hard to live.

Good things always happen on the next turn, or this summer

And the second half of the year is expected... It's hard to imagine, after all, I'm the kind of person who always plans Plan A, but will go to Plan B. Hahahahahahaha

Okay, but I think we can still make everyone look forward to it a little bit ~ some "mysterious" plans are in progress, so let me keep it secret first~ ~ ~

Good things always happen on the next turn, or this summer

The pain after a breakup is a privilege that comes after a sincere effort.

from William

Time really flies, and in the blink of an eye, this year is halfway through!

How about your first half?! Everyone has experienced the Lunar New Year, 2 water retrogrades, 618... everyone has a somewhat different story.

And my first half was too "deep". Why use a word that doesn't tell the good or the bad? Because it's really profound...

Good things always happen on the next turn, or this summer

2021 has just begun, and when everyone is preparing for the Lunar New Year, my grandfather quietly left me, and I had just returned to Taiwan to quarantine. Then, less than 2 months later, I thought that the relationship was stable and developing, suddenly proposed to break up, a person who had always loved deeply, and also ruthlessly left me, when I had just finished my birthday and was preparing to meet a new life. Fast forward 2 months have passed, but the accident always comes sooner than expected, just in the early morning of 6.18, my grandfather also left... I was a little overwhelmed at the moment, and I didn't have time to heal my emotions and adjust my mood, and I immediately struck a heavy blow.

Deeply feel, what does God want me to learn?

Good things always happen on the next turn, or this summer

In the past six months, I have experienced 3 partings, and I suddenly feel that other challenges in life are nothing in such a state. I keep telling myself that it will be fine, it will get better and better! But I seemed to have only secretly hidden the wound, and did not heal and comfort myself properly.

I am grateful to the people who accompanied me when I encountered these lows, but I was so strong that I did not soothe myself.

Good things always happen on the next turn, or this summer

I am very happy to have this topic that makes me face up to my vulnerability. The departure of loved ones is an unavoidable reality, and what they leave behind is repeated thoughts and memories.

As for love, it is called love when both parties regard each other as treasures; the pain after the breakup is a privilege enjoyed after sincere giving.

I finally understood that the free-spirited man didn't take advantage of it because he hadn't seriously enjoyed it in a relationship so much that he could easily let it go.

Since childhood, I have often heard a saying: to suffer losses is to take advantage. I didn't understand it before, but now I seem to understand the reasoning.

Good things always happen on the next turn, or this summer

The first half ended perfectly, with 2021 and the second half just around the corner.

I have some expectations for my own second half of 2021: to love myself first, which is an attitude that seems easy but is difficult to achieve. After you know how to love yourself, you are getting along with yourself, talking to yourself often, and when you are tired and doubting life, say to yourself: Come on, you are the best!

Enjoy the next 6 months, I believe it will be very exciting ~ Bless everyone, and wish yourself all the best!

✍️ Write at the end

In fact, in a person's life, there will always be many sudden changes, changes, or even many things, which you are powerless and powerless. But when we don't have any better options, living each day with peace of mind is within your reach and the most urgent thing.

First half, goodbye. In the second half of the year, hello! The new summer, everything, is a new beginning. May you: don't dwell, don't look back, don't miss the old, keep the enthusiasm in your heart, and look up to see the moon.

Good things always happen on the next turn, or this summer

Edited by Xiaoxiang

Small cloth studio

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