
The quota and conditions of chongqing foreign Chinese schools were announced, and 82 preparatory students were guaranteed this year

author:Xiao Xin said learning
The quota and conditions of chongqing foreign Chinese schools were announced, and 82 preparatory students were guaranteed this year

Chongqing Foreign Chinese School, as one of the thirteen schools in the country with 20% of high school students enjoying the guarantee qualification, today we will take a look at how these 20% of students are selected, and what are the conditions?

Selection criteria:

(1) You have been enrolled in the main school headquarters during the high school period and are enrolled in the school.

(2) The conduct assessment at the high school stage must be "excellent" every semester, and the high school stage must be rated as "three good students" or "excellent student cadres" at least once.

(3) Academic level examinations in 11 disciplines, such as Chinese, mathematics, foreign languages, physics, chemistry, biology, politics, history, geography, general technology and information technology, must all reach the passing level at one time, and there are no supplementary subjects.

(4) Athletic performance must be "passed" each semester.

(5) Meet the registration conditions for the college entrance examination stipulated by the Ministry of Education, and pass the physical examination.

The quota and conditions of chongqing foreign Chinese schools were announced, and 82 preparatory students were guaranteed this year

How grades are calculated:

Total score = 20% of the average score of the final examination in the first two semesters× of high school + 30% of the average score of the final examination of the first two semesters× of high school + 50% of the × of the selection examination score.

It can be seen that if you want to participate in the guarantee, each final exam is crucial.

2022 Guaranteed Student Quota:

Among the 82 preparatory students in the class of 2022, there are 45 physics preparatory students (40 physics English escort preparatory students, 2 physics French escort preparatory students, and 3 physics German guarantee preparatory students), and 37 history preparatory students (31 historical English guarantee preparatory students, 3 historical French guarantee preparatory students, and 3 historical German guarantee preparatory students).

The quota and conditions of chongqing foreign Chinese schools were announced, and 82 preparatory students were guaranteed this year


1. This year, the Ministry of Education has put forward a new policy for guaranteed students, in addition to language colleges and universities can accept some English guarantee students, other colleges and universities should strictly control the English major guarantee students, resulting in a significant decline in the number of guaranteed students in 2022.

In 2021, 161 people will be guaranteed by Chongqing Foreign Chinese School, and 145 people will be guaranteed in 2020, while there will be only 82 students in 2022, and the number of people reduced will be nearly a small half!

The quota and conditions of chongqing foreign Chinese schools were announced, and 82 preparatory students were guaranteed this year

2. After the school submits the list of guaranteed preparatory students to the Jiulongpo District Recruitment Office and the Chongqing Municipal Recruitment Office, any guaranteed preparatory student shall not give up the qualification of guaranteeing the preparatory student.

3. Guaranteed preparatory students shall not participate in the recommendation of overseas projects organized by the school.

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