
Top 10 friendliest cities in Europe! Two cities in Portugal make the list, recognized as a paradise for migration

author:U.S. immigration

Recently, the outbreak of Asian anti-discrimination activities in North America has attracted the attention of many netizens at home and abroad, and asian anti-discrimination protest rallies have been held in many places in the United States, and Asian-American groups have protested against some violent incidents that have occurred in Asian Americans through marches, and actively called for racial equality.

Top 10 friendliest cities in Europe! Two cities in Portugal make the list, recognized as a paradise for migration

Similar anti-discrimination marches have erupted in Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal and other cities.

Xiaomei observed that many overseas Chinese were also actively involved in anti-discrimination activities. Although the racial problem has a long history, it may not be possible to achieve an immediate effect for a while and a half, but I still hope that everyone's efforts will not be in vain and some of the violence that has occurred to Asians can be reduced.

Some investment clients have asked Xiaomei whether there is also racial discrimination in Europe.

The general answer is yes, but racial discrimination can not be generalized, there are more than forty countries in Europe, under the jurisdiction of Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Southern Europe, Northern Europe, Central Europe, racial issues are not a common phenomenon, there are still many friendly countries.

The internationally renowned magazine Condé Nast Traveler has selected the 10 friendliest cities in Europe:

Top 10 friendliest cities in Europe! Two cities in Portugal make the list, recognized as a paradise for migration

Galway, Ireland

Dublin, Ireland

Valletta, Malta

Porto, Portugal

Lisbon, Portugal

Bologna, Italy

Edinburgh, UK

Reykjavik, Iceland

Athens, Greece

Helsinki, Finland

From the list, we can see that Ireland and Portugal, two European countries, are undoubtedly the biggest winners, and there are two cities on the list. However, the first echelon of European countries such as Germany, France, and Russia in the traditional impression did not have cities in the shortlist.

For this ranking, Condé Nast Traveler magazine said, "When it comes to selecting the best cities in Europe, people usually judge them for their long history, intricate architecture, unparalleled artistic landscapes and amazing restaurants, but sometimes, what makes a place great is what its people are more important." ”

Top 10 friendliest cities in Europe! Two cities in Portugal make the list, recognized as a paradise for migration

This explanation is indeed very suitable for the theme of the selection, and if you want to know whether a country is friendly, the most important thing is to look at the performance of the local people.

In another highly watched "Best Cities in the World" ranking published by Condé Nast Traveler, Portugal's two major cities, Porto and Lisbon, are also among the top 10.

The 10 best international cities, voted by more than 600,000 people, are:

Top 10 friendliest cities in Europe! Two cities in Portugal make the list, recognized as a paradise for migration

Kyoto, Japan

Lyon, France


Sydney, Australia

Vienna, Austria

Tokyo, Japan

Copenhagen, Denmark

"Condé Nast Traveler" is a high-end travel magazine under the Condé Nast Group in the United States, the group spans six continents around the world, and its influence in the industry is very large, and the magazines we are familiar with, such as Vogue and GQ, belong to the Condé Nast Group.

Portugal's ability to stand out from the crowd of European countries shows that the country is recognized by many people. Portugal is recognized as a friendly European country.

Top 10 friendliest cities in Europe! Two cities in Portugal make the list, recognized as a paradise for migration

Located at the westernmost tip of the European continent, Portugal is an economically developed capitalist country with a fairly complete tourism industry, and is also a member of the European Union, portugal is also a member of the World Trade Organization, the United Nations and other international organizations.

Portugal has attracted many foreigners to invest, settle down and retire because of its pleasant climatic conditions throughout the year, comprehensive medical benefits, and inclusive foreign policies.

Top 10 friendliest cities in Europe! Two cities in Portugal make the list, recognized as a paradise for migration

Portugal has a well-established welfare system, with free public education, free public health care, maternity allowances, paid maternity leave, child benefits, paid annual leave, etc., and is a veritable high-welfare country.

Portugal is also one of the safest and most stable among many countries in Europe, with a gentle and hospitable personality, and in the 2019 Global Peace Index rankings, Portugal ranks third in the world, behind Iceland and New Zealand.

Top 10 friendliest cities in Europe! Two cities in Portugal make the list, recognized as a paradise for migration

Many immigrants to Portugal say it is very easy to integrate into local life.

The Chinese are currently one of the largest immigrant groups in Portugal, most of these immigrants operate Chinese restaurants and engage in the Chinese food industry in Portugal, and some Chinese investors have bought houses and rented out directly in Portugal and become international landlords.

Unlike some countries that reject Chinese culture, the Portuguese government has openly promoted Chinese, with regular Chinese courses in Portuguese schools, Chinese as compulsory in some cities, and Chinese courses in 21 public secondary schools in 2015, Chinese has gradually become popular in Portugal. In addition, the popularity of English in Portugal is higher than in European countries such as France, Italy, and Spain, and it is relatively easy for new immigrants to integrate into local life.

Top 10 friendliest cities in Europe! Two cities in Portugal make the list, recognized as a paradise for migration

Portugal is also a good choice for investors. Many Chinese companies have already invested in Portugal, such as the State Grid, Bank of China, Yangtze River Three Gorges Group, ZTE, Fosun International, Huawei, etc. have invested and built projects in Portugal.

Families with children who obtain immigration status can also enjoy quality education in Portugal.

In recent years, the number of Chinese students studying in Portugal has increased year by year, and the children of immigrant families can enjoy more international education resources from an early age.

Top 10 friendliest cities in Europe! Two cities in Portugal make the list, recognized as a paradise for migration

Portugal mostly adopts the IB and A-level courses of European and American education, and receives education from Portuguese international schools, which can be used as a golden springboard for connecting British and American higher education institutions.

While enjoying international educational resources, Portuguese tuition fees can also reduce the financial burden, equivalent to 1/2 or 1/3 of domestic high-end international schools or international schools such as the United Kingdom and the United States.

Compared with other European countries, the cost of living in Portugal is also relatively low, and the 2020 ranking released by human resources consulting agency Mercer shows that among the 209 largest cities in the world, the cost of living of Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, ranks 106th, while Hong Kong ranks first, and Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen and other first-tier cities rank 7th, 10th and 13th respectively.

Top 10 friendliest cities in Europe! Two cities in Portugal make the list, recognized as a paradise for migration

In contrast, the cost of living in Lisbon is simply not too affordable.

The average monthly salary in Portugal ranges from 1500 euros to 3000 euros, or even higher, and the salary depends mainly on work experience, job position, language ability and other factors.

For example, the monthly income of a family of three in Portugal is about 4,000 euros (husband and wife: 2,000 euros / month / person), while the living expenses are about 700 euros / month, and the same quality of life in domestic first-tier cities needs more than 10,000 yuan.

As long as there is a normal income every month, there is basically no pressure to live in Portugal, and everyone has more time and energy to enjoy life, it is no wonder that it has been rated as a livable country many times.

Top 10 friendliest cities in Europe! Two cities in Portugal make the list, recognized as a paradise for migration