
The passage of time, the change of day and night

The passage of time, the change of day and night

"Winter Snow..."" | text: Yang Dongyuan

"The passage of time, the change of day and night"


Looking around, the trees are white, the fields are white, the roofs are white, the fields and roads are indistinguishable, even the exhaled gas has become white fog, and this white world is like a white ocean, the undulating peaks, like the tip of the tide in the ocean. The dazzling snow light illuminated the heavens and the earth, like a crystal painting.

In the early morning, this small town surrounded by mountains on all sides, quiet and leisurely, there is no shouting and noise in the big city, the snow has flooded all the memories of the past, but it is still habitual to look for the Wushui River that runs through the middle of the town, the river surface is not yet frozen, and the river water of Kiyosawa is singing and singing, jumping and running into the distance. Add a beautiful landscape to this snowy ocean.

Stepping on the snow, the snow in Ziz's crying, really like a person's heartache, and then it is shattered to pieces, and the footprints of a sneak are deep, strung together into a road of life, moving forward for a long time, looking back and passing.

Holding a handful of snow, cold and cold, under the warmth of the palm of the hand, the long melting into invisible water, so that you can not see, can only use your heart to feel his presence. The aura of white beauty vanished. It's a pity. Just as we do bad things many times, we are not aware of it.


Another stack of snow, another stack of snow, another stack of snow... One more punch, one punch, one kick, one more kneading, and a silly snowman piled up.

Smirking at me, looking at this snowman, I can't help but think of the one who built the snowman with me in my childhood, I lived in a courtyard with him, he was five years older than me, every year when it snowed, we built snowmen together, he was every time he piled the snow into a beautiful girl, and I couldn't pile up the shape, I had to look at him stupidly, admire his masterpiece, my hands were frozen red, my fingers were much bigger than usual, my body was frozen and shivering, and he was tired and sweaty, he looked at me and shivered, still admiring the snowman he built. As he took off his coat and draped it over me, he said, "From now on, I will build snowmen for you all my life." "The snow is drifting, the wind is stopping, do you see him, he is also building that beautiful snow girl thousands of miles away."

At noon, the falling snow disappeared, and Yang Tai, who was hiding in the depths of the clouds, leaned out of his face and took a deep breath, stretching out his posture that was crippled by the harsh winter, and fighting the harsh winter with a strong will, just like people had to go through the darkness before dawn, looking forward to the dawn.

As the years pass, day and night alternate, the sun dissolves snow and ice with its heat, and heals the seeds that have been frostbitten with its warmth. Spring is resurrected, and the spring girl calmly sends away the cold of the remaining snow.

Image source network, invasion and deletion


Pen name: Yang Dongyuan, loves literature, likes fresh and bright and profound words. It advocates that words should not only have the color of language, but also show the color of the heart and the real world.

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