
Tactical Strategy| The second phase of the Park Attack: the offensive route is well chosen, and the opponent's box is collected early

The last issue of the paradise attack was explained to the wild friends

Lucky viewers in the comments section left a message saying:

Therefore, this issue of Destiny Sister will be brought to you

Racecourse Town - three storeys as well

Art Container - Service Center Attack Tactics ~

Racecourse Town - three floors

There is no indoor staircase connection between the first and second floors of the building

The deserters need to reach the second floor via a perimeter staircase

Remember not to rush indoors when you go upstairs

You can first observe from the perspective of the door side card

Judge the approximate location and number of people of the other party

Then develop a suitable offensive route

Tactical Strategy| The second phase of the Park Attack: the offensive route is well chosen, and the opponent's box is collected early

(Due to image size limitations, this image quality does not represent the image quality of the game)

After a preliminary observation of the indoor situation

Destiny Sister chose to close the door as cover

Then quickly walked to the window of the front room

Suppress the people in the room

Our unusual offensive route

Can hit the opponent a surprise ~ ~

Tactical Strategy| The second phase of the Park Attack: the offensive route is well chosen, and the opponent's box is collected early

At this time, the other party will definitely separate the personnel

Go to this room to check the situation

We then returned through the doorway and entered the room

Reach the position behind your opponent again

It can be taken down by firing quickly

Leave no room for the other party to react

Tactical Strategy| The second phase of the Park Attack: the offensive route is well chosen, and the opponent's box is collected early

The wild friends before engaging in a firefight with their opponents in the attic

It is recommended to stop at the stairs for a short observation

Gas bombs were thrown at the rear of the bunker inside

Force the other party to move around and avoid, exposing the position

Tactical Strategy| The second phase of the Park Attack: the offensive route is well chosen, and the opponent's box is collected early

Under the interference of gas bombs, the other party is overwhelmed

It often turns like ants on a hot pot

We can easily eliminate it by taking a flight upstairs

This trick is called "catching turtles in an urn."

A whole squad was broken by us one by one

Tactical Strategy| The second phase of the Park Attack: the offensive route is well chosen, and the opponent's box is collected early

Art Container - Service Center

A service center located in the Art Container Area

It is a large three-storey building with multiple rooms

The rooms on the same floor are interconnected

It is recommended that the deserters before entering the second floor

Start by throwing a smoke bomb at the staircase

Block the sight of possible gun opponents

Tactical Strategy| The second phase of the Park Attack: the offensive route is well chosen, and the opponent's box is collected early

Due to the interconnected and larger rooms on the second floor

It is difficult to determine the location of the opponent in each room

Deserters rushing in may encounter an ambush

At this time, the cover of smoke can be used

Directly out of the eaves perimeter of the second floor

Clean the individual rooms from the window

Give the opponent in the room a risk~

Tactical Strategy| The second phase of the Park Attack: the offensive route is well chosen, and the opponent's box is collected early

When the opposing teammate is eager for revenge, the news comes

We could quickly run outside the balcony on the 3rd floor

Jump to the top of the balcony door with the help of a pile of debris to ambush

Take advantage of the unexpected position

The opponent only needs to chase out the roof platform

Will be eliminated by the gunfire above!

Tactical Strategy| The second phase of the Park Attack: the offensive route is well chosen, and the opponent's box is collected early

The above is all the content of this issue of the raiders

What other buildings do the Deserters want to break?

Welcome to leave a message in the comment area

Destiny Sister will choose some more buildings that everyone is interested in

We'll see you again in the next installment!

Star check

Tactical Strategy| The second phase of the Park Attack: the offensive route is well chosen, and the opponent's box is collected early

Points replenishment

Tactical Strategy| The second phase of the Park Attack: the offensive route is well chosen, and the opponent's box is collected early

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