
Christopher_Horoscope of December 18, 2021

Aries: Negotiations are not over until the last minute. Pay attention to the development of the situation. You can stage a coup at the last minute.

Taurus: The financial problems are not so terrible. Although you are not out of danger, at this time any clearing in the forest can be.

Gemini: Don't expect too much. People start to think you can do miracles, but it could turn your life into hell.

Cancer: This is the time to make recommendations. Its potential for success is self-evident and people will be happy to join.

Leo: Put a final touch on a proposal and send it out. If you want to succeed, timing is everything, you need to hit the iron while it's hot!

Virgo: If a business goes out of business, it might be better, but it looks like it's going to survive. Thankfully, you didn't shy away from complicated situations.

Libra: You find that the hero sees a little bit the same – which makes you breathe a sigh of relief because you start to wonder if you're alone.

Scorpio: You put too much effort into things that "feel" safe. Do the math and you'll discover what really keeps you safe.

Sagittarius: You have a chance to make up for past mistakes. Not only will you settle outstanding karmic debts, but your personal capital will also increase.

Capricorn: Both sides feel pain, so it is futile to wait for the other to come forward. You should be the first to make a conciliatory gesture.

Aquarius: A casual sentence will make you wonder if someone knows more. Don't worry. It's just a lucky guess.

Pisces: Things may be until the last minute, but the support is there when you need it. Pursue your goals with faith and confidence.

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