
Li Yan wore a red dress to take pictures abroad, and the group photo in the C position was valued, and the temperament change was more obvious

Li Yan and Little Apple are the same age, and they are the most optimistic among the second generation of stars. Unlike Huang Lei's daughter Huang Duoduo, Little Apple and Li Yan often appear in the family's life interactions, and have become the second generation of star members who are most concerned by the media.

Li Yan wore a red dress to take pictures abroad, and the group photo in the C position was valued, and the temperament change was more obvious

As early as 2 months ago, Li Yan was sent abroad by her father Li Yapeng and Haiha Jinxi to study abroad, when she left, Li Yapeng personally gave her daughter luggage, and the luxury car drove to the airport to explain the matter of going abroad to her daughter Li Yan.

Li Yan wore a red dress to take pictures abroad, and the group photo in the C position was valued, and the temperament change was more obvious

Shortly after going abroad, Li Yan and her classmates posted foreign photos of studying in Switzerland. In the photo, Li Yan and her classmates met and took a group photo on the roof of the building, wearing student uniforms they were young and beautiful, Li Yan's temperament and changes were already obvious at that time.

On December 16, a classmate of Li Yan released a group photo of them together, and the temperament of Li Yan in the photo changed a lot.

Li Yan wore a red dress to take pictures abroad, and the group photo in the C position was valued, and the temperament change was more obvious

Li Yan wore a red dress to take pictures abroad, stood in the C position for a group photo to get attention, and the temperament change was more obvious!

This time, Li Yan appeared in a red one-piece dress, standing in the middle of the group of students, and then made a gesture of comparing her heart.

Looking closely at Li Yan's recent photos, she already has a long black hair, and then wearing a red dress is very camera-grabbing, and she feels fairy fluttering with her face taking pictures.

Li Yan wore a red dress to take pictures abroad, and the group photo in the C position was valued, and the temperament change was more obvious

Looking back at the group photo of her and her classmates last year, Li Yan was only 14 years old after all, and attending the birthday party of her classmates was still dressed as a little girl.

The picture above is Li Yan and a good girlfriend attending a birthday party together, the girl's state and temperament at that time was still very ladylike, and now the group photo in foreign countries has more sexiness of a small woman.

Li Yan wore a red dress to take pictures abroad, and the group photo in the C position was valued, and the temperament change was more obvious

Li Yan, wearing a red dress, stands at the front of the camera, and the position is also the best. Several other girlfriends accompanied her, standing in front of several male classmates with her, and these classmates were Asian faces, presumably from China.

Look closely at Li Yan's state, very feminine, the girl has grown up, and the personal charm is becoming more and more obvious, and the fashion fan is also very strong.

Li Yan wore a red dress to take pictures abroad, and the group photo in the C position was valued, and the temperament change was more obvious

As early as a month ago, Li Yan's classmates also sent photos of her on the streets of Switzerland, although Li Yan did not appear at that time, but her figure and temperament changes were obvious.

Li Yan wore a red dress to take pictures abroad, and the group photo in the C position was valued, and the temperament change was more obvious

Everyone has heard the sentence of the female 18 change, and this sentence is most appropriate to put on Li Yan's body. Nowadays, she is deeply concerned by everyone, after all, she is the baby daughter of Faye Wong and Li Yapeng, and I don't know if she will enter the entertainment industry in the future.

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