
Men's Handball Super League: China's Chinese sports lightly won Guangdong Hao to win eight consecutive games

Men's Handball Super League: China's Chinese sports lightly won Guangdong Hao to win eight consecutive games

Courtesy of China Men's Handball Super League

Beijing, December 17 (Xinhua) -- The reporter learned from the organizers of the Chinese Men's Handball Super League that on December 17, the league (Hefei Division) entered the second match day, and the overall strength of the Chinese National Olympic Men's Handball Club won the Guangdong Men's Handball Club at 45:32.5, winning the league for eight consecutive times.

In this campaign, China's Chinese sports coach Zhu Xinchen continued to inspect the players for the purpose, the bottom line Zhao Wenxuan returned to the first after many rounds, and the "Anhui Twin Star" Rao Yuanyuan and Jin Yongfeng joined forces to play. Due to the first defeat to Tianjin, Guangdong coach Zhu Jie took the initiative to make adjustments to the starting lineup, and two young players under the age of 20, Dong Jiahui and Yang Jinlong, took the lead.

Before the game, the Chinese Sports Coaching Team constantly emphasized "don't slow down". After the game began, although Zhao Wenxuan took the lead in breaking the deadlock in the middle of the road, in the first 15 minutes, China Huati still did not play its own rhythm, but was seized by the Guangdong team several counterattack opportunities. It was not until Zhu Xinchen replaced the second set of lineups with Huang Peijie, Li Shuang and others as the core that China Huati began to widen the point difference. At half-time, China Huati led Guangdong 23.5:12.5.

Men's Handball Super League: China's Chinese sports lightly won Guangdong Hao to win eight consecutive games

The scene of the competition. Courtesy of China Men's Handball Super League

Yi Bian fought again, the two teams attacked and defended each other, although the Chinese Chinese sports have declined in terms of concentration and defensive intensity, but still firmly control the game situation in their own hands, and the final victory is also logical. It is worth mentioning that the Guangdong team has shown great tenacity throughout the game, and a group of young players dare to fight and dare to fight, for them, it can be described as a full harvest. In this match, Li Shuang, no. 18 of China Huati, and Zhou Zhongkun, no. 16 of Guangdong team, shared the best player award.

As the captain of China's Chinese sports, Li Shuang said in an interview: "At this stage, my goal is to try my best to help the team win every game. "Li Shuang's words are simple and firm." The players fought from the first minute to the last minute and I was very happy with everyone's performance. After the game, Guangdong coach Zhu Jie said with great satisfaction, "In the face of such a strong opponent as China's Chinese sports, we have learned a lot from them, which is very helpful for the growth of the team." ”

Men's Handball Super League: China's Chinese sports lightly won Guangdong Hao to win eight consecutive games

Lee was interviewed after the game. Courtesy of China Men's Handball Super League

In a previous game, Shandong Men's Handball Club and Tianjin Men's Handball Club took the lead, and finally Shandong won the Tianjin team 44:23.5, and won the hefei division as desired. After experiencing ups and downs, Pacific Insurance Jiangsu Men's Handball Club finally beat the Beijing Sports Lottery Men's Handball Club at 30:24. (End)

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