
Zodiac bull, belongs to the year of good luck and bad luck of cattle people

Zodiac bull people have a loyal and honest personality, sometimes they are more arrogant and arrogant, and they are always blindly confident. Sometimes I have low self-esteem and am afraid that I am inferior to others. Let's take a look at what are the good luck and bad luck years for a subordinate cattleman.

Zodiac bull, belongs to the year of good luck and bad luck of cattle people

The year of good luck and bad luck of the cattle people, the year of the luck and bad luck of the cattle person

First, it is a good luck year for cattle

1. The cattle people are in the Year of the Rat, the fortune is exuberant, and everything is smooth. Although there are emerging diseases, there is no medicine to heal itself, every time the murder is auspicious, there are yin people blocking in the year, there are small twists and turns, this is like retreating into attack, after a month, the obstacle is self-dissipating.

2. In the year of the snake, cattle people often have a strong source of wealth and a smooth career. However, people born in a single month are often not blessed. People born in bi-months should also take advantage of the timing, this year's tongue is not common, mostly for making friends carelessly, there is a difficult to distinguish, it is difficult to cry.

3. Cattle people encounter the Year of the Dog with the lunar calendar of September every year, easy to be sad, exhausted, and have many obstacles to fortune, so careful cultivation and avoidance of investment is the best choice. The cattle people in the year of the dog have a smooth career, when the opportunity is widely sought; the wealth is not gathered, facing the peach blossom, but the year is more auspicious and less fierce, and it is still called happy. Throughout the year, you should be careful, and you can choose to invest in entrepreneurship when the conditions improve, but do not be lustful, otherwise you will self-destruct your future.

Second, it is a bad luck year for cattle

1. When a cattle person encounters the Year of the Horse and the june of the lunar calendar every year, the fortunes are mostly turbulent and unstable, and more attention needs to be paid to in terms of investment and financial management.

2. In the year of the sheep, the cattle people have more than one year to break the treasury, and when they rise up to strengthen themselves, they are informal, and the heart of harming people must not be there, and the heart of preventing people must not be without. The opening of the year is unfavorable, the obstacles of the years are gradually bright, and the end of the year is lucky, and it is advisable to invest in profits.

3. Cattle people encounter the Year of the Horse and the May of the lunar calendar every year, and are prone to committing villains and provoking right and wrong. Therefore, these years and months belong to cattle people must pay attention to interpersonal relationships in their work, and try to avoid verbal disputes. The cattle people appear in the year of the horse, and when they recruit evil diseases, they break the wealth and substitute medicine, and have no complaints or regrets. At the end of the year, there are noble people to help, smooth sailing, lost and regained, and laughter is always open.

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