
Rugby lessons | live balls in kick-offs and discards?

Rugby lessons | live balls in kick-offs and discards?

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Will kick-offs and abandonments turn into live balls?

First of all, let's talk about the abandonment of kicks, in which cases will the ball be a live ball?

If there is a mistake after the kick-off line, the ball falls within the boundary, the abandoned kick of the abandoner is blocked, the abandoned kicker loses control of the ball and falls out, etc., the ball is a live ball even if it falls on the ground. Secondly, if the ball crosses the kick-off line and hits the body of the receiving party, as long as the ball is not out of bounds, it is a live ball.

If the ball hits the ground when the kick is abandoned, as long as it is not out of bounds or rolls into the end zone, the player who abandons the kicker can also grab the ball. But at this point, the ball is not a live ball, and the receiver will start a new attack where the discarded party gets the ball. If the ball goes into the end zone, it becomes a return. So we often see some flying saves in order to make the opponent's attack start as far as possible.

Tee shots are different. After the kick-off, as long as the ball exceeds 10 yards, or the ball is touched by the player on the receiving side, the ball becomes a live ball, and whoever grabs the ball is whoever grabs it. When the ball goes out of bounds or into the end zone, it's a dead ball.

However, there is one thing that is consistent between the kick-off and the kick-off. When the ball is flying in the air, if the receiving player makes a safe catch gesture and receives the ball smoothly, the kicking party can no longer grab the ball. Therefore, when gambling kicks, the kicker will let the ball touch the ground first, just to prevent the receiving party from receiving the ball safely.

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