
Boom 42+8+6! Thomas Jr. made his debut and shone all over the place, G League official: GOAT is back

On December 16, Beijing time, Thomas Jr. officially ushered in the NBA Development League debut, playing in 42 minutes, 30 shots, 16 of 30 shots, 14 points, 5 shots, 42 points, 6 baskets, 8 assists and 0 mistakes in the whole game; the little assassin crazy a battle to shine in the G League, inside and outside the crazy cut points, the famous smiling assassin for Thomas Jr. crazy call, Mei Ji directly called him still belongs to the NBA.

Boom 42+8+6! Thomas Jr. made his debut and shone all over the place, G League official: GOAT is back
Boom 42+8+6! Thomas Jr. made his debut and shone all over the place, G League official: GOAT is back

Thomas Jr. wore the No. 6 jersey in the development league, with 18 points, 5 assists and 4 rebounds in the first half, Thomas Jr. continued to slash points wildly in the second half, and finally shot down 42 points in the whole game, and the G League debut ignited the whole field; after the game, the NBA G League official tweeted praise: two words, he is back (goat expression, representing the best in GOAT history)

Boom 42+8+6! Thomas Jr. made his debut and shone all over the place, G League official: GOAT is back
Boom 42+8+6! Thomas Jr. made his debut and shone all over the place, G League official: GOAT is back
Boom 42+8+6! Thomas Jr. made his debut and shone all over the place, G League official: GOAT is back
Boom 42+8+6! Thomas Jr. made his debut and shone all over the place, G League official: GOAT is back

Smiling Assassin Isaiah Thomas commented on the Little Assassin's performance in the first half, tweeting: Let everyone know that he is Thomas Jr.; American journalist Duvalier Johnson tweeted: Isaiah Thomas debuted 42 points. He should be in the NBA, looking healthy, getting more and more like himself.

Thomas Jr. had played a career crazy performance in the NBA, but unfortunately the hip injury changed his career; this offseason, he had the opportunity to join the Lakers, the trial performance was outstanding, but after Rondo was bought out, the Lakers gave up Thomas Jr. and signed Rondo; in an amateur game, Thomas Jr. slashed 81 points, and cried after the game, no one wanted him.

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