
Talented teenager Yang Yinghao, won the strongest brain championship, crushing the Japanese "brain king" with strength 4:0

author:Ai Xiaobei parenting class

Text/Ai Xiaobei

Genius is having 1% inspiration plus 99% sweat. — Edison
Talented teenager Yang Yinghao, won the strongest brain championship, crushing the Japanese "brain king" with strength 4:0

Since the ancient heroes came out of the youth, many students are through continuous learning, continuous growth, in the long years, constantly improve their ability, in the future learning life will achieve good results.

Most students will run in the learning career, in the heavy academic continuous learning, not only in school learning but also after-school cram classes and other courses need students to continue to learn.

Talented teenager Yang Yinghao, won the strongest brain championship, crushing the Japanese "brain king" with strength 4:0

In the class, you will find that some students will have very good grades, the grades have been very stable, and if the students who are ranked well in the school will get the attention of many people and will become "good students in the eyes of others".

Such students will get a good score in the exam, then they will become a member of the elite school, for them to enter the 985 school is very easy, and even do not need to work too hard to get in.

Talented teenager Yang Yinghao, won the strongest brain championship, crushing the Japanese "brain king" with strength 4:0

The protagonist today is a 14-year-old middle school student, who independently signed up for jiangsu satellite TV's strongest brain burning bar, he achieved excellent results in the strongest brain, he used his own strength to defeat students from famous schools.

For a time, he became a celebrity on the Internet, got the attention of many people, and became a genius teenager who became famous in the world, he is Yang Yinghao, a talented teenager in China.

Talented teenager Yang Yinghao, won the strongest brain championship, crushing the Japanese "brain king" with strength 4:0

The strongest brain is the hottest program of Jiangsu Satellite TV, and the teenagers participating in these programs are all students from famous schools, and they all have quite high academic qualifications and abilities.

Most of them are master's and doctoral students, and one of these students is a 14-year-old middle school student, who has beaten many players through layers of selection and assessment.

Talented teenager Yang Yinghao, won the strongest brain championship, crushing the Japanese "brain king" with strength 4:0

He showed his mathematical talent in the show, possessing superhuman thinking logic and learning ability, which allowed him to achieve excellent results in competitions and multiple awards.

Among them, he showed his amazing talent when playing against the players. Use your strong memory to win the match with the players with a score of 22:0.

Talented teenager Yang Yinghao, won the strongest brain championship, crushing the Japanese "brain king" with strength 4:0

In the final round of the international tournament, Yang Yinghao appeared as the finale of the Chinese team and the international team, and he had to fight against Takuji Izawa from the University of Tokyo in Japan.

Japan's Takuji Izawa has the title of "strongest brain king" in Japan, and Yang Yunhao shouldered great pressure to calmly break through round after round innings in the game. He performed well in the competition, defeating the Japanese brain king 4:0 without giving the opponent a chance to reverse, and successfully won the championship.

Talented teenager Yang Yinghao, won the strongest brain championship, crushing the Japanese "brain king" with strength 4:0

This made the audience who were present cheer for him all the time, and his performance impressed everyone, so that he suddenly became a fire on the Internet and became a household name.

When the reporter interviewed him, he asked him about a good way to learn, and he said that he usually kept learning mathematics and thinking more about logical thinking ability. Exercise his reaction logic, and at the same time, he also said that you should not always memorize during your study, but find a learning method that suits you.

Talented teenager Yang Yinghao, won the strongest brain championship, crushing the Japanese "brain king" with strength 4:0

Through continuous efforts in the later stages, continuous learning, and perseverance to make yourself more excellent, so that you can make your future life better.

Yang Yinghao's parents focused on raising their children, and from an early age began to plan learning goals for him, and when he was three years old, his mother asked him to send him to a piano training class. In his fourth grade he received his Piano Grade 8 certificate.

Talented teenager Yang Yinghao, won the strongest brain championship, crushing the Japanese "brain king" with strength 4:0

In his later studies, he found that he had a very amazing talent in the field of mathematics, with a strong memory and logical thinking ability, so that he scored a perfect score in the mathematics test.

He also participated in competitions in the school, winning the Hua Luogeng Gold Cup Award, the first prize of the National Mathematics Invitational Competition and the first prize of the China Cup. Laying the foundation for his continuous success in the field of mathematics, he is usually very strict with himself, planning in advance during the holidays, and constantly learning.

Talented teenager Yang Yinghao, won the strongest brain championship, crushing the Japanese "brain king" with strength 4:0

In daily learning, constantly review and summarize knowledge, strictly implement the learning goals in accordance with the plan, so that you have a good learning habit, laying a foundation for future learning.

After that, he participated in Jiangsu Satellite TV's "The Strongest Brain Burning Bar Brain", and finally became the top 30 players in the country with excellent results and won the championship.

Talented teenager Yang Yinghao, won the strongest brain championship, crushing the Japanese "brain king" with strength 4:0

Summary: There are many talented people in the world, but as a student, there is only talent, and it is impossible without later efforts. As a student, you still have to set a goal, through long-term continuous learning, enrich yourself, make yourself more excellent, so that you can get the life you want.

It is gold, it will always shine, as long as students persevere and delve into knowledge, they will eventually break through themselves, and they will continue to shine in their own lives.

Talented teenager Yang Yinghao, won the strongest brain championship, crushing the Japanese "brain king" with strength 4:0

Today's topic: What do you think of Yang Junhao, who has the strongest brain title at the age of 14? Feel free to leave a comment in the comments section below.