
Take stock of the top ten detectives in Chinese history

author:Deng Haichun

Text/Deng Haichun

Take stock of the top ten detectives in Chinese history

1. Huang Ba was a minister during the reign of Emperor Xuan of the Western Han Dynasty, known in history as the most lenient and harmonious detective, Huang Ba was familiar with grammar since childhood, brave and strategic, gentle in temperament and good at leadership, and legal in deliberation, Huang Ba was known for his leniency and was respected by the officials. After 3 years of arguing about the dispute over the child, he quickly judged who was the child's biological mother through his wisdom and insight.

Take stock of the top ten detectives in Chinese history

2. Di Renjie, the well-known sage detective. During the reign of Wu Zetian of the Tang Dynasty, Di Renjie was an upright man, jealous and hateful, upright and honest, not enforcing the law, and protecting the law with his own body. Deeply relied upon by Wu Zetian. Di Renjie judged the case like a god, and there were more than 17,000 people involved in the case, and there was not a single unjust, false or wrongly decided case.

Take stock of the top ten detectives in Chinese history

3. Xu Yougong, known as a judge detective, Xu Yougong was the most famous official in the Tang Dynasty who tried cases, who handled six or seven hundred major cases before and after, saved tens of thousands of people, and offended many powerful and traitorous ministers in handling cases, he was framed three times for capital crimes and pardoned three times, dismissed officials twice and went out of the mountains twice, Wu Zetian said that the emperor was afraid of the ministers' disobedience and rebellion, so he fabricated innocent crimes, but Xu Yougong had no fear of impartial law enforcement and saved hundreds of dozens of families.

Take stock of the top ten detectives in Chinese history

4. Kou Zhun, that is, the detective of the good phase, Kou Zhun entered the army as a member of the Jia Branch, and first appointed the Dali Temple To comment on the affairs of the temple, to the governor of the county and even to participate in the affairs of the governor and the tongping zhangshi. During his time in Kaifeng Province, Kou Zhun caught thieves and handled cases like gods, and he was known as "Kou Qingtian" for his fairness and honesty.

Take stock of the top ten detectives in Chinese history

5. The originator of forensics, Song Ci. In the specific examination of the body, that is, to diagnose the cause of death of the deceased, it is very technical, and it is difficult to diagnose the disease of the living to a certain extent. Not only must have good ideological character, but also must have a deep foundation in medicine, grasp a lot of scientific knowledge and methods, Chinese and foreign forensic circles generally believe that Song Ci in 1235 AD pioneered the "forensic identification", Song Ci is revered as the originator of the world forensic science. His book "Collection of Washed Grievances" is the world's earliest forensic monograph.

Take stock of the top ten detectives in Chinese history

6. Zhao Guanghan, revered as a detective of righteousness, served as an official in the late Han Zhao Emperor and the early Han Xuan Emperor, and he was praised by the people for his honesty and clarity, and his judgment of the law. Because he offended many of the rapists in the handling of the case, he was later framed by the traitors, so that he was eventually beheaded.

Take stock of the top ten detectives in Chinese history

7. Kuang Zhong, known as the Qingtian Detective, once served as the prefect of Suzhou, he was a Qing official respected by the people in the Ming Dynasty, and the people of Suzhou affectionately called him "Qingtian". The Kun opera "Fifteen Guan", which is well known to women and children, is a song that praises the situation clock.

Take stock of the top ten detectives in Chinese history

8. Hai Rui of the Ming Dynasty was a straight detective known for his honesty and integrity, and was once known as the Sea Beacon when he was a teenager. He has experienced the three dynasties of Jiajing, Longqing and Wanli, and has been upright and honest in his life, and has been praised by posterity as "Haiqingtian", "Nanbao Gong" and The Song Dynasty Bao Zheng.

Take stock of the top ten detectives in Chinese history

9. Yuan Keli was an upright detective, Yuan Keli was a righteous detective, Yuan Keli was a scholar of the seventeenth year of the Ming Dynasty, and his official position was Prince Shaobao of Shangshu of the Bingbu Department, and he was given the title of Prince Taibao of Guanglu Dafu. The founding dynasty was not a powerful magnate, dared to ask for the people's life, and was a famous clean official and military strategist in the late Ming Dynasty. The four emperors of Wanli, Taichang, Tianqi and Chongzhen were the ministers of the "Elders of the Four Dynasties" and the reward of the "Five Graces".

Take stock of the top ten detectives in Chinese history

10. The most incorruptible detective in history, Yu Chenlong, who was diligent and honest all his life, was good at discovering problems in details in terms of word litigation and prison breaks, often served private visits, and observed the people's feelings, and the people called him "Yu Qingtian".

(Copyright @ Writer Deng Haichun All, please contact me if you need to reprint.) Working Contacts, Engagements: [email protected])