
Why can an alcohol analyzer tell if a person has ever drunk alcohol?


How can an alcohol analyzer tell if a person has drunk alcohol?

Ethanol is the main component of wine, ethanol has an important chemical property, that is, it can be oxidized by oxidizing substances. The alcohol analyzer used by traffic police contains a sensitive material, a gas-sensitive resistor, which is a highly active metal-oxidized semiconductor.

When the concentration of reducing gas alcohol increases, a redox reaction occurs between the two, which reduces the resistance value of the gas-sensitive resistor, causing changes in current and voltage in the circuit, and then the alcohol concentration can be reflected through the change in resistance.

Why can an alcohol analyzer tell if a person has ever drunk alcohol?

Specifically, the alcohol content in the exhaled gas has a certain proportional relationship with the alcohol content in the blood, and the alcohol content of different concentrations will cause the sensor to produce voltage signals of different intensities, and finally the signal is amplified by the light emitting diode in the circuit, the higher the alcohol gas concentration, the more the number of light-emitting diodes connected to the connection, the brighter; The lower the gas concentration, the fewer the number of LEDs turned on, the darker it became. If a certain standard value is exceeded, the buzzer on the alcohol analyzer makes a sound.

If excessive alcohol intake, too late to metabolize, alcohol will have an inhibitory effect on the central nervous system, there may be circulatory system, respiratory system, digestive system dysfunction, serious times often need to be sent to the hospital.

Why can an alcohol analyzer tell if a person has ever drunk alcohol?

How can I effectively detoxify it?

In fact, the more feasible way is to drink plenty of water. In addition, there are more convenient ways to control, and it is more common to eat some food before and during drinking. If you drink alcohol on an empty stomach, the absorption efficiency of alcohol will be greatly increased, but if it is combined with food, it can slightly reduce the absorption of alcohol.

In addition, in order to cope with the groggy state, some people will try to drink tea, but this practice is not good. Although the tea polyphenols in tea have a certain hepatoprotective effect, the theophylline in strong tea can cause blood vessels to constrict, blood pressure to rise, and at the same time aggravate dehydration.

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This article is scientifically checked by Mou Dan, a first-level teacher at the middle school of the Experimental School Affiliated to the Haidian District Teachers' Training School in Beijing.

Why can an alcohol analyzer tell if a person has ever drunk alcohol?

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