
Three fools turn to war to plague Spain, a scam with only the heroine's IQ online

author:American Drama Recommendation Officer

In 2000, one of Guy Ritchie's masterpieces, Kidnapping and Robbery, was released, which depicts a group of criminals (and a dog) with different styles

The story of a battle for a diamond.

Three fools turn to war to plague Spain, a scam with only the heroine's IQ online

The film was remade into a TV series in 2017, starring "Ron" Rupert Grint, and "Chuck" Ed Westvik and Dogre Scott ("Fear of the Walking Dead") also starred in "Gossip Girl".

The TV version was changed to a model similar to "Ice Storm" - inheriting the spirit and main material of the original film, but the story setting is completely different.

This drama is slightly niche, the first season of Douban score 7.2, although not high, but this drama is very cute, with full of "black humor", is a relaxed mood and happy body and mind OF the TV series. Some netizens commented that "starting from this film, I like british black humor gangster films."

Three fools turn to war to plague Spain, a scam with only the heroine's IQ online

The first season of kidnapping and robbery

Director: Nicholas Layton

Writers: Alex de Lacoff

Starring: Rupert Grint / Dogre Scott / Ed Westvik / Luke Pasquarnillo

Genre: Comedy / Crime

Country/Region of Production: United States / United Kingdom

Language: English

Premiere: 2017-03-16 (USA)

Episodes: 10

Episode length: 50 minutes

Inspired by the real gold thieves in London, "Kidnapping and Robbery" tells the story of a group of twenty-something, fledgling crooks who stumble upon a truckload of gold and are involved in a dangerous worldwide sex crime case.

These yellow-haired boys must quickly learn to lead London's "underworld", and in the course of this dangerous process, they will be attacked by rogue cops, gypsy thugs, internationally wanted thugs, and local villains.

Three fools turn to war to plague Spain, a scam with only the heroine's IQ online

Albert, one of the male protagonists of the play, is single, only child, and has no fixed job. When Albert was ten years old, Vic was caught robbing a bank, and just before Vic was caught, he told Albert that kidnapping and robbing came faster than anything else, but there was a secret, that is, not to be discovered by others, otherwise there was no way out.

More than a decade later, Albert has grown into an adult, his father Wiki has been in prison, and his mother Lily has opened a flower shop to make ends meet. Albert had two particularly good buddies, Charlie and Boxer Billy.

Three fools turn to war to plague Spain, a scam with only the heroine's IQ online

The male protagonist, Charlie Cavendish (Rupert Grint), is a "vibrant, chaotic, very fashionable" guy who follows Albert and often helps out.

Three fools turn to war to plague Spain, a scam with only the heroine's IQ online

Boxer Billy and heroine Lottie (putting the pictures of the two together are of course because they are a good match), Billy is an illegitimate son, his father was killed by his people on the day of birth, and his mother was a punk singer before.

Lotty was the girlfriend of sonny, the nightclub king, and half of the customers from the nightclub were recruited by Lottie, but Sonny not only did not care for her, but also owed her several months of wages, and she wanted to leave Sonny to seek her own life.

Just then, Lotty meets Albert, Charlie, and Billy.

During a boxing match, Albert spends all his money pushing Billy to win (Billy also has the strength to win), but Sonny buys the referee and Billy loses. Albert not only didn't win money, they lost their old roots.

Loty found the three of them after the race, and Lottie told them she wanted to leave Sonny, and explained that the next day Sonny would leave with money in a car with hundreds of thousands of dollars on it.

Three fools turn to war to plague Spain, a scam with only the heroine's IQ online

In this way, the "three fools" prepared everything and got the route of the cash truck, but just when the car arrived, two identical cars appeared on the road. Albert decided to choose one by luck, and when they hijacked the car, they found that there was a lot of gold on the car, but what they didn't expect was that someone recorded the whole process of their carjacking and posted it online.

They take the gold to a secret place, and then they know that the gold is not Sonny's, the police have begun to follow up on the case, they do not know how to deal with the gold, just when Albert is worried about it, his father Vic calls from prison...

Three fools turn to war to plague Spain, a scam with only the heroine's IQ online
Three fools turn to war to plague Spain, a scam with only the heroine's IQ online

In fact, Albert accidentally hit and robbed the gold by mistake, but Albert did not know, Nor did Gord.

Albert and Charlie go to see Gold together, and Gold asks them to go to the airport to help him get the Hammer family back because they have a large bag of diamonds on their bodies. They received the Hammer family, but the family was clearly mentally abnormal. Not only did they eat ecstasy in the car, but they also sang and danced in the car. The most frightening thing was that Charles actually joined them, and the Hammer family insisted on going to the nightclub.

Three fools turn to war to plague Spain, a scam with only the heroine's IQ online
Three fools turn to war to plague Spain, a scam with only the heroine's IQ online

Just as they were having a good time, a group of men with guns appeared and snatched the Diamond from the Hemmers. The Hammers threaten albert to take them to the airport, and when Gold learns what happened, he insults not only Albert, but also Vic. Gold threatened Albert to retrieve the diamond within forty-eight hours, or he would castrate him.

Three fools turn to war to plague Spain, a scam with only the heroine's IQ online

Sonny gives Lotty the salary she deserves and asks about the gold robbery. Lottie didn't tell Sonny anything, but Sonny clearly knew there was something to it.

Lottie returns to the nightclub in the evening, and she finds that Sonny has a lot of diamonds, and these diamonds belong to the Hammer family.

Three fools turn to war to plague Spain, a scam with only the heroine's IQ online
Three fools turn to war to plague Spain, a scam with only the heroine's IQ online

Gold thought that Albert had swallowed his diamond, and in a moment of anger revoked all of his father Vic's privileges in prison, Vic had a hard time, and the guards poured Sophistications into Vic that Vic hallucinated.

Albert, who can't grab a diamond, has to go to New York to sell some gold, and what difficulties will they encounter because of Charlie's sloppiness?

Policeman Bob has already guessed that Gold was robbed by Albert and his gang, smashed Lily's florist one night with his own men, and has been trying to trouble Lily ever since

Vic couldn't stay in jail any longer and decided to escape with his fellow inmates.

Charlie has always had a crush on Carlo, and at a party, he sees Albert and Carloy hugging each other and falling asleep. Although Carlo has no feelings for Albert, Charlie and Albert fall out.

What happens when Father Vic escapes from prison? Will Albert and Charlie reconcile? Can they get the diamonds back from Sonny? How will the gold event be resolved in the end?

Three fools turn to war to plague Spain, a scam with only the heroine's IQ online

Although this drama belongs to the crime comedy, and the IHS of the male protagonists in the play are occasionally not online, we can find that they are growing step by step, and we can find the beauty of people's hearts from it.

In the second season of "Kidnapping and Robbery", the "three fools" will turn to the scourge of Spain, and what new temptations are waiting for them, and how do they solve one problem after another?