
The 2nd China Tianjin International Micro Film Festival Best Animated Film Award-winning Film "Fantasy Boy"

author:Tianjin Micro Film Network

Boring life, worldly vision, life like a ruthless knife, changed our appearance. Once colorful childhood, it has withered in memory before it bloomed. The whimsy of a teenager, the conflict between the black and white world and the color dream, evokes your desire for color dreams.

The 2nd China Tianjin International Micro Film Festival Best Animated Film Award-winning Film "Fantasy Boy"
The 2nd China Tianjin International Micro Film Festival Best Animated Film Award-winning Film "Fantasy Boy"

The 2nd China • Tianjin International Micro Film Festival

Fantasy Boy won Best Animated Feature

The 2nd China •Tianjin International Micro Film Festival Best Animated Film Award-winning film "Fantasy Boy" shows a colorful and wonderful world in the eyes of a teenager. The film tells the story of an ordinary family boy who lives with his grandmother in a monochromatic world and embarks on a fantastic fantasy journey after riding a bicycle. The conflict between black and white and color, dream and reality shows the author's helplessness for adult reality and the desire to get rid of all this, showing the audience whimsical ideas at the same time, but also hoping to evoke people's memories of color dreams.

The 2nd China Tianjin International Micro Film Festival Best Animated Film Award-winning Film "Fantasy Boy"
The 2nd China Tianjin International Micro Film Festival Best Animated Film Award-winning Film "Fantasy Boy"

The jury evaluated the film: the film's anti-reality treatment, using concise composition and color contrast, vividly expressed the theme, innovative angles, and created amazing.

The 2nd China Tianjin International Micro Film Festival Best Animated Film Award-winning Film "Fantasy Boy"
The 2nd China Tianjin International Micro Film Festival Best Animated Film Award-winning Film "Fantasy Boy"

The 2nd China Tianjin International Micro Film Festival is guided by the State Internet Information Office, sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Tianjin Municipal Party Committee and the Tianjin Municipal Internet Information Office, and jointly organized by the Hexi District Committee and District Government, the Municipal Education Commission, the Youth League Municipal Committee, the Municipal Bureau of Culture and Broadcasting, the Tianjin Radio and Television Station, the Northern Film Group, the Tianjin Daily Newspaper, and the Tianjin Micro Film Industry Base. The event was launched on September 30, 2015 and closed on November 29, 2015, with a total of 3212 micro-film works, covering 23 countries and regions abroad and 25 provinces and cities in China. After an expert committee composed of a number of "Golden Rooster" and "Hundred Flowers" award judges, strict evaluation, through the selection, preliminary evaluation, re-evaluation, final evaluation and other links, a total of 52 works won awards.

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