
How do I start literature

author:Chicken nest for the soul

Imitating Lu Xun's "How Do I Start a Novel", I also wrote down some of my own mental journeys.

First of all, I am not afraid to say big words, some colleagues describe that I may be the most able to do literature in the Guangyan programmers, in other contexts, may think that programmers and literature "two do not stick" meaning, here of course will not be, some colleagues will also be curious, I sorted out some of their own experience in creation to share with you.

When I was four or five years old, my grandfather taught me to write my own name, which he also gave me.

I asked why I was calling it that name, and he replied, "Don't let the people fight, and the quality of knowledge has the sacrifice of the holy word."

I only understood the meaning of these two sentences when I grew up to be very large, and probably by the time I understood its meaning, I would have used idioms to describe others, such as when I would say that my grandfather was a "gentle and elegant" person, describe my grandmother as "amiable", describe my father as "not angry", and describe my mother as "candlelight".

It's beautiful, you can make a few numbers and make a character, scene, or thing clear.

Probably in junior high school, ancient historiography came to Emperor Xian of Han, when our teacher asked why we called him "Xian" Emperor, and most of the answers we got were that he was an incompetent emperor who dedicated Jiangshan to Cao Cao (Cao Pi), so he was called "Xian" Emperor.

At that time, I already fully understood that "dedication" obviously meant "knowledge and holiness", which was to describe people who had read many books, understood many great truths, and were wise. So in the end, I explained it to the teacher, saying that Emperor Xian of Han was a Ming Jun, but the ancestors did their sins and repaid him.

The history teacher affirmed my statement, explained to us in detail a whole set of ancient mantras, this is probably the second time I have appreciated the beauty of words, a person will do a lot of things in a lifetime, and when finally building a coffin, using one word is enough to summarize your life, more refined than the idiom.

There was another aftermath of this incident, that is, the Chinese teacher in the same office as the history teacher heard me answer the meaning of "dedication" and finally decided to help me enlighten my literary attainments. This enlightenment had a great impact on me, and the biggest regret I left was that I did not leave the contact information of the Chinese teacher, she moved her family to Guangdong after taking us this session, and now there is no contact.

At that time, my writing had a certain foundation, the language can be about eighty or ninety points up and down, composition, always written narrative atmosphere, because at that time in junior high school, most of the body color written was narrative, I especially like to use a word is "lightning can not cover the ear", because the number of words is relatively large, and the writing is atmospheric.

The teacher directly said that I was "poor in words", to read more books and accumulate more, I listened, if I describe an attitude of my study at that time, it is probably like the "Xiangling Learning Poetry" in the Dream of the Red Chamber.

The teacher gave me a set of "Han Changli Anthology", saying that she thought that to learn composition, you should go to find the works of famous artists to learn, the composition group in Chinese history is naturally "Tang and Song Dynasty Eight Greats", and Han Yu, as the head of the eight masters, all the works written can be described as "ancient articles", and then she also warned me that the text should not flow in form, it looks atmospheric, but the content is very empty, remember to be "sharp and introverted, hidden in the body".

I didn't finish the book until the summer vacation after I was admitted to high school, and then she asked me to make two poems to listen to, I didn't make it, and then a week later I made it again, and went to her house to read, "Qing Ben is still sad and reduced, why did I frown again last night."

These two sentences were too sharp and introverted, and she listened to the question, "Is Li Qingzhao also a person of the 'Eight Greats of the Tang and Song Dynasties'?" ”

I shook my head like a rattle, and then both of us laughed.

These two poems also have a postscript, that is, I gave myself the pen name of "Pity Qing", which also became the flower name I got when I worked at Ali, printed on my badge, and my QQ and WeChat nicknames have always used this, until the appearance of "Attack on Titan" later, it was changed to "Ackerman", which was visual sense (not !!!。

With a pen name, it is natural to think of showing off, when the high school will issue extracurricular reading books, I quickly read the four famous works, and then began to read the hundreds of families, began to write their understanding to some blackboard newspapers, hand-copied newspapers, class journals, every time I was very proud of the two words "pity Qing" signed.

At this time, I probably experienced the third wave of charm of literature, many of the characters in the works were described by the author as full of flesh and blood, lifelike, let me be very shocked, for example, as soon as I heard "Sprinkle Family", I knew that Lu Zhishen appeared, as soon as I heard "Bird Emperor", I thought of Li Kui, as soon as I heard "Stew rotten", I knew that it was Si Qi (the mane who welcomed the spring in the dream of the Red Chamber), Shi Xiangyun would call Jia Baoyu "Love Brother", Zhang Fei would call Lü Bu "Three Family Slaves", all of which were very interesting bridges. We once played a game with a few classmates, and turned the bridge sections of some Eastern and Western literary works to write, such as using the way of speaking in "Hamlet" to describe the "Three Heroes Battle Lü Bu" in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" - Zhang Fei drank Lü Bu and said: "The untouchables who have the noble surnames of the ancestors in the defilement, today is the day of judgment from which you cannot escape!" ("Three family slaves, eat me a spear!") ”)

Finally, when I talked about the reason for starting a novel, probably when I was in college, I re-read "Dream of the Red Chamber", and also joined a literary group to discuss, and when I read "Dream of the Red Chamber" for the second time, the deepest impression was the three words in the book - "meaning is difficult to be peaceful".

Life is indeed a combination of countless "yi nan ping", literary creation can bring you is that you can get rid of some difficult things in another parallel universe (now popular called "meta-universe"), as Jia Mu said, those men who write books are all poor and sour students, and they are not happy, and then the books are written as talented and beautiful, all nonsense.

I probably just want to be this kind of "nonsense" poor and sour student.